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Hem Kasem Honor Bifor Hem Born

Hem Kasem Honor Bifor Hem Born

Chapter 2

Hem Kasem Honor Bifor Hem Born

BIHAEN angel Gabriel talem young girl Mary hao hem bae bornim wanfela baby boy wea bae kamap king for olawe, Mary ask olsem: “Hao nao diswan bae kamap tru, from mi no sleep withim any man?”

“Holy spirit bae kam long iu,” Gabriel hem say, “and paoa bilong Most Hae bae stap long iu. Dastawe, olketa bae kolem dis wan wea bae born hem holy, Son bilong God.”

For helpem Mary believim message bilong hem, Gabriel go ahed for say: “And, lukim! relative bilong iu Elizabeth hem garem wanfela son tu, nomata hem olo, and distaem hem long mek-six month bilong hem, datfela woman wea they say hem kanduit for garem pikinini; bikos withim God no any toktok hem hard for duim.”

Mary acceptim toktok bilong Gabriel. And hao nao hem ansa? “Lukim! slave girl bilong Jehovah!” hem say. “Letem samting wea iu talem happen long mi.”

No longtaem bihaen Gabriel lusim hem, Mary go visitim Elizabeth, wea stap withim hasband bilong hem, Zechariah, long olketa maunten bilong Judea. For travel from Nazareth, Mary mas wakabaot farawe for three or fofela day.

Taem Mary kasem haos bilong Zechariah, hem go insaed and talem greeting. Long sem taem, Elizabeth hem fulap withim holy spirit, and hem say long Mary: “Iu nao kasem blessing midlwan long olketa woman, and fruit bilong bele bilong iu hem kasem blessing! So hao nao mi garem disfela privilege, for mami bilong Lord bilong mi for visitim mi? From, lukim! taem mi herem greeting bilong iu, pikinini insaed long bele bilong mi hem jump withim bigfela hapi.”

Taem hem herem diswan, Mary hem ansa olsem withim bigfela hapi: “Soul bilong mi mek hae long Jehovah, and spirit bilong mi hapi tumas long God Wea Sevem mi; bikos hem luk kam long lowfela position bilong slave girl bilong hem. From lukim! start long distaem evri genereson bae say mi hapi; bikos barava strong Wan hem duim olketa nambawan samting for mi.” Nomata hem kasem gudfela samting, Mary givim evri honor long God. “Nem bilong hem holy,” hem say, “and for evri genereson wea kam bihaen mercy bilong hem stap withim olketa wea fraet long hem.”

Mary praisim God withim song bilong profesi, taem hem say: “Hem duim bigfela samting withim hand bilong hem, hem torowem olketa wea garem praodfela tingting long heart bilong them. Hem torowem daon from throne olketa man wea garem paoa and apim olketa humble wan; hem barava satisfyim pipol wea hangre withim olketa gudfela samting and hem mekem olketa wea rich for no garem any samting. Hem kam for helpem Israel servant bilong hem, for tingim moa mercy, olsem hem talem long olketa laen dadi bilong iumi, long Abraham and long seed bilong hem, for olawe.”

Mary stap withim Elizabeth for olsem threefela month, and hem barava helpem Elizabeth long olketa lastfela month wea hem babule. Hem gud tumas hao tufela faithful woman hia, wea karem pikinini withim help bilong God, savvy stap tugeta long disfela important taem long laef bilong them!

Waswe, iu lukim honor wea Jesus kasem bifor hem born? Elizabeth kolem hem “Lord bilong mi,” and pikinini bilong hem wea no born yet hem jump withim hapi taem Mary hem kam. But long narafela saed, otherfela pipol nating respectim Mary and pikinini bilong hem wea no born yet, olsem iumi bae lukim bihaen. Luke 1:​26-56.

▪ Wanem nao Gabriel talem for helpem Mary for meanim way wea hem bae kamap babule?

▪ Hao nao Jesus kasem honor bifor hem born?

▪ Wanem nao Mary talem long wanfela song bilong profesi for praisim God?

▪ Hao long nao Mary stap withim Elizabeth, and why nao hem fitim for Mary stap withim Elizabeth long datfela taem?