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Healim Man wea Born Withim Blind Eye

Healim Man wea Born Withim Blind Eye

Chapter 70

Healim Man wea Born Withim Blind Eye

TAEM olketa Jew trae for sutim Jesus withim stone, hem no lusim Jerusalem. Bihaen, long Sabbath, taem hem and olketa disaepol bilong hem wakabaot insaed datfela taon, they lukim wanfela man wea born withim blind eye. Olketa disaepol askim Jesus: “Rabbi, hu nao sin, disfela man or dadi and mami bilong hem, dastawe hem born withim blind eye?”

Olsem samfela rabbi believim, maet olketa disaepol ting say man savvy sin insaed long bele bilong mami bilong hem. But Jesus say: “Disfela man no sin or dadi and mami bilong hem tu, but diswan hem for mekem olketa work bilong God mas show aot klia.” Way wea disfela man hem blind hem no from wanfela rong or sin wea hem or dadi and mami bilong hem duim. Sin bilong first man Adam hem mekem evri man no perfect, dastawe they kasem no gud samting olsem way for blind taem they born. Disfela no gud samting wea man hia garem hem givim way long Jesus for showim aot klia olketa work bilong God.

Jesus say hem important tumas for duim olketa work hia. “Iumi mas duim olketa work bilong man wea sendem mi kam taem hem daylaet yet,” hem say. “Naet bae kam taem no any man savvy work. Taem mi stap long world, mi nao laet bilong world.” Klosap nao dae bilong Jesus bae mekem hem go insaed darkness bilong grave wea hem bae no savvy duim moa any samting. But go kasem datfela taem, hem givim laet long world.

Bihaen hem talem toktok hia, Jesus spit long graon for mekem hem soft olsem clay. Then hem putim diswan long eye bilong datfela blind man and say: “Go and swim long pool bilong Siloam.” Man hia hem obey. And bihaen hem swim, hem savvy lukluk nao! Hem hapi tumas from hem firstaem long laef bilong hem for lukluk!

Olketa neibor and otherfela pipol wea savvy long hem sapraes for gud. “Waswe, dis wan nao man wea savvy sidaon and askim pipol for shilling?” they say. “Hem nao datfela man,” samfela say. But otherfela no savvy believim: “No moa, but hem luk olsem hem.” But datfela man say: “Mi nao hem.”

“Hao nao eye bilong iu open?” olketa pipol laek for savvy.

“Man wea nem bilong hem Jesus, hem mekem graon olsem clay and putim long eye bilong mi and hem say long mi, ‘Go long Siloam and swim.’ So mi go and swim and mi savvy lukluk nao.”

“Wea nao datfela man?” they say.

“Mi no savvy,” hem ansa.

Then olketa pipol tekem man hia wea blind bifor go long olketa Farisi. Olketa tu askim hem abaotem hao nao hem savvy lukluk. “Hem putim clay long eye bilong mi, and mi swim and mi savvy lukluk nao,” datfela man hem say.

Fitim olketa Farisi for hapi bikos poor man hia kamap gud moa! But they tok againstim Jesus. “Dis wan hem no man from God,” they say. Why nao they tok olsem? “Bikos hem no keepim Sabbath.” But samfela Farisi start for ting: “Hao nao man wea sinner savvy duim olketa mirakol olsem?” So olketa garem different tingting midlwan long olketa seleva.

Then they askim datfela man: “Wanem nao tingting bilong iu abaotem hem, from hem openem eye bilong iu?”

“Hem wanfela profet,” datfela man say.

Olketa Farisi no want for believim diswan. They say maet Jesus and disfela man they agree long secret way for giamanim pipol. So for stretem diswan, they kolem kam dadi and mami bilong datfela man for askim them. John 8:59; 9:1-18.

▪ Wanem nao mekem datfela man hem blind, and diswan no kamap from wanem samting?

▪ Wanem nao naet wea no any man savvy work?

▪ Taem datfela man kamap gud moa, hao nao diswan affectim pipol?

▪ Hao nao olketa Farisi garem different tingting abaotem way wea datfela man kamap gud moa?