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Firstfela Mirakol Bilong Jesus

Firstfela Mirakol Bilong Jesus

Chapter 15

Firstfela Mirakol Bilong Jesus

HEM wan or tu day nomoa from taem wea Andrew, Peter, John, Philip, Nathanael, and maet James tu kamap firstfela disaepol bilong Jesus. Distaem olketa wakabaot go for Galilee, ples bilong them. They go for Cana, hom bilong Nathanael, wea stap long olketa hill wea no farawe from Nazareth, ples wea Jesus grow ap. They kasem invitation for go long wanfela wedding feast long Cana.

Mami bilong Jesus tu kam long datfela wedding. From hem fren bilong tufela wea bae marit, Mary hem help for servim olketa guest. So hem luksavvy hao they short long wanfela samting, and hem talem Jesus: “They no garem wine.”

Taem Mary askim Jesus for helpem them, Jesus hem hold back firstaem. “Why nao iu tok olsem long mi?” hem ask. Olsem King wea God appointim, famili and fren bilong hem kanduit for talem hem wanem for duim. So long wisefela way Mary leavim diswan long hand bilong son bilong hem, and say long olketa wea serve: “Any samting wea hem talem long iufela, iufela duim.”

Sixfela big clay botol they stap, each wan savvy garem winim ten gallon. Jesus talem olketa wea serve: “Fulimapem wata insaed long olketa botol hia.” And they barava fulimapem. Then Jesus say: “Tekem lelebet and givim for bigman long feast.”

Bigman long feast laekem tumas nice wine hia, but hem no savvy diswan kam from mirakol. So hem say long bridegroom: “Evri other man aotem gudfela wine firstaem, and taem pipol they drunk finis, they aotem wine wea no mas gud. But iu keepim disfela gudfela wine kam kasem distaem.”

Diswan nao firstfela mirakol bilong Jesus, and taem they lukim diswan, faith bilong olketa niufela disaepol bilong hem kamap moa strong. Bihaen, olketa disaepol withim mami and haf brata bilong hem they go long taon bilong Capernaum, klosap long Sea Bilong Galilee. John 2:​1-12.

▪ Wanem taem long ministry bilong Jesus nao wedding long Cana kamap?

▪ Why nao Jesus hem no agree withim samting wea mami bilong hem talem?

▪ Wanem mirakol nao Jesus duim, and hao nao diswan affectim pipol?