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Jesus Go Moa Long Jerusalem

Jesus Go Moa Long Jerusalem

Chapter 82

Jesus Go Moa Long Jerusalem

JESUS hem start for wakabaot long road moa, and hem teach from taon tu taon and from vilij tu vilij. Luk olsem hem long distrik bilong Perea, wea stap narasaed long Jordan River long Judea. But hem go-go for kasem Jerusalem.

From olketa Jew say smallfela sekson nomoa fit for kasem laef, maet diswan nao muvim wanfela man for ask: “Lord, waswe, olketa wea bae sev they fewfela nomoa?” Ansa wea Jesus givim mekem pipol ting abaotem samting wea man needim for kasem laef: “Iufela mas barava trae hard [struggle] for go insaed long smallfela door.”

Way for trae hard olsem hem important “from planti,” Jesus say, “bae want for go insaed but bae no go insaed.” Why nao they bae no go insaed? Hem say ‘taem man bilong haos hem stand ap and lockim door finis and pipol stand ap aotsaed and noknok, and say, “Masta, openem for mifela,” bae hem say: “Mi no savvy wea nao iufela kam from. Iufela klia from mi, iufela evriwan wea nating duim raeteous fasin!”’

Olketa wea hem lockim aotsaed they kam long taem wea fitim olketa nomoa. But long datfela taem, door hem sat and lock finis. For go insaed, olketa mas kam early, nomata hem maet no fitim them for duim olsem. Tru nao, no gud samting stap for olketa wea no want for putim worship bilong Jehovah olsem main samting long laef bilong them!

Planti long olketa Jew wea Jesus kam for servim, they fail for acceptim disfela nambawan chance wea God provide-im for kasem laef. So Jesus say they bae krae and kros for gud taem they torowem olketa aotsaed. Long otherfela saed, pipol from “east and west, and from north and south,” yes, from evri nation, “bae sidaon long tebol insaed long kingdom bilong God.”

Jesus go ahed for say: “Olketa wea last [olketa wea no Jew, and olketa Jew wea pipol luk daonem] bae first, and olketa wea first [olketa Jew wea garem material samting and religion] bae last.” Way wea they last hem meanim olketa barava lazy pipol olsem wea nating ting hae long any spiritual samting bae nating go insaed long Kingdom bilong God.

Olketa Farisi kam distaem long Jesus and say: “Iu go from hia, bikos Herod [Antipas] hem want for killim iu dae.” Maet Herod seleva nao startim disfela story for mekem Jesus ranawe from datfela ples. Maet Herod hem fraet for join insaed long dae bilong narafela profet bilong God olsem hem duim long way for killim dae John the Baptizer. But Jesus talem olketa Farisi: “Go and talem datfela wild dog, ‘Lukim! Mi raosem olketa demon and duim healing work tuday and tomorrow, and long mek-three day bae mi finis nao.’”

Bihaen hem finisim work bilong hem long there, Jesus go-go moa for kasem Jerusalem bikos olsem hem talem, “hem no fitim for wanfela profet for dae aotsaed long Jerusalem.” Why nao hem fitim for they killim dae Jesus long Jerusalem? Bikos Jerusalem nao hem main taon, wea hae kot bilong Sanhedrin wea garem 71 member hem stap, and hem tu ples wea they offerim olketa animal sakrifaes. So, hem no fitim for they killim dae “Lamb bilong God” long any otherfela ples but long Jerusalem nomoa.

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, datwan wea killim dae olketa profet and sutim dae olketa wea they sendem go for hem,” Jesus tok sorry olsem, “planti taem nao mi laek for hipim ap tugeta olketa pikinini bilong iu olsem wanfela mami kokorako hem hipim ap olketa baby kokorako under long wing bilong hem, but iufela pipol no wantim! Lukim! God hem lusim haos bilong iufela nao.” From hem rejectim Son bilong God, datfela nation bae kasem bigfela trabel!

Taem Jesus go-go for kasem Jerusalem, wanfela ruler bilong olketa Farisi invitim hem long haos bilong hem. Hem Sabbath, and olketa pipol lukluk gud long hem bikos wanfela man long there hem garem sik wea they kolem dropsy, wea maet hand and leg bilong hem boil for gud from they fulap withim wata. Jesus askim olketa Farisi and savvyman bilong Law wea stap long there: “Waswe, law say hem fitim for duim healing long sabbath?”

No anywan talem any samting. So Jesus healim datfela man and sendem hem go. Then hem ask: “Hu long iufela nao, sapos son or bulumakao bilong hem fall daon insaed long well, bae stret awe pullim hem aot long sabbath day?” Distaem tu, no anywan ansarem hem. Luke 13:​22–14:6; John 1:⁠29.

▪ Jesus show aot man needim wanem samting for kasem laef, and why nao they lockim planti pipol aotsaed?

▪ Hu nao olketa wea “last” wea bae first, and olketa wea “first” wea bae last?

▪ Why nao maet Herod want for killim dae Jesus?

▪ Why nao hem no fitim for killim dae wanfela profet aotsaed long Jerusalem?