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Jesus Finisim Sorry Bilong Widow Woman

Jesus Finisim Sorry Bilong Widow Woman

Chapter 37

Jesus Finisim Sorry Bilong Widow Woman

NO LONGTAEM bihaen hem healim servant bilong bigman long army, Jesus hem go long Nain, wanfela taon wea stap winim 20 mile long southwest bilong Capernaum. Olketa disaepol and planti pipol go withim hem. Maet hem go-go for evening nao taem they klosap for kasem Nain. Long hia they lukim samfela pipol wea go for buryim wanfela man. Olketa karem body bilong wanfela young man go aotsaed long datfela taon for buryim.

Mami bilong hem sorry for gud, from hem wanfela widow woman and hem nao only pikinini bilong hem. Taem hasband bilong hem dae, hem kasem comfort from hem still garem son bilong hem. Olketa hope wea hem garem, samting wea hem wantim, and goal bilong hem they join withim future bilong son hia. But distaem, no anywan stap for helpem hem. Sorry bilong hem big tumas taem pipol long datfela taon go withim hem long ples for buryim pipol.

Taem Jesus lukim datfela woman, bigfela sorry bilong hem muvim heart bilong Jesus. So withim feeling, and long way wea mekem woman hia trustim hem, Jesus say long hem: “Iu no krae.” Way wea hem tok and samting wea hem duim mekem pipol lukluk long hem. So taem hem go and touchim bed wea olketa karem body, olketa man wea karem they stop. Evriwan laek for savvy wanem nao bae hem duim.

Hem tru olketa wea go withim Jesus lukim hem duim mirakol for healim planti pipol wea garem sik. But luk olsem they nating lukim hem mekem man wea dae finis for laef back moa. Waswe, hem savvy duim diswan? Jesus tok olsem long datfela body: “Youngfela man, mi talem iu, Get ap!” And man hia hem get ap nao! Hem start for toktok, and Jesus givim hem long mami bilong hem.

Taem olketa pipol lukim disfela youngfela man barava laef nao, they start for say: “Wanfela bigfela profet hem kamap midlwan long iumi.” Otherfela say: “God hem luk kam long pipol bilong hem.” Kwiktaem nomoa nius abaotem disfela nambawan samting hem go kasem evri ples long Judea and evri otherfela ples long datfela kantri.

John the Baptizer still stap long prison, and hem want for learnim moa samting abaotem olketa work wea Jesus duim. Olketa disaepol bilong John talem hem abaotem olketa mirakol hia. Wanem nao John bae talem? Luke 7:​11-18.

▪ Wanem nao go ahed for happen taem Jesus klosap for kasem Nain?

▪ Hao nao samting wea Jesus lukim affectim hem, wanem nao hem duim?

▪ Wanem nao pipol duim taem they lukim mirakol wea Jesus duim?