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Hu Nao Jesus?

Hu Nao Jesus?

Chapter 59

Hu Nao Jesus?

TAEM boat wea karem Jesus and olketa disaepol kasem Bethsaida, olketa pipol tekem kam wanfela blind man and askim Jesus for touchim datfela man for healim hem. Jesus holem hand bilong datfela man and leadim hem go aotsaed long vilij and, bihaen hem spit long eye bilong hem, Jesus askim hem: “Waswe, iu lukim any samting?”

“Mi lukim olketa man,” datfela man hem say, “bikos mi lukim olketa samting wea luk olsem olketa tree, but they wakabaot.” Then hem putim hand bilong hem long eye bilong datfela man and mekem hem lukim klia evri samting. Then Jesus talem datfela man for go back long haos bilong hem but no for go insaed long taon.

Then Jesus and olketa disaepol go long olketa vilij long Caesarea Philippi, long barava north saed bilong Palestine. Olketa mas wakabaot for 30 mile go ap long olketa maunten for kasem Caesarea Philippi, ples wea luk nice tumas. Maet they wakabaot for tufela day.

Taem they go-go, Jesus go seleva for prea. Samting olsem naen or tenfela month nomoa stap bifor hem bae dae, and hem worry for olketa disaepol. Planti they stop nao for followim hem. Samfela konfius and feel no gud bikos hem rejectim way wea pipol trae for mekem hem kamap king, and bikos hem no showim any saen from heven for prove-im way wea hem king taem olketa enemy bilong hem challenge-im hem. Olketa aposol bilong Jesus ting say hem hu nao? Taem they kam long ples wea hem prea, Jesus ask: “Olketa pipol say hu nao mi?”

“Samfela say iu John the Baptist,” they ansa, “otherfela say Elijah, and samfela moa say Jeremiah or wanfela long olketa profet.” Yes, olketa pipol ting say Jesus hem wanfela long olketa hia wea laef back moa from dae!

“But, iufela ting say mi hu nao?” Jesus askim them.

Kwiktaem Peter hem say: “Iu nao Kraest, Son bilong living God.”

Bihaen hem talem hem hapi long ansa bilong Peter, Jesus say: “Mi talem iu, Iu nao Peter, and mi bae buildim kongregeson bilong mi on top long disfela bigfela stone, and olketa gate bilong Hades bae no winim.” Diswan hem firstaem wea Jesus say bae hem buildim wanfela kongregeson and dae kanduit for keepim olketa member bihaen they faithful long disfela earth. Then hem say long Peter: “Mi bae givim iu olketa key long kingdom bilong heven.”

So Jesus talem hao Peter bae kasem samfela spesel privilege. Diswan no meanim Peter hem hae winim otherfela aposol, or hem nao faondeson bilong kongregeson. Jesus seleva hem Bigfela Stone wea kongregeson stap on top. But Peter kasem threefela key wea hem bae iusim for openem way for samfela sekson for go insaed long Kingdom bilong heven.

Peter bae iusim firstfela key long Pentecost 33 C.E. for showim long olketa Jew wea repent samting wea they mas duim for stap safe. No longtaem bihaen, bae hem iusim mek-tu key for openem way for olketa Samaritan wea believe for go insaed long Kingdom bilong God. Then, long 36 C.E. bae hem iusim mek-three key for openem way for olketa Gentile wea no circumcise, Cornelius and olketa fren bilong hem, for kasem datfela sem chance.

Jesus go ahed for story withim olketa aposol. They no feel hapi taem hem say hem klosap for suffer and dae long Jerusalem. From hem no meanim hao Jesus bae resurrect for laef long heven, Peter tekem Jesus seleva for story withim hem. “Sorry long iuseleva, Lord,” hem say. “Diswan bae nating savvy happen long iu.” Jesus tanem backsaed bilong hem long Peter and say: “Go from mi, Satan! Iu wanfela stumbling blok long mi, from iu no followim tingting bilong God, but tingting bilong man.”

Luk olsem samfela pipol and olketa aposol tu wakabaot withim Jesus, so hem story long them abaotem hao bae hem no easy for followim hem. “Sapos anywan hem want for kam bihaenem mi,” hem say, “letem hem lusim will bilong hemseleva and karem torture stake bilong hem and followim mi olawe. From anywan wea want for sevem soul bilong hem bae lusim; but anywan wea lusim soul bilong hem for mi and for gud nius bae sevem.”

Yes, sapos they wantim hem for hapi long them, olketa follower bilong Jesus mas no fraet and sakrifaesim seleva. Hem say: “From anywan wea feel shame long mi and toktok bilong mi long disfela genereson wea no faithful and wea fulap withim sin, Son bilong man bae feel shame long hem tu taem hem kam long glory bilong Father bilong hem withim olketa holy angel.” Mark 8:​22-38; Matthew 16:​13-28; Luke 9:​18-27.

▪ Why nao Jesus worry for olketa disaepol bilong hem?

▪ Pipol ting say Jesus hem hu nao?

▪ Wanem nao olketa key wea Peter kasem, and hao nao hem iusim them?

▪ Wanem kaonsel nao Peter kasem, and why nao olsem?