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Jesus Resurrectim Lazarus

Jesus Resurrectim Lazarus

Chapter 91

Jesus Resurrectim Lazarus

JESUS, and olketa wea go withim hem, kasem grave bilong Lazarus. Disfela grave hem wanfela cave wea they putim wanfela stone front long hem. “Tek-aotem datfela stone,” Jesus hem say.

But Martha trae for stopem hem from hem no savvy wanem nao Jesus want for duim. “Lord,” hem say, “distaem maet hem smel finis, bikos hem fofela day nao.”

But Jesus ask: “Waswe, mi talem iu finis sapos iu believe bae iu lukim glory bilong God?”

So they aotem datfela stone. Then Jesus luk go ap long heven and prea: “Father, mi thankiu from iu herem mi finis. Hem tru, mi savvy iu herem mi evritaem; but for saed bilong olketa pipol wea stand ap long hia mi talem samting, mekem olketa savvy believe iu nao sendem mi kam.” Jesus prea long pablik mekem olketa pipol bae savvy samting wea hem ready for duim hem thru long paoa wea hem kasem from God. Then hem singaot withim bigfela voice: “Lazarus, kamaot!”

Then Lazarus kamaot nao. Kaleko wea they paselem long hand and leg bilong hem still stap, and wanfela kaleko tu kavarem face bilong hem. “Aotem olketa kaleko hia mekem hem savvy wakabaot go,” Jesus hem say.

Taem they lukim datfela mirakol, planti Jew wea kam for comfortim Mary and Martha they putim faith long Jesus. But, samfela go for talem samting wea happen long olketa Farisi. Stret awe, they and olketa chief priest arrangim wanfela meeting bilong hae kot bilong olketa Jew, hem nao Sanhedrin.

Hae priest long datfela taem, Caiaphas tu hem insaed long Sanhedrin, and olketa Farisi and Sadducee, olketa chief priest, and olketa wea hae priest bifor. Olketa hia complain: “Wanem nao iumi bae duim, from disfela man hem savvy duim staka mirakol? Sapos iumi letem hem for go ahed olsem, olketa bae putim faith long hem, and olketa bilong Rome bae kam and tekem ples bilong iumi and nation bilong iumi tu.”

Nomata olketa bigman bilong religion luksavvy Jesus hem “duim staka mirakol,” only samting wea they worry abaot hem position and paoa bilong them. Way wea Jesus mekem Lazarus laef back moa hem mekem olketa Sadducee feel no gud tumas, bikos they no believe long resurrection.

Distaem Caiaphas, wea maet hem wanfela Sadducee tu, hem tok olsem: “Iufela no savvy long any samting, and iufela no savvy hem for helpem iufela nao for wanfela man mas dae for olketa pipol mekem disfela nation no finis evribit.”

God nao mekem Caiaphas for talem diswan, bikos aposol John hem raet olsem bihaen: “But, hem [Caiaphas] no talem disfela toktok from tingting bilong hemseleva.” Samting wea Caiaphas really meanim nao hem olketa mas killim dae Jesus mekem Hem no spoelem moa position and paoa bilong them. But, John say, ‘Caiaphas talem profesi abaotem way wea Jesus bae dae no for datfela nation nomoa, but for hipim ap tugeta olketa pikinini bilong God tu.’ Yes, hem purpose bilong God for Son bilong hem for dae olsem ransom for evri man.

Distaem Caiaphas hem win for sweetim Sanhedrin for plan for killim Jesus dae. But Jesus, from maet hem herem nius abaotem olketa plan hia from Nicodemus, wanfela member bilong Sanhedrin wea fren withim hem, hem lusim datfela ples. John 11:​38-54.

▪ Why nao Jesus prea long pablik bifor hem resurrectim Lazarus?

▪ Wanem nao tingting bilong olketa wea lukim disfela resurrection?

▪ Wanem nao showim aot badfela fasin bilong olketa member bilong Sanhedrin?

▪ Wanem nao Caiaphas mean for duim, but God iusim hem for talem wanem profesi?