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Jesus Sendem Go 70

Jesus Sendem Go 70

Chapter 72

Jesus Sendem Go 70

HEM klosap long coldfela season bilong 32 C.E., threefela year from taem wea Jesus hem baptaes. Hem and olketa disaepol they just attendim Festival Bilong Tabernacle long Jerusalem, and they still stap klosap long there. Yes, Jesus spendem lastfela six month long ministry bilong hem long Judea or narasaed long Jordan River long distrik bilong Perea. Hem mas preach tu long disfela territory.

Tru nao, bihaen Passova bilong 30 C.E., Jesus spendem samting olsem eitfela month for preach long Judea. But bihaen olketa Jew trae for killim hem dae long there long Passova bilong 31 C.E., hem spendem nextfela wan and haf year for teach long Galilee nomoa. Long datfela taem, hem trainim gud wanfela sekson wea organize for preach, diswan samting wea hem no garem bifor. So distaem, hem startim last bigfela witness work bilong hem long Judea.

Jesus startim disfela work taem hem choosim 70 disaepol and sendem them go tu bae tu. So, evriwan tugeta they 35 grup for preachim Kingdom long datfela territory. Olketa hia go firstaem long evri taon and ples wea Jesus, and olketa aposol bilong hem plan for go.

Jesus no talem 70 hia for go long olketa synagogue, but hem talem them for go long olketa haos: “Taem iufela go long wanfela haos, say olsem firstaem, ‘Letem peace stap long disfela haos.’ And sapos wanfela fren bilong peace hem stap long there, peace bilong iufela bae stap withim hem.” Wanem nao message bilong them? “Go ahed for talem them,” Jesus hem say, “kingdom bilong God hem kam klosap long iufela.” Taem hem tok abaotem work bilong 70 pipol hia, Matthew Henry’s Commentary say: “Olsem Masta bilong them, any ples wea they visitim, they preach from haos tu haos.”

Instruction wea Jesus givim long 70 hia hem klosap semsem withim wanem hem talem long 12-fela aposol taem hem sendem them long preaching wakabaot long Galilee long wan year go finis. Hem no just warnim 70 hia abaotem way wea pipol bae againstim them, and showim them hao for talemaot datfela message, but hem givim them paoa tu for healim olketa wea sik. So bihaen, taem Jesus kasem olketa ples hia, planti pipol laek for meetim Masta bilong olketa disaepol wea savvy duim olketa nambawan samting hia.

Preaching work wea 70 hia they duim and work wea Jesus duim bihaen hem for lelebet taem nomoa. Then 35 grup hia wea preachim Kingdom they start for kam back long Jesus. “Lord,” they hapi tumas and say, “olketa demon tu they obeyim mifela taem mifela iusim nem bilong iu.” Nambawan report bilong service olsem hem mekem Jesus hapi tumas, from hem say: “Mi lukim Satan hem fall daon finis olsem laetning from heven. Lukim! Mi givim iufela paoa for purubutim olketa snek and skopion.”

Jesus savvy bihaen Kingdom bilong God hem born long taem bilong end, they bae torowem Satan and olketa demon bilong hem kam daon from heven. But diskaen way wea samfela raosem olketa demon wea man no savvy lukim hem strongim moa hao datfela samting bae really happen. So, Jesus hem story abaotem taem wea olketa bae torowem Satan kam daon from heven olsem samting wea bae really happen. So, way wea 70 hia they kasem paoa for purubutim olketa snek and skopion hem long tok piksa way. But, Jesus say: “No hapi long diswan, hao olketa spirit stap under long iufela, but hapi bikos they raetem finis nem bilong iufela long heven.”

Jesus hem hapi tumas and praisim Father bilong hem long pablik for iusim olketa humble servant bilong hem long strongfela way olsem. Hem tan go long olketa disaepol and say: “Hapi nao olketa eye wea lukim olketa samting wea iufela lukim. From mi talem iufela, Planti profet and king laekem tumas for lukim olketa samting wea iufela lukim but they no lukim, and for herem olketa samting wea iufela herem, but they no herem.” Luke 10:​1-24; Matthew 10:​1-42; Revelation 12:​7-12.

▪ Wea nao Jesus preach long threefela year bilong ministry bilong hem, and wanem territory nao hem duim long lastfela six month bilong hem?

▪ Jesus talem olketa 70 for go faendem pipol long wea?

▪ Why nao Jesus say hem lukim Satan fall daon finis from heven?

▪ Long wanem way nao olketa 70 savvy purubutim olketa snek and skopion?