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Front Long Sanhedrin, Then Long Pilate

Front Long Sanhedrin, Then Long Pilate

Chapter 121

Front Long Sanhedrin, Then Long Pilate

NAET hem klosap for finis nao. Peter hem denyim Jesus threefela taem finis, and olketa member bilong Sanhedrin finis withim giaman kot bilong them and go nao. But, taem hem kamap morning long Friday, they meet moa long Sanhedrin hall. Plan bilong them hem for mekem hem luk olsem kot wea they duim long naet hem fitim law. Taem they bringim Jesus front long them, they say, olsem they duim long naet: “Sapos iu nao Kraest, talem mifela.”

“Nomata sapos mi talem long iufela, iufela bae no believim mi,” Jesus ansarem them. “And tu, sapos mi askim kwestin long iufela, iufela bae nating ansarem.” But, Jesus no fraet for talemaot hu nao hem taem hem say: “Start long distaem, Son bilong man bae sidaon long strongfela raet saed bilong God.”

“So waswe, iu nao Son bilong God?” evriwan long olketa want for savvy.

“Iufela seleva nao say mi hem,” Jesus hem ansa.

For olketa man hia wea want for killim hem dae, disfela ansa hem fitim nao. They say hem tok spoelem God. “Why nao iumi needim any witness moa?” olketa ask. “From iumi seleva herem diswan from mouth bilong hemseleva.” So they taemapem Jesus, and leadim hem go long governor bilong Rome, Pontius Pilate.

Judas, man wea givim go Jesus, hem lukim evri samting wea happen. Taem hem lukim they judge-im Jesus for dae, hem feel no gud tumas. So hem go long olketa chief priest and older man for givim back 30 silver shilling, and say: “Mi sin nao taem mi givim go raeteous blood.”

“Mifela no worry! Datwan saed bilong iu nao!” they say. So Judas hem torowem 30 silver shilling insaed temple and go and trae for hangim hemseleva. But, branch wea Judas taemap rope long hem, hem brek, and body bilong hem fall daon long olketa stone underneath and pisis evribit.

Olketa chief priest no savvy wanem nao for duim withim olketa silver shilling hia. “Hem no fitim law for putim insaed long holy contribution,” olketa say, “bikos diswan hem pei bilong blood.” So bihaen they story tugeta, they iusim disfela shilling for baem wanfela bury graon for buryim olketa stranger. Nem bilong ples hia hem “Field Bilong Blood.”

Hem still early morning taem they tekem Jesus go long haos bilong governor. But olketa Jew wea go withim hem they no want for go insaed bikos they say way for kampani withim olketa Gentile bae mekem them kamap dirty. So for fitim way bilong olketa, Pilate hem kam aotsaed. “Wanem rong samting nao iufela say disfela man hem duim?” hem askim them.

“Sapos man hia no duim any rong samting, mifela bae no tekem hem kam long iu,” they ansa.

From hem no want for join insaed diswan, Pilate say: “Iufela seleva nao tekem hem and judge-im hem followim law bilong iufela.”

Long way wea show aot they wantim hem for dae, olketa Jew say: “Hem no fitim law for mifela killim dae anywan.” Tru nao, sapos they killim dae Jesus long Festival Bilong Passova, diswan bae mekem planti pipol kros tumas, from planti they ting hae long Jesus. But sapos they savvy mekem olketa bilong Rome killim hem dae from saed bilong politik, bae hem mekem them free from diswan front long olketa pipol.

So distaem olketa leader bilong religion iusim different samting for againstim hem, but they no talem any samting abaotem kot wea they duim firstaem and wea they judge-im Jesus finis olsem man wea tok spoelem God. They accuse-im hem long threefela samting: “Mifela faendem disfela man hem trae for [1] spoelem nation bilong mifela and [2] stopem pipol for peim olketa tax long Caesar and [3] hem say hem nao Kraest, wanfela king.”

Disfela toktok wea they accuse-im Jesus for say hem wanfela king nao mekem Pilate tingting strong. So, hem go insaed long haos bilong hem, kolem Jesus for kam long hem, and askim hem: “Waswe, iu nao king bilong olketa Jew?” Or hem really meanim, waswe, iu brekem law from iu say iu wanfela king for againstim Caesar?

Jesus want for savvy sapos Pilate savvy long planti samting abaotem hem or no moa, so hem ask: “Waswe, iuseleva nao tok olsem, or otherfela pipol nao story long iu abaotem mi?”

Pilate hem show aot hem no savvy any samting abaotem hem and hem want for savvy long trufela samting. Hem say: “Waswe, mi wanfela Jew? Nation bilong iuseleva and olketa chief priest nao tekem iu kam long mi. Wanem nao iu duim?”

Jesus hem no trae for tanem story from datfela kwestin, wea hem abaotem kingship. Ansa wea Jesus givim hem mekem Pilate barava sapraes. Luke 22:​66–23:3; Matthew 27:​1-11; Mark 15:1; John 18:​28-35; Acts 1:​16-20.

▪ Sanhedrin plan for hipap moa long morning for wanem?

▪ Hao nao Judas hem dae, and wanem nao they duim withim 30 silver shilling?

▪ Winim way for themseleva killim hem dae, why nao olketa Jew wantim olketa bilong Rome for killim Jesus dae?

▪ Wanem nao olketa Jew accuse-im Jesus long hem?