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Insaed Synagogue Long Homtaon Bilong Jesus

Insaed Synagogue Long Homtaon Bilong Jesus

Chapter 21

Insaed Synagogue Long Homtaon Bilong Jesus

TAEM Jesus kam back long hom bilong hem long Nazareth, pipol they interest tumas long hem. Hem lusim there for John baptaesim hem winim wan year finis, and bifor pipol savvy long hem olsem wanfela carpenter. But distaem planti pipol savvy long hem olsem man wea duim mirakol. Pipol laekem tumas for hem duim olketa nambawan mirakol hia midlwan long them.

They interest tumas taem Jesus go long synagogue, olsem hem duim evritaem. Long service, hem stand ap for read, and they givim hem scroll bilong profet Isaiah. Hem faendem ples wea tok abaot dat Wan wea spirit bilong Jehovah anointim, long Isaiah chapter 61 long Bible bilong iumi distaem.

Bihaen hem read hao dis Wan bae talemaot freedom long olketa wea stap long prison, openem eye bilong olketa wea blind, and abaotem nambawan year bilong Jehovah, Jesus givim back datfela scroll long attendant and then hem sidaon. Evriwan lukluk long hem. Then hem story, maet for samfela taem, and meanim hao: “Tuday disfela scripture wea iufela just herem hem fulfill.”

Olketa pipol sapraes for gud long “olketa nicefela toktok” and they say long each other: “Waswe, dis wan nao son bilong Joseph?” But from hem savvy they want for lukim hem duim olketa mirakol, Jesus go ahed for say: “Maet iufela bae say disfela toktok hem fitim mi, ‘Doctor, healim iuseleva; duim long hom ples bilong iu olketa samting wea mifela herem iu duim long Capernaum.’” Hem luk olsem olketa neibor bilong Jesus bifor ting say hem mas duim healing long hom firstaem, for helpem olketa pipol bilong hem. So olketa feel olsem Jesus no ting hae long them.

From hem savvy long tingting bilong them, Jesus story abaotem samting wea happen bifor wea fitim them. Planti widow woman they stap long Israel long taem bilong Elijah, hem say, but God no sendem Elijah long anywan long olketa. But, hem go long wanfela widow woman wea no Israelite long Sidon, wea hem duim mirakol for sevem laef. And long taem bilong Elisha, planti man wea garem leprosy they stap, but Elisha klinim nomoa Naaman from Syria.

From they kros long way wea Jesus iusim olketa samting wea happen bifor for show aot they garem selfish fasin and no garem faith, olketa insaed long synagogue they stand ap and pushim Jesus go aotsaed long datfela taon. Long there, long saed bilong maunten wea Nazareth hem stap, they trae for torowem hem go daon. But Jesus ranawe from them and go long safe ples. Luke 4:​16-30; 1 Kings 17:​8-16; 2 Kings 5:​8-14.

▪ Wanem nao mekem olketa long Nazareth they interest tumas?

▪ Hao nao tingting bilong pipol long toktok bilong Jesus, but then wanem nao mekem olketa kros for gud?

▪ Wanem nao olketa pipol trae for duim long Jesus?