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Jesus Duim Mirakol for Feedim Planti Thousand Pipol

Jesus Duim Mirakol for Feedim Planti Thousand Pipol

Chapter 52

Jesus Duim Mirakol for Feedim Planti Thousand Pipol

TWELVFELA aposol enjoyim nambawan preaching wakabaot long Galilee. Distaem, bihaen John hem dae, they kam back long Jesus and talem olketa gudfela experience bilong them. From hem lukim they tired and planti pipol kam and go and olketa disaepol no garem taem for kaikai, Jesus hem say: ‘Iumi seleva go long wanfela ples wea iufela savvy rest lelebet.’

So they go long boat bilong them, maet klosap long Capernaum, and go for wanfela ples wea no anywan stap, maet long east bilong Jordan winim go long Bethsaida. But, planti pipol lukim olketa go, and otherfela pipol herem diswan tu. Evriwan hia ran go firstaem long saed sea, and taem boat kam long sandbis, olketa pipol wait for meetim them.

Taem hem go daon from boat and lukim olketa pipol hia, Jesus feel sorry long them bikos they olsem sheepsheep wea no garem shepherd. So hem healim olketa wea sik and start for teachim them planti samting.

Then olketa disaepol kam long Jesus and say: “Disfela ples hem farawe tumas, and hem go-go for evening nao. Sendem go olketa pipol hia, mekem they savvy go long olketa vilij raon long hia and baem samting for kaikaim.”

But, Jesus ansa: “Iufela nao givim them samting for kaikaim.” Then, from Jesus savvy finis long samting wea hem bae duim, hem testim Philip taem hem askim hem: “Wea nao bae iumi baem bred for evriwan kaikaim?”

Long tingting bilong Philip, hem hard for they duim diswan. Yes, samting olsem 5,000 man, and maet winim 10,000 pipol they stap sapos iumi kaontem olketa woman and pikinini! Philip talem hao “tu hundred denarii [wanfela denarius hem wages bilong wanfela day] for baem bred bae hem no inaf, mekem each wan garem lelebet.”

Maet for show aot hem hard for they feedim planti pipol olsem, Andrew say: “Wanfela small boy long hia hem garem faevfela bred and tufela small fish,” then hem say moa, “but hao nao diswan bae fitim planti pipol olsem?”

From hem klosap long hotfela season, just bifor Passova bilong 32 C.E., planti green gras grow gud long there. So Jesus talem olketa disaepol for talem olketa pipol for sidaon long gras long olketa grup wea garem 50 and 100 pipol. Then hem tekem faevfela bred and tufela fish, luk go ap long heven, and prea. Bihaen, hem start for brekem bred and divaedem fish. Hem givim kaikai hia long olketa disaepol and they givim go long olketa pipol. Iumi sapraes tumas hao evri pipol kaikai go kasem taem they fulap!

Bihaen, Jesus say long olketa disaepol: “Hipim ap kaikai wea still stap, mekem iumi no waste-im any samting.” Taem they duim diswan, they fulimapem 12-fela basket withim kaikai wea still stap! Matthew 14:​13-21; Mark 6:​30-44; Luke 9:​10-17; John 6:​1-13.

▪ Why nao Jesus lukaotem kwaet ples for olketa aposol bilong hem?

▪ Wea nao Jesus tekem olketa disaepol, and why nao they no kasem rest wea they needim?

▪ Taem hem go-go for evening, wanem nao olketa disaepol askim Jesus for duim, but hao nao Jesus care for olketa pipol?