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Hem Kolem Fofela Disaepol

Hem Kolem Fofela Disaepol

Chapter 22

Hem Kolem Fofela Disaepol

BIHAEN taem pipol bilong Nazareth, homtaon bilong Jesus, trae for killim hem dae, hem go long taon bilong Capernaum klosap long Sea Bilong Galilee. Diswan fulfillim narafela profesi bilong Isaiah abaotem way wea pipol bilong Galilee bae lukim wanfela nambawan laet.

Taem Jesus duim work for karem laet for preachim Kingdom long hia, hem faendem fofela disaepol bilong hem. Olketa go-go withim hem bifor but they go back long fishing bisnis taem they kam back withim Jesus from Judea. Luk olsem Jesus lukaotem olketa, from hem taem nao for tekem samfela wea helpem hem, and for go withim hem evritaem mekem hem savvy trainim them for duim ministry bihaen hem dae.

So taem Jesus wakabaot long sandbis and lukim Simon Peter and olketa withim hem wasim olketa net, hem go long them. Hem klaem insaed boat bilong Peter and askim hem for go aot lelebet long sea. Taem they float go aot, Jesus sidaon insaed boat and start for teachim pipol long sandbis.

Bihaen, Jesus say long Peter: “Go long ples wea wata hem deep, and iufela torowem go net bilong iufela for kasem samfela fish.”

“Teacher,” Peter say, “wan full naet nao mifela work hard but mifela no kasem any samting, but from iu talem, bae mi torowem go olketa net.”

Taem they torowem go olketa net insaed wata, they fulap long staka fish and start for brek nao. Kwiktaem nomoa, olketa singaotem kam olketa partner bilong them long boat wea stap klosap for helpem them. No longtaem tufela boat hia they fulap withim staka fish and they start for sink daon. Taem hem lukim diswan, Peter fall daon front long Jesus and say: “Iu go from mi Lord, bikos mi wanfela man wea sin.”

“No fraet,” Jesus ansarem hem. “Start long distaem iu bae kasem olketa man wea laef.”

Jesus invitim tu Andrew, brata bilong Peter. “Kam followim mi,” hem say long them, “and mi bae mekem iufela fisherman for kasem man.” Olketa partner bilong them for fishing, James and John, tufela son bilong Zebedee, they kasem sem invitation, and olketa tu kwiktaem for followim hem. So fofela hia lusim fishing bisnis bilong them and kamap fofela first follower bilong Jesus wea go withim hem evritaem. Luke 5:​1-11; Matthew 4:​13-22; Mark 1:​16-20; Isaiah 9:​1, 2.

▪ Why nao Jesus kolem olketa disaepol for followim hem, and hu nao olketa?

▪ Wanem mirakol nao mekem Peter fraet?

▪ Wanem kaen fishing nao Jesus invitim olketa disaepol bilong hem for duim?