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Healim Boy wea Garem Demon

Healim Boy wea Garem Demon

Chapter 61

Healim Boy wea Garem Demon

TAEM Jesus, Peter, James, and John stap long Maunt Hermon, olketa otherfela disaepol kasem wanfela problem. Taem Jesus kam back, stret awe hem luksavvy wanfela samting hem happen. Staka pipol hipap raonem olketa disaepol, and olketa scribe argue withim olketa. Taem they lukim Jesus, olketa pipol sapraes tumas and go for story withim hem. “Wanem nao iufela raoa long hem?” hem ask.

Wanfela man hem kam and nildaon front long Jesus and say: “Teacher, mi bringim kam son bilong mi long iu from hem garem wanfela demon wea no savvy toktok insaed long hem; and sapos hem kam strong long hem, bae hem torowem hem long graon, and spit bilong hem kamaot and hem baetem teeth bilong hem and hem kamap weak for gud. And mi talem olketa disaepol bilong iu for raosem disfela demon, but they no savvy duim.”

Luk olsem olketa scribe iusim disfela chance for tok spoelem olketa disaepol from they fail for healim datfela boy. Long taem hia nao Jesus hem kam. “O genereson wea nating garem faith,” hem say, “hao long nao mi mas go ahed for stap withim iufela? Hao long nao mi mas patient withim iufela?”

Luk olsem Jesus tok long evriwan wea stap long there, but main wan nao olketa scribe wea tok spoelem olketa disaepol. Then, Jesus say: “Tekem hem kam long mi.” But taem datfela boy kam long Jesus, demon insaed long hem mekem hem fall daon long graon and seksek olabaot. Datfela boy roll long graon and spit kamaot long mouth bilong hem.

“Hao long nao diswan kasem hem?” Jesus ask.

“From taem hem small yet,” dadi bilong hem say. “Staka taem nao [datfela demon] savvy mekem hem fall daon insaed long fire and insaed long wata tu for trae for killim hem dae.” Then dadi bilong boy say: “Sapos iu fit for duim any samting, feel sorry long mifela and helpem mifela.”

Maet for planti year nao datfela dadi lukaotem anywan for helpem them. And distaem, from olketa disaepol bilong Jesus kanduit for helpem them, hem feel sorry for gud. From hem luksavvy long feeling bilong datfela man, Jesus say olsem for encouragim hem: “Iu say, ‘Sapos iu fit for duim’! Evri samting savvy kamap tru sapos iumi garem faith.”

“Mi garem faith!” datfela dadi hem say stret awe, but hem say: “Helpem mi sapos mi needim moa faith!”

From hem lukim olketa pipol start for ran kam long them, Jesus tok strong long datfela demon: “Iu demon wea no savvy toktok and earpass, mi talem iu, go aot from disfela boy and no go insaed long hem moa.” Taem datfela demon go aot, hem mekem boy singaot moa and seksek olabaot. Bihaen, datfela boy lay daon kwaet long graon, so planti say: “Hem dae finis!” But Jesus holem hand bilong hem, and hem stand ap nao.

Bifor, taem hem sendem olketa disaepol for go preach, they raosem olketa demon. So distaem, taem olketa seleva go insaed long wanfela haos, they askim Jesus: “Why nao mifela no savvy raosem datwan?”

Long taem hem showim aot hao they short long faith, Jesus ansa olsem: “Diskaen samting no savvy go aot but only thru long prea.” For raosem barava strongfela demon hia, olketa need for ready firstaem. They needim strongfela faith and prea for help bilong God.

And then Jesus say: “Tru nao, mi talem iufela, Sapos iufela garem faith olsem size bilong mustard seed, iufela savvy talem disfela maunten, ‘Muv go from hia and go long there,’ and bae hem go, and no any samting hem stap wea iufela no savvy duim.” Faith hem garem barava strongfela paoa!

Olketa hard samting wea stopem way for muv ahed insaed service bilong Jehovah maet luk big tumas and iumi kanduit for muvim olsem wanfela really maunten. But, Jesus show aot sapos iumi mekem faith grow insaed heart bilong iumi, watarem and encouragim for grow, diswan bae kamap mature and mekem iumi fit for winim olketa hard samting wea olsem maunten. Mark 9:​14-29; Matthew 17:​19, 20; Luke 9:​37-43.

▪ Wanem nao happen taem Jesus kam back from Maunt Hermon?

▪ Hao nao Jesus encouragim dadi bilong wanfela boy wea garem demon?

▪ Why nao olketa disaepol no savvy raosem datfela demon?

▪ Jesus showim aot faith savvy kamap hao strong?