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Jesus Finisim Evri Samting wea God Askim

Jesus Finisim Evri Samting wea God Askim

Chapter 133

Jesus Finisim Evri Samting wea God Askim

TAEM King wea Faet, Jesus Kraest, hem aotem Satan and no gud world bilong hem, evriwan bae hapi tumas! Wan Thousand Year Rul bilong Jesus long peace hem start nao!

Under long lead bilong Jesus and olketa wea king withim hem, pipol wea winim Armageddon bae klinim olketa rabis wea stap bihaen long datfela raeteous war. Luk olsem olketa long earth wea winim Armageddon bae bornim samfela pikinini tu, and olketa tu bae share long disfela hapi work for mekem earth kamap wanfela nicefela gaden.

Go-go Jesus bae resurrectim staka million pipol from grave mekem they savvy enjoyim disfela nicefela Paradaes. Hem bae duim diswan for fulfillim promis wea hemseleva talem: “Taem bae kam wea olketa wea stap insaed long olketa memorial tomb bae . . . kamaot.”

Wanfela wea Jesus bae resurrectim hem badfela man wea dae withim hem long torture stake. Tingim promis wea Jesus talem hem: “Tru nao mi talem iu tuday, Iu bae stap withim mi long Paradaes.” Datfela man bae no go long heven for rul olsem king withim Jesus, and tu Jesus bae no kamap wanfela man moa and stap long Paradaes earth withim hem. But, Jesus bae stap withim datfela man wea hem badfela man bifor long way wea Hem bae resurrectim hem for stap laef long Paradaes and luk aftarem olketa need bilong hem long physical and spiritual way, olsem piksa long next page hem showim aot.

Tingim! Under long loving care bilong Jesus, evriwan long earth​—⁠olketa wea winim Armageddon, olketa pikinini bilong them, and staka thousand million wea resurrect from dae wea obeyim hem⁠—​bae easyeasy kamap perfect pipol. Jehovah, thru long Son bilong hem wea King, Jesus Kraest, bae stap withim olketa man long spiritual way. “And,” olsem voice wea John herem long heven hem say, “hem bae aotem evri wata from eye bilong olketa, and dae bae no moa, sorry and fasin for krae and pain bae no moa tu. Evri samting wea stap bifor hem finis nao.” No anywan long earth bae suffer or sik.

Long end bilong Wan Thousand Year Rul bilong Jesus, living bae olsem firstfela purpose bilong God taem hem talem firstfela man and woman, Adam and Eve, for garem staka pikinini and fulimapem disfela earth. Yes, earth bae fulap withim pipol wea raeteous and perfect. Diswan hem from olketa gudfela samting wea kamaot from ransom sakrifaes bilong Jesus bae helpem evriwan. Dae from sin bilong Adam bae no moa nao!

So bihaen datwan, Jesus bae fulfillim evri samting wea Jehovah askim hem for duim. Dastawe, long end bilong wan thousand year, bae hem givim go Kingdom and olketa perfect pipol long Father bilong hem. Then God bae letem Satan and olketa demon bilong hem for kamaot from hol wea deep tumas wea olsem they dae. For duim wanem?

Well, long end bilong wan thousand year, planti long olketa wea stap long Paradaes they olketa wea resurrect wea faith bilong them nating kasem test. Bifor they dae, they nating savvy long olketa promis bilong God so they no savvy showim aot faith long them. Then, bihaen they resurrect finis and learnim olketa truth from Bible, hem easy nomoa for them long Paradaes, from no anywan stap for againstim them for servim God. But sapos Satan hem garem chance for trae and stopem them for go ahed for servim God, waswe, bae they stap loyal under long test? For ansarem disfela kwestin, Satan bae kamaot.

Disfela revelation wea John kasem hem showim aot hao bihaen long Wan Thousand Year Rul bilong Jesus, Satan bae win for pullim samfela pipol for no servim God. But, taem lastfela test hem finis, Satan, olketa demon bilong hem, and olketa wea hem win for giamanim bae finis evribit. Long narasaed, olketa wea kasem test evribit, wea stap loyal bae stap and enjoyim olketa blessing from Father bilong them long heven for olawe.

Hem klia nao, Jesus hem duim, and hem bae go ahed for duim, wanfela important work for fulfillim olketa nambawan purpose bilong God. Iumi savvy enjoyim nambawan future wea kamap from evri samting wea hem duim olsem nambawan King bilong God long heven! But, iumi kanduit for forgetim evri samting wea hem duim taem hem stap olsem man.

Jesus hem willing for kam long earth and teachim iumi abaotem Father bilong hem. Winim diswan hem barava showim aot olketa nambawan fasin bilong God. Taem iumi ting raonem nambawan way wea hem no fraet, wisdom bilong hem, nambawan savvy bilong hem olsem teacher, way wea hem no fraet for lead, and fasin bilong hem for feel sorry and care and garem feeling for pipol, evri samting hia muvim heart bilong iumi. Taem iumi tingim bigfela way wea hem suffer taem hem givim disfela ransom, wea diswan nomoa savvy givim iumi laef, diswan hem barava muvim heart bilong iumi for ting hae long hem!

Tru nao, iumi lukim wanfela nambawan man taem iumi studyim laef bilong Jesus! Way wea hem barava nambawan hem show aot klia tumas. Diswan muvim iumi for talem sem toktok wea disfela Roman governor Pontius Pilate hem talem: “Lukim! Disfela man!” Yes, “Disfela man,” hem nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man!

Sapos iumi acceptim ransom sakrifaes bilong hem, diswan savvy aotem hevi bilong sin and dae wea iumi kasem from Adam, and Jesus savvy kamap “Father Bilong Olawe” for iumi. Evriwan wea bae kasem laef olawe mas kasem savvy, no abaotem God nomoa, but Son bilong hem tu, Jesus Kraest. Letem way wea iu readim and studyim disfela buk helpem iu for kasem datfela savvy wea givim laef! 1 John 2:17; 1:7; John 5:​28, 29; 3:16; 17:3; 19:5; Luke 23:43; Genesis 1:28; 1 Corinthians 15:​24-28; Revelation 20:​1-3, 6-10; 21:​3, 4; Isaiah 9:⁠6.

▪ Wanem nao bae hapi privilege bilong olketa wea winim Armageddon and olketa pikinini bilong them?

▪ Withim olketa wea winim Armageddon and olketa pikinini bilong them, hu moa bae enjoyim Paradaes, and hao nao Jesus bae stap withim them?

▪ Wanem nao bae happen long end bilong wan thousand year, and Jesus bae duim wanem?

▪ Why nao Satan bae kamap free from disfela hol wea deep tumas, and wanem nao bae happen long hem and olketa wea followim hem?

▪ Hao nao Jesus savvy kamap “Father Bilong Olawe” for iumi?