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Finisim Ministry Long Temple

Finisim Ministry Long Temple

Chapter 110

Finisim Ministry Long Temple

JESUS hem kam long temple for lastfela taem. Yes, hem finisim nao pablik ministry bilong hem long earth, and threefela day nomoa stap bifor olketa samting wea bae lead go for kot and dae bilong hem. Distaem hem go ahed for tok daonem olketa scribe and Farisi.

Threefela taem moa hem say: “Iufela lukaot, olketa scribe and Farisi, olketa hypocrite!” Firstaem, hem talemaot trabel for olketa bikos they klinim “aotsaed bilong kap and bilong dish, but insaed they fulap long rabis and fasin wea ova tumas.” So hem givim disfela kaonsel: “Klinim firstaem insaed bilong kap and bilong dish, for mekem aotsaed bilong hem tu savvy kamap klin.”

Then hem talem moa trabel for olketa scribe and Farisi bikos they rotten long insaed but they trae for haedem diswan withim giaman holy fasin: “Iufela luk olsem olketa grave wea they paintim white,” hem say, “wea aotsaed hem luk nice tumas but insaed hem fulap withim bone bilong olketa man wea dae finis and evri kaen samting wea no klin.”

Yes, hypocrite fasin bilong them show aot long way wea they willing for buildim grave for olketa profet and for putim any kaen samting long them mekem pipol lukim samting wea they givim. But, Jesus say, they “son bilong olketa wea killim dae olketa profet.” Tru nao, anywan wea no fraet for talemaot hypocrite fasin bilong them hem stap long danger!

Then Jesus talem moa barava strongfela toktok wea daonem them. “Olketa snek, pikinini bilong poison snek,” hem say, “hao nao iufela savvy ranawe from judgment bilong Gehenna?” Gehenna nao valley wea olketa long Jerusalem iusim for torowem rabis. So Jesus say from they duim badfela samting, olketa scribe and Farisi bae finis evribit for olawe.

Taem hem tok abaotem olketa wea stand for hem, Jesus say: “Samfela long olketa bae iufela killim dae and nilam long post, and samfela long olketa bae iufela whipim insaed olketa synagogue bilong iufela and persecutim long olketa taon; mekem evri raeteous blood wea they kapsaetem long earth bae kam on top long iufela, from blood bilong Abel wea raeteous go kasem blood bilong Zechariah son bilong Barachiah [long Tu Chronicles nem bilong hem Jehoiada], wea iufela killim dae midl long temple and altar. Tru nao mi talem iufela, Evri samting hia bae kasem disfela genereson.”

From Zechariah tok strong long olketa bigman bilong Israel, “they mekem plan for againstim hem and sutim hem withim stone insaed long courtyard bilong haos bilong Jehovah from toktok wea king talem.” But, olsem Jesus talem profesi, Israel nao bae givim ansa for raeteous blood wea they kapsaetem. Diswan hem happen 37 year bihaen, long 70 C.E., taem army bilong Rome finisim evribit Jerusalem and winim wan million Jew they dae.

Taem Jesus tingim disfela no gud samting, hem feel sorry tumas. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” hem say moa, “planti taem nao mi laek for hipim ap tugeta olketa pikinini bilong iu, olsem way wea mami kokorako hipim ap olketa baby kokorako bilong hem under long wing bilong hem! But iufela pipol no wantim. Lukim! God hem lusim haos bilong iufela nao.”

Then Jesus say: “Iufela bae no savvy lukim mi moa go kasem taem wea iufela say, ‘Jehovah hem blessim man wea kam long nem bilong hem!’” Datfela day hem bae long presence bilong Kraest taem hem start for rul long Kingdom bilong hem long heven and pipol bae lukim hem withim eye bilong faith.

Then Jesus muv go long wanfela ples wea hem savvy lukim olketa contribution box long temple and lukim olketa pipol wea putim shilling insaed. Olketa richfela pipol putim planti shilling. But then wanfela poor widow woman hem kam and putim tufela smallfela shilling.

Jesus kolem kam olketa disaepol and say: “Tru nao mi talem iufela, disfela poor widow hem putim moa shilling winim evriwan wea putim shilling insaed long box.” Maet they ting hao nao diswan olsem. So Jesus meanim: “They putim extra samting wea they no needim, but hem, wea no garem any samting, hem putim evri samting wea hem garem, full living bilong hem.” Bihaen, Jesus lusim temple for lastfela taem.

From hem sapraes long way wea temple hem big for gud and luk nice tumas, wanfela disaepol say: “Teacher, lukim! olketa nambawan stone and building!” Yes, olketa stone hia they winim 35 feet long, and 15 feet wide, and winim 10 feet hae!

“Waswe, iufela lukim olketa nicefela building hia?” Jesus hem say. “No any stone bae stap on top long narafela stone and they no torowem go daon.”

Bihaen hem talem diswan, Jesus and olketa aposol katkros long Kidron Valley and klaem go ap long Maunten Bilong Olives. From datfela ples they savvy luk daon long datfela bigfela temple wea luk nice tumas. Matthew 23:​25–24:3; Mark 12:⁠41–13:3; Luke 21:​1-6; 2 Chronicles 24:​20-22.

▪ Wanem nao Jesus duim long last visit long temple?

▪ Hao nao hypocrite fasin bilong olketa scribe and Farisi show aot klia?

▪ Wanem nao “judgment bilong Gehenna” hem meanim?

▪ Why nao Jesus say datfela widow woman hem givim moa samting winim olketa rich pipol?