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Famili Laef Bilong Jesus Taem Hem Young

Famili Laef Bilong Jesus Taem Hem Young

Chapter 9

Famili Laef Bilong Jesus Taem Hem Young

TAEM Jesus hem grow ap long Nazareth, hem wanfela smallfela taon wea no important. Disfela ples hem stap long olketa hill bilong Galilee, wea no farawe from Jezreel Valley wea luk nice tumas.

Taem Jesus hem kasem samting olsem tu year old, and Joseph and Mary tekem hem kam from Egypt, luk olsem hem nomoa only pikinini bilong Mary. But no longtaem bihaen, James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas they born, and Mary and Joseph bornim samfela girl tu. Go-go, Jesus garem samting olsem sixfela youngfela brata and sista.

Jesus garem otherfela relative tu. Iumi savvy finis long kasin brata bilong hem John, wea stap farawe long Judea. But Salome, sista bilong Mary, hem stap klosap long Galilee. Salome hem waef bilong Zebedee, so tufela boy bilong them, James and John, they kasin brata bilong Jesus tu. Iumi no savvy sapos taem they grow ap, Jesus hem spendem planti taem withim tufela boy hia, but bihaen they kamap barava gud fren.

Joseph mas work hard for supportim bigfela famili bilong hem. Hem wanfela carpenter. Joseph hem luk aftarem Jesus olsem really son bilong hem, so they kolem Jesus “son bilong carpenter.” Joseph learnim Jesus for kamap wanfela carpenter tu, and hem learn gud. Dastawe bihaen pipol say olsem abaotem Jesus, “Dis wan nao carpenter.”

Worship bilong Jehovah God hem main samting long laef bilong famili bilong Joseph. For followim Law bilong God, Joseph and Mary givim spiritual instruction long olketa pikinini bilong them ‘taem they sidaon long haos bilong them, and taem they wakabaot long road and taem they lay daon and taem they get ap.’ Wanfela synagogue hem stap long Nazareth, and iumi sure Joseph hem tekem famili bilong hem for worship long there evritaem. But they kasem bigfela hapi taem they go long temple bilong Jehovah long Jerusalem. Matthew 13:​55, 56; 27:56; Mark 15:40; 6:3; Deuteronomy 6:​6-9.

▪ Jesus hem garem haomas youngfela brata and sista, and hu nao nem bilong samfela?

▪ Hu nao threefela kasin brata bilong Jesus wea planti pipol savvy long them?

▪ Wanem kaen work nao Jesus learnim, and why?

▪ Wanem important instruction nao Joseph givim for famili bilong hem?