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Feel Sorry Long Leprosy Man

Feel Sorry Long Leprosy Man

Chapter 25

Feel Sorry Long Leprosy Man

TAEM Jesus and fofela disaepol go long olketa taon long Galilee, nius abaotem olketa nambawan samting wea hem duim kasem evri ples. Disfela nius kasem wanfela taon wea wanfela leprosy man hem stap. Doctor Luke hem say man hia hem “fulap withim leprosy.” Sapos disfela no gud sik kasem man big, hem spoelem olketa part bilong body. So disfela leprosy man hem luk no gud tumas.

Taem Jesus kasem datfela taon, disfela leprosy man hem go long hem. Long Law bilong God, man wea garem leprosy mas singaot, “No klin, no klin!” for stopem otherfela pipol for no kam klosap long hem nogud they tu kasem datfela sik. Disfela leprosy man hem fall daon front long Jesus and askim hem: “Lord, sapos iu just wantim, iu savvy mekem mi klin.”

Disfela man garem bigfela faith long Jesus! But, sik hia mekem hem barava luk no gud! Wanem nao Jesus bae duim? Wanem nao bae iu duim? From hem feel sorry tumas long hem, Jesus touchim datfela man and say: “Mi wantim. Kamap klin.” And stret awe datfela leprosy finis from hem.

Waswe, iu wantim samwan wea garem fasin for feel sorry olsem for kamap king ovarem iu? Way wea Jesus deal withim disfela leprosy man mekem iumi sure hao insaed long Kingdom rul bilong hem, disfela Bible profesi bae fulfill: “Hem bae feel sorry for humble man and poor man, and hem bae sevem soul bilong olketa poor man.” Yes, Jesus bae duim samting wea heart bilong hem barava wantim, hem nao for helpem evriwan wea kasem problem.

Nomata taem hem no healim yet disfela leprosy man, olketa pipol interest tumas long ministry bilong Jesus. For fulfillim profesi bilong Isaiah, Jesus givim order long disfela man wea hem healim: “No talem any samting long anywan.” Then hem talem hem: “Go showim iuseleva long priest and offerim samting wea Moses markem for way wea iu kamap klin, for wanfela witness long them.”

But from disfela man hem hapi for gud hem kanduit for stap kwaet. So hem go and start for talemaot disfela nius long evri ples, and diswan mekem olketa pipol barava interest and hem hard for Jesus go insaed long any taon. So, Jesus stap long olketa ples wea no anywan stap, and pipol from evri ples they kam for listen long hem and hem healim olketa sik bilong them. Luke 5:​12-16; Mark 1: 40-45; Matthew 8:​2-4; Leviticus 13:45; 14:​10-13; Psalm 72:13; Isaiah 42:​1, 2.

▪ Wanem nao leprosy savvy duim long man, and wanem warning nao leprosy man mas talemaot?

▪ Hao nao wanfela leprosy man askim samting long Jesus, and wanem nao iumi savvy learnim from ansa bilong Jesus?

▪ Hao nao man wea kamap gud moa hem no obeyim Jesus, and wanem nao kamaot from diswan?