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Givim Go Long Enemy and They Kasholem Hem

Givim Go Long Enemy and They Kasholem Hem

Chapter 118

Givim Go Long Enemy and They Kasholem Hem

HEM midl naet finis taem Judas leadim bigfela sekson bilong olketa soldia, chief priest, Farisi, and otherfela pipol moa go insaed long gaden bilong Gethsemane. Olketa priest agree for peim 30 silver shilling long Judas for hem givim Jesus long olketa.

Hem luk olsem Judas hem go stret long olketa chief priest bihaen hem go aot from Passova kaikai. So olketa priest hia kwiktaem hipim ap olketa police bilong them, withim samfela soldia tu. Maet Judas hem leadim them go firstaem long ples wea Jesus and olketa aposol bilong hem they celebrate-im Passova. But taem they lukim olketa go finis, disfela bigfela sekson wea karem olketa samting for faet and olketa lamp and torch they followim Judas go aot from Jerusalem and katkros go long Kidron Valley.

Taem Judas leadim evriwan go ap long Maunten Bilong Olives, hem savvy nao wea for faendem Jesus. Insaed long week wea go past finis, taem Jesus and olketa aposol they kam and go long Bethany and Jerusalem, planti taem they stop long gaden bilong Gethsemane for rest and story tugeta. But distaem, from hem dark underneath long olketa olive tree, hao nao olketa soldia bae luksavvy long Jesus? Maet they nating lukim hem bifor. So, Judas talem wanfela saen taem hem say: “Man wea mi kissim, hem nao dat wan; kasholem hem and tekem hem go.”

Judas leadim disfela bigfela sekson go long gaden, lukim Jesus and olketa aposol bilong hem, and go stret long hem. “Hello, Rabbi!” hem say and then hem kissim hem.

“Man, wanem nao iu kam for duim long hia?” Jesus say. Then hem ansarem kwestin bilong hemseleva olsem: “Judas, waswe, iu givim go Son bilong man withim wanfela kiss?” But inaf long disfela man! Jesus hem step go long laet bilong olketa torch and lamp and ask olsem: “Hu nao iufela lukaotem?”

“Jesus bilong Nazareth,” olketa say.

“Mi nao hem,” Jesus hem say and hem stand ap front long olketa evriwan and no fraet. From they sapraes for gud long way wea hem no fraet and from they no savvy wanem nao bae happen, olketa man hia they step back and fall daon long graon.

“Mi talem iufela finis mi nao hem,” Jesus hem go ahed for say. “So, sapos mi nao iufela lukaotem, letem olketa hia go free.” Taem they stap long room on top no longtaem go nomoa, Jesus talem Father bilong hem taem hem prea abaotem hao hem keepim olketa faithful aposol bilong hem and no anywan long them hem lus “but only son bilong way for finis evribit.” So, for fulfillim toktok bilong hem, hem askim them for letem go olketa follower bilong hem.

Taem olketa soldia stand ap moa, and start for taemap Jesus, olketa aposol meanim nao samting wea klosap for happen. “Lord, waswe, bae mifela faet withim sword?” they askim hem. Bifor Jesus hem ansa, Peter wea hem holem wanfela long tufela sword wea olketa aposol bringim, hem attackim Malchus, wanfela slave bilong hae priest. Sword bilong Peter hem misstim hed bilong disfela slave but hem katem aot raet saed ear bilong hem.

“Finis long hia nao,” Jesus hem say for stopem diswan. Then hem touchim ear bilong Malchus, and healim datfela kill. Then hem teachim wanfela important samting, taem hem komandim Peter: “Putim back sword bilong iu long ples bilong hem, from olketa wea iusim sword bae dae from sword. Or waswe, iu ting say mi no fit for askim Father bilong mi for givim kam staka thousand angel distaem?”

Jesus hem willing for olketa kasholem hem, from hem say: “Hao nao olketa Scripture bae kamap tru from evri samting mas happen long disfela way?” And hem say moa: “Disfela kap wea Father hem givim mi, waswe, bae mi no drinkim?” Hem agree evribit withim will bilong God for hem!

Then Jesus tok long sekson hia. “Waswe, iufela kam withim olketa sword and stik for kasholem mi olsem wanfela man for steal?” hem ask. “Evriday mi savvy sidaon long temple and teach, but iufela no kasholem mi. But evri samting hia happen mekem olketa scripture bilong olketa profet mas kamap tru.”

Then olketa soldia and bigman bilong army and olketa police bilong olketa Jew they holem Jesus and taemapem hem. Taem olketa aposol lukim diswan, they ranawe nao. But, wanfela youngfela man​—⁠maet hem disaepol Mark​—⁠hem stap withim datfela sekson. Maet hem stap long datfela haos wea Jesus celebrate-im Passova and bihaen hem followim datfela sekson. But distaem, they luksavvy long hem, and they trae for kasholem hem. But hem lusim kaleko bilong hem and ranawe. Matthew 26:​47-56; Mark 14:​43-52; Luke 22:​47-53; John 17:12; 18:​3-12.

▪ Why nao Judas hem savvy hem bae faendem Jesus long gaden bilong Gethsemane?

▪ Hao nao Jesus show aot hem worry long olketa aposol bilong hem?

▪ Wanem nao Peter duim for protectim Jesus, but wanem nao Jesus talem long Peter abaotem diswan?

▪ Hao nao Jesus showim aot hem agree evribit withim will bilong God for hem?

▪ Taem olketa aposol ranawe from Jesus, hu nao still stap withim hem, and wanem nao happen long hem?