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Evriwan Tok Abaotem Hem

Evriwan Tok Abaotem Hem

Chapter 41

Evriwan Tok Abaotem Hem

NO LONGTAEM bihaen hem kaikai long haos bilong Simon, Jesus startim mek-tu preaching wakabaot long Galilee. Long first wakabaot bilong hem long datfela territory, olketa firstfela disaepol bilong hem go withim hem, Peter, Andrew, James, and John. But distaem 12-fela aposol, and samfela woman tu, they wakabaot withim hem. Samfela nao they Mary Magdalene, Susanna, and Joanna, wea hasband bilong hem wanfela bigman bilong King Herod.

Taem ministry bilong Jesus kamap moa big, planti pipol tok abaotem work wea hem duim. They tekem kam wanfela man wea garem demon, wea blind and no savvy toktok tu. Taem Jesus healim hem, and hem free from paoa bilong demon and hem savvy toktok and lukluk, olketa pipol sek tumas. They say: “Waswe, maet disfela man hem Son bilong David?”

Staka pipol tumas kam hipap raonem haos wea Jesus hem stap and hem and olketa disaepol kanduit for kaikai. Olketa wea ting maet hem nao datfela promis “Son bilong David” stap long there tu withim olketa scribe and Farisi wea kam from Jerusalem wea farawe for tok daonem hem. Taem olketa relative bilong Jesus herem nius abaotem raoa toktok wea kamap abaotem Jesus, they kam for tekem hem. Why nao olsem?

Well, olketa really brata bilong Jesus no believim yet way wea hem nao Son bilong God. Pablik raoa wea hem mekem kamap hem no fitim fasin bilong Jesus wea they savvy long Nazareth. Dastawe olketa ting say bigfela samting nao rong withim mind bilong Jesus. “Tingting bilong hem kranky nao,” they say, and they want for kasholem hem and tekem hem go.

But proof hem show aot klia hao Jesus hem healim datfela man wea garem demon. Olketa scribe and Farisi savvy they kanduit for denyim way wea diswan hem really happen. So for tok spoelem Jesus, olketa say long olketa pipol: “Disfela man no savvy raosem olketa demon sapos hem no duim thru long Beelzebub, ruler bilong olketa demon.”

From hem savvy long tingting bilong them, Jesus kolem kam olketa scribe and Farisi and say: “Evri kingdom wea divaed and againstim hemseleva bae finis evribit, and evri taon or haos wea divaed and againstim hemseleva bae no strong. Long sem way, sapos Satan raosem Satan, hem divaed and againstim hemseleva nao; sapos olsem, hao nao kingdom bilong hem bae strong?”

Diswan hem nambawan way for mekem pipol tingting! From olketa Farisi say pipol bilong them tu savvy raosem olketa demon, Jesus ask olsem: “Sapos mi raosem olketa demon thru long Beelzebub, thru long hu nao olketa son bilong iufela raosem olketa demon?” Hem meanim samting wea they talem for againstim Jesus fitim them tu. Then Jesus warnim them: “But sapos mi raosem olketa demon thru long spirit bilong God, kingdom bilong God hem lusim iufela nao.”

For show aot way wea hem raosem olketa demon meanim hem garem moa paoa winim Satan, Jesus say: “Hao nao anywan savvy go insaed long haos bilong wanfela strongfela man and tekem olketa samting bilong hem, sapos hem no taemap firstaem datfela strongfela man? And then hem bae stealim olketa samting insaed long haos. Man wea no stap long saed bilong mi hem againstim mi, and man wea no hipap withim mi hem olabaot.” Hem klia tumas hao olketa Farisi againstim Jesus, and diswan show aot they sekson wea Satan iusim. They mekem olketa Israelite ranawe from Jesus.

Dastawe, Jesus warnim disfela sekson hao “man wea tok spoelem spirit, God bae no forgivim hem.” Hem say moa: “Anywan wea talem toktok againstim Son bilong man, God bae forgivim hem; but anywan wea talem toktok againstim holy spirit, God bae no forgivim hem, no moa nao, no insaed disfela system or system wea bae kam bihaen.” Olketa scribe and Farisi duim sin wea God no savvy forgivim, wea they say Satan nao bihaenem mirakol wea holy spirit bilong God hem duim. Matthew 12:​22-32; Mark 3:​19-30; Luke 8:​1-3; John 7:5.

▪ Hao nao mek-tu wakabaot bilong Jesus long Galilee different from first wan?

▪ Why nao olketa relative bilong Jesus trae for kasholem hem?

▪ Hao nao olketa Farisi trae for tok spoelem olketa mirakol bilong Jesus, and hao nao Jesus showim aot they rong?

▪ Olketa Farisi guilty long wanem samting, any why nao olsem?