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Jesus Hem Laef Moa!

Jesus Hem Laef Moa!

Chapter 128

Jesus Hem Laef Moa!

TAEM olketa woman lukim hao grave bilong Jesus hem empty, Mary Magdalene hem ran go for talem Peter and John. But, luk olsem olketa otherfela woman stap back long grave. No longtaem bihaen, wanfela angel hem kam and invitim olketa for go insaed.

Long insaed, olketa woman lukim narafela angel moa and wanfela long tufela angel hia say long them: “Iufela no fraet, from mi savvy iufela lukaotem Jesus wea olketa nilam long post. Hem no long hia, from hem laef back moa, olsem hem talem finis. Kam, lukim ples wea hem lay daon long hem. And go kwiktaem and talem olketa disaepol bilong hem hao hem laef back moa from dae.” So withim fraet and bigfela hapi, olketa woman hia ran go tu.

Mary hem faendem finis Peter and John, and hem talem them: “Olketa tekem awe Lord from grave, and mifela no savvy wea nao olketa putim hem.” Stret awe tufela aposol hia they ran go kwiktaem. John hem savvy ran kwiktaem tumas​—⁠from hem young⁠—​so hem kasem grave firstaem. But olketa woman go finis, so no anywan stap long there. John hem bendaon and luk go insaed long grave and lukim olketa bandage, but hem stand ap aotsaed nomoa.

Taem Peter kam, hem no wait but hem go stret insaed long grave. Hem lukim olketa bandage and kaleko wea they iusim for paselem long hed bilong Jesus they lay daon long there. Olketa rollim and putim long wanfela ples. John tu hem go insaed long grave, and hem believim samting wea Mary talem. But Peter and John no meanim yet hao Jesus hem laef back moa, nomata Hem talem them planti taem hao Hem bae laef back moa. Tufela sapraes and wakabaot go back long haos, but Mary, wea kam back moa long grave, hem stap back long grave.

Olketa otherfela woman tu they kwiktaem go for talem olketa disaepol hao Jesus hem resurrect finis, olsem tufela angel komandim olketa for duim. Taem they ran go kwiktaem, Jesus hem meetim them and say: “Gud day!” They fall daon and bow daon front long hem. Then Jesus hem say: “No fraet! Go, talem olketa brata bilong mi, mekem they savvy go long Galilee; and long there they bae lukim mi.”

Bifor, taem datfela earthquake hem happen and tufela angel they kam, olketa soldia wea guardim ples they sek for gud and kamap olsem man wea dae nao. Taem they gud back moa, they go kwiktaem long taon and talem olketa chief priest abaotem samting wea happen. Bihaen they story tugeta withim “olketa older man” bilong olketa Jew, olketa decide for trae and haedem disfela samting long way for sweetim olketa soldia withim shilling. They talem olketa: “Say olsem, ‘Olketa disaepol bilong hem they kam long naet and stealim hem taem mifela sleep.’”

From olketa soldia bilong Rome savvy kasem panis for dae sapos they sleep taem they guard, olketa priest promis olsem: “Sapos governor hem herem diswan [hao iufela sleep], mifela bae story withim hem and iufela bae no need for worry moa.” From they givim staka shilling for sweetim them, olketa soldia followim toktok bilong them. From diswan, olketa giaman story abaotem way wea they stealim body bilong Jesus hem go raon midlwan long olketa Jew.

Mary Magdalene, wea stap back long grave, hem feel sorry tumas. Wea nao Jesus? Taem hem bendaon for luk go insaed long grave, hem lukim tufela angel wea wearim whitefela kaleko, they kam back moa! Wanfela hem sidaon long hed and narawan long leg bilong ples wea olketa layim body bilong Jesus. “Woman, why nao iu krae?” they askim hem.

“Olketa tekem awe Lord bilong mi,” Mary hem ansa, “and mi no savvy wea nao olketa putim hem.” Then hem tan raon and lukim narafela man wea askim moa disfela kwestin: “Woman, why nao iu krae?” And hem ask tu: “Hu nao iu lukaotem?”

From hem ting say dis wan hem man for luk aftarem gaden wea grave hem stap, Mary say long hem: “Sir, sapos iu nao tekem hem awe, talem mi wea nao iu putim hem, and mi bae tekem hem go.”

“Mary!” man hia hem say. And kwiktaem nomoa hem savvy diswan hem Jesus, from way wea hem tok long hem. “Rab·boʹni!” (wea meanim “Teacher!”) hem say. And from hem hapi tumas, hem hold strong long Jesus. But Jesus say long hem: “No hold strong long mi. From mi no go ap yet long Father. But iu go and talem olketa brata bilong mi and say long them, ‘Mi bae go ap long Father bilong mi and Father bilong iufela and long God bilong mi and God bilong iufela.’”

Then Mary hem ran go long ples wea olketa aposol and disaepol they hipap. Hem talem story bilong hem for join withim story wea olketa otherfela woman they talem finis abaotem way wea they lukim Jesus wea resurrect. But, olketa man hia, wea no believim olketa woman wea kam firstaem, luk olsem they no believim Mary tu. Matthew 28:​3-15; Mark 16:​5-8; Luke 24:​4-12; John 20:​2-18.

▪ Bihaen they lukim grave hem empty, wanem nao Mary Magdalene hem duim, and wanem nao happen long olketa otherfela woman?

▪ Wanem nao Peter and John duim taem they lukim grave hem empty?

▪ Wanem nao olketa otherfela woman lukim taem they wakabaot go for talem olketa disaepol abaotem resurrection bilong Jesus?

▪ Wanem nao happen long olketa soldia wea guard, and wanem nao olketa priest duim taem they herem report bilong them?

▪ Wanem nao happen taem Mary Magdalene hem stap seleva long grave, and hao nao olketa disaepol ting long story bilong olketa woman?