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Feel Sorry for Olketa wea Sik

Feel Sorry for Olketa wea Sik

Chapter 57

Feel Sorry for Olketa wea Sik

BIHAEN hem tok againstim olketa Farisi from they followim kastom wea fitim olketa seleva, Jesus and olketa disaepol lusim datfela ples. Maet iu remember, no longtaem go nomoa, taem hem trae for tekem them for rest lelebet, olketa pipol faendem them and they no rest nao. Distaem, hem and olketa disaepol go for Tyre and Sidon, farawe long north. Luk olsem diswan hem only wakabaot wea Jesus duim withim olketa disaepol wea go aotsaed long spearlaen bilong Israel.

Bihaen they faendem haos for stap, Jesus say hem no wantim anywan for savvy ples wea they stap. But, nomata long disfela ples wea farawe from Israel, samfela pipol savvy long hem. Wanfela Greek woman, wea born hia long Phoenicia bilong Syria, faendem hem and start for ask: “Showim mercy long mi, Lord, Son bilong David. Dota bilong mi garem wanfela demon.” But Jesus no talem any toktok for ansarem hem.

Go-go olketa disaepol say long Jesus: “Talem hem for go; from hem go ahed for singaot bihaenem iumi.” Taem hem talem why nao hem no listen long datfela woman, Jesus say: “Mi no kam for any otherfela pipol, but for olketa sheepsheep wea lus from haos bilong Israel.”

But, datfela woman nating givap. Hem kam long Jesus and bow daon front long hem. Hem ask moa, “Lord, helpem mi!”

Heart bilong Jesus mas feel sorry tumas long disfela woman! Nomata olsem, hem talem moa firstfela responsibility bilong hem, for helpem Israel, pipol bilong God. But long sem taem, for testim faith bilong datfela woman, Jesus talem tingting bilong olketa Jew abaotem pipol bilong otherfela nation, taem hem say: “Hem no stret for tekem bred bilong olketa pikinini and torowem long olketa smallfela dog.”

From sound bilong voice and lukluk long face bilong hem wea showim aot fasin for feel sorry, Jesus showim aot hem love-im olketa wea no Jew. Hem showim aot kaenfela fasin tu long way wea hem markem olketa Gentile olsem “olketa smallfela dog.” Winim way for feel no gud long tingting bilong olketa Jew wea Jesus talem, long humble way woman hem say: “Yes, Lord; but olketa smallfela dog savvy kaikaim olketa kaikai wea fall daon from tebol bilong masta bilong them.”

“O woman, faith bilong iu hem big tumas,” Jesus hem say. “Letem samting wea iu askim hem kamap tru.” And hem kamap tru! Taem hem go back long haos bilong hem, dota bilong hem wea lay daon long bed barava kamap gud finis.

From saed sea long Sidon, Jesus and olketa disaepol katkros go for hed bilong wata bilong Jordan River. They katkros long Jordan klosap long Sea Bilong Galilee and go long Decapolis long east saed. They klaemap wanfela maunten long there, but olketa pipol faendem them and bringim olketa wea cripple, blind, no savvy toktok, and planti wea garem otherfela kaen sik long Jesus. They tekem olketa kam long Jesus, and hem healim them. Olketa pipol sapraes taem they lukim olketa wea no savvy toktok they start for toktok, olketa wea cripple they wakabaot, and olketa wea blind they lukluk; and they praisim God bilong Israel.

Jesus hem interest long wanfela man wea earpass and no savvy toktok. Planti taem olketa wea earpass they feel shame taem they stap midlwan long planti pipol. Maet Jesus lukim hao datfela man hem fraet. So from hem feel sorry long hem, Jesus tekem man hia seleva. Taem tufela nomoa stap, Jesus mekem saen for showim samting wea hem bae duim for hem. Hem putim finger bilong hem insaed long ear bilong datfela man and, bihaen hem spit, hem touchim tongue bilong hem. Then Jesus luk go long heven, breathe big and say: “Kamap open.” Long sem taem, datfela man savvy herem samting, and hem savvy toktok gud nao.

Taem Jesus duim olketa mirakol hia, olketa pipol hapi tumas and say: “Hem duim evri samting long gudfela way. Hem mekem olketa wea earpass they herem samting and olketa wea no savvy toktok for toktok.” Matthew 15:​21-31; Mark 7:​24-37.

▪ Why nao Jesus no stret awe healim pikinini bilong datfela Greek woman?

▪ Bihaen, wea nao Jesus tekem go olketa disaepol bilong hem?

▪ Hao nao Jesus deal withim man wea earpass and no savvy toktok withim fasin for feel sorry?