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Givim Go for Olketa Tekem Hem Awe

Givim Go for Olketa Tekem Hem Awe

Chapter 124

Givim Go for Olketa Tekem Hem Awe

TAEM Pilate lukim kwaet fasin wea Jesus showim aot nomata olketa killim hem no gud, diswan muvim hem for trae moa for letem hem go free, but olketa chief priest they kamap moa kros. They nating want for letem any samting stopem no gud plan bilong them. So they singaot moa: “Nilam hem long post! Nilam hem long post!”

“Iufela seleva nao tekem hem and nilam hem long post,” Pilate hem say. (Nomata they talem different samting firstaem, olketa Jew maet garem paoa for killim dae badfela pipol wea brekem samfela bigfela law bilong religion.) So, for mek-faev taem, Pilate talemaot hao Jesus hem no guilty, and say: “Mi no faendem any rong samting long hem.”

Taem olketa Jew lukim hao samting wea they accuse-im long saed bilong politik hem fail, olketa start for accuse-im hem for say hem tok spoelem God, wea they iusim taem they kotem Jesus front long Sanhedrin. “Mifela garem wanfela law,” olketa say, “and for fitim law hem mas dae, from hem mekem hemseleva olsem son bilong God.”

Disfela samting wea they accuse-im long hem, hem niu samting long Pilate, and hem kamap moa fraet. Hem start for luksavvy Jesus no just any man nomoa, olsem dream bilong waef bilong hem and nambawan fasin and strong bilong Jesus showim aot. But waswe, hem “son bilong God”? Pilate savvy Jesus hem from Galilee. But waswe, hem stap bifor? Pilate tekem hem go back insaed haos moa, and askim hem: “Iu from wea?”

Jesus hem stap kwaet nomoa. Bifor, hem talem Pilate hao hem wanfela king, but Kingdom bilong hem no part bilong disfela world. No any samting wea hem talem distaem bae helpem hem moa. But, from hem no ansa, diswan mekem Pilate feel no gud, and hem tok kros long Jesus: “Waswe, iu no laek for tok long mi? Waswe, iu no savvy mi garem paoa for letem iu go free and mi garem paoa for nilam iu long post?”

“Iu bae no garem any paoa againstim mi sapos iu no kasem from on top,” Jesus hem ansa withim respect. Hem tok abaotem way wea God nao letem olketa man wea rul for luk aftarem olketa samting long earth. Jesus say moa: “Dastawe man wea givim mi long iu hem duim sin wea moa big.” Tru nao, hae priest Caiaphas and olketa no gud fren bilong hem and Judas Iscariot mas givim bigfela ansa winim Pilate for no gud samting wea they duim long Jesus.

From hem barava ting hae moa long Jesus and hem fraet hao Jesus maet kam from God, Pilate hem trae hard moa for letem Jesus go free. But olketa Jew tok strong long Pilate. Olketa talem moa sem samting wea they accuse-im long saed bilong politik, and iusim trik for mekem Pilate fraet: “Sapos iu letem disfela man go free, iu no fren bilong Caesar. Evri man wea mekem hemseleva kamap king hem tok againstim Caesar.”

Nomata no gud samting maet kamaot from diswan, Pilate hem bringim Jesus kam aotsaed moa. “Lukim! King bilong iufela!” hem say moa.

“Tekem hem go! Tekem hem go! Nilam hem long post!”

“Waswe, bae mi nilam king bilong iufela long post?” Pilate hem talemaot strong.

Olketa Jew kasem hard taem under long rul bilong Rome. They barava hate-im rul bilong Rome! But, long hypocrite way, olketa chief priest say: “Mifela no garem any king but Caesar.”

From hem worry tumas long position bilong hem long politik and nem bilong hem, Pilate duim samting wea olketa Jew wantim. Hem givim Jesus go long olketa. Olketa soldia aotem purple kaleko bilong Jesus and mekem hem wearim kaleko bilong hemseleva. Taem they tekem Jesus go for nilam hem long post, olketa mekem hem karem torture stake bilong hemseleva.

Distaem hem midl long Friday morning, Nisan 14; maet klosap 12 klok. Jesus wekap start long early morning long Thursday, and kasem staka pain and no gud samting. Dastawe hem no strong taem hem karem hevi post. So they talem wanfela man wea go pass, Simon bilong Cyrene long Africa, for karem for hem. Taem they wakabaot, staka pipol followim them, and planti woman tu wea hitim seleva and sorry and krae for Jesus.

Jesus hem tan go long olketa woman hia and say: “Olketa dota bilong Jerusalem, no krae for mi. But, krae for iufela seleva and for olketa pikinini bilong iufela; from, lukim! day bae kam wea olketa pipol bae say, ‘Hapi nao olketa woman wea no bornim any pikinini, olketa bele wea no bornim any pikinini and susu wea no susum pikinini!’ . . . From sapos they duim olketa samting hia taem tree hem laef yet, wanem nao bae happen taem tree hem dae?”

Jesus meanim tree bilong nation bilong olketa Jew, wea garem lelebet laef yet from Jesus hem stap and smallfela sekson wea believe long hem. But taem they tekem aot olketa hia from disfela nation, wanfela tree wea dae long spiritual way nomoa bae stap, yes, wanfela nation wea dae. Tru nao, olketa bae krae for gud taem olketa army bilong Rome, wea God iusim for bringim judgment, they finisim nation bilong olketa Jew! John 19:​6-17; 18:31; Luke 23:​24-31; Matthew 27:​31, 32; Mark 15:​20, 21.

▪ Wanem nao olketa leader bilong religion accuse-im long Jesus taem samting wea they accuse-im long saed bilong politik hem fail?

▪ Why nao Pilate hem kamap moa fraet?

▪ Hu nao duim sin wea moa big for samting wea happen long Jesus?

▪ Hao nao olketa priest mekem Pilate givim Jesus go for they killim hem dae?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus say long olketa woman wea krae for hem, and wanem nao hem meanim taem hem tok abaotem tree wea garem “laef” and then hem “dae”?