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From Pilate, Go Long Herod and Kam Back Moa

From Pilate, Go Long Herod and Kam Back Moa

Chapter 122

From Pilate, Go Long Herod and Kam Back Moa

NOMATA Jesus no trae for haedem from Pilate way wea hem wanfela king, hem talemaot hao Kingdom bilong hem no bringim any danger long Rome. “Kingdom bilong mi hem no part bilong disfela world,” Jesus hem say. “Sapos kingdom bilong mi hem part bilong disfela world, olketa wea stap withim mi savvy faet for no letem olketa Jew kasholem mi. But, kingdom bilong mi no kamaot from diswan.” So threefela taem Jesus hem say hem garem wanfela Kingdom, but diswan hem no long earth.

But Pilate askim hem moa: “So waswe, iu wanfela king?” Hem meanim, iu wanfela king nomata Kingdom bilong iu hem no part bilong disfela world?

Jesus showim aot long Pilate hao hem talem stretfela samting, taem hem say: “Iuseleva nao say mi wanfela king. For diswan nao mi born kam, and for diswan nao mi kam insaed long world, for mi mas witness abaotem truth. Evriwan wea stap long saed bilong truth hem listen long voice bilong mi.”

Tru nao, purpose bilong laef bilong Jesus long earth hem for witness abaotem “truth,” main samting nao truth abaotem Kingdom bilong hem. Jesus hem ready for faithful long datfela truth nomata sapos hem mas dae from diswan. Nomata Pilate ask: “Wanem nao truth?” hem no wait for Jesus ansarem diswan for hem. Hem herem inaf samting finis for givim judgment bilong hem.

Pilate hem go back long planti pipol wea wait aotsaed long haos bilong hem. Jesus hem stand ap saed long hem taem hem talem olketa chief priest and otherfela pipol withim them: “Mi no faendem any rong samting wea man hia hem duim.”

From they kros long samting wea hem decide-im, olketa pipol start for say: “Hem mekem pipol kros taem hem teach long evri ples long Judea, and start kam from Galilee kam kasem long hia tu.”

Kranky toktok bilong olketa Jew mas mekem Pilate sapraes. So taem olketa chief priest and older man they go ahed for singaot, Pilate tan go long Jesus and ask: “Waswe, iu no herem planti samting wea they talem againstim iu?” But Jesus no ansa. Way wea hem stap kwaet taem olketa pipol go ahed for talem any kaen samting abaotem hem, hem mekem Pilate ting hae long hem.

Taem hem herem Jesus hem from Galilee, Pilate lukim wanfela way for misstim responsibility bilong hem. Ruler bilong Galilee, Herod Antipas (son bilong Bigfela Herod), hem kam long Jerusalem for Passova, so Pilate sendem Jesus go long hem. No longtaem go nomoa, Herod Antipas hem givim order for they katem hed bilong John the Baptizer, and then Herod hem start for fraet taem hem herem olketa mirakol wea Jesus hem duim, from hem ting Jesus nao John wea laef back from dae.

So distaem Herod hem hapi tumas from hem bae lukim Jesus. Diswan hem no from hem worry abaotem samting wea bae kasem Jesus or from hem want for really savvy sapos olketa samting wea pipol talem abaotem hem they tru or no moa. But, hem want for lukim Jesus duim mirakol.

But, Jesus no laek for duim samting wea Herod want for lukim. Tru nao, taem Herod askim olketa kwestin long hem, hem nating talem any samting. From hem feel no gud long diswan, Herod and olketa soldia bilong hem they mek funny long Jesus. They mekem hem wearim braetfela kaleko and tok spoelem hem. Then they sendem hem go back long Pilate. From diswan, Herod and Pilate, wea they enemy bifor, they kamap gudfela fren.

Taem Jesus go back moa long hem, Pilate kolem tugeta olketa chief priest, olketa ruler bilong olketa Jew, and olketa pipol and say: “Iufela bringim disfela man long mi olsem man wea mekem pipol for againstim gavman, and lukim! mi askim hem front long iufela but mi no faendem any samting long disfela man wea fitim olketa samting wea iufela talem againstim hem. And Herod tu nating faendem any samting, from hem sendem hem kam back long mifela; and, lukim! hem no duim any samting wea mekem hem fit for dae. So mi bae panisim hem and then letem hem go free.”

So tufela taem nao Pilate hem talem way wea Jesus hem no guilty. Hem want for letem hem go free, from hem luksavvy hao olketa priest jealous nomoa dastawe they bringim hem. Taem Pilate hem go ahed for trae for letem Jesus go free, hem herem narafela samting wea barava muvim hem for duim diswan. Taem hem sidaon long judgment chair bilong hem, waef bilong hem sendem wanfela message long hem wea say: “No duim any samting long datfela raeteous man, from mi barava suffer tuday long wanfela dream [luk olsem diswan kam from God] bikos long hem.”

But, hao nao Pilate savvy letem go disfela man wea no guilty, olsem hem savvy hem mas duim? John 18:​36-38; Luke 23:​4-16; Matthew 27:​12-14, 18, 19; 14:​1, 2; Mark 15:​2-5.

▪ Hao nao Jesus ansarem kwestin abaotem kingship bilong hem?

▪ Wanem nao “truth” wea Jesus witness abaotem taem hem stap long earth?

▪ Wanem nao judgment wea Pilate givim, and wanem nao tingting bilong olketa pipol? Wanem nao Pilate duim long Jesus?

▪ Hu nao Herod Antipas? Why nao hem hapi tumas for lukim Jesus, and wanem nao hem duim long Jesus?

▪ Why nao Pilate hem wantim tumas for letem Jesus go free?