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Jesus Teach Long Jericho

Jesus Teach Long Jericho

Chapter 99

Jesus Teach Long Jericho

JESUS and olketa pipol wea go-go withim hem they kasem Jericho, wanfela taon wea man mas wakabaot for wan full day from Jerusalem for kasem there. Jericho hem tufela taon, oldfela taon bilong Jew hem stap wan mile from niufela taon wea olketa long Rome they buildim. Taem olketa pipol kamaot from oldfela taon and ready for go insaed long niu wan, tufela blind man wea poor they herem them. Nem bilong wanfela hem Bartimaeus.

Taem hem savvy Jesus nao go pass, Bartimaeus and fren bilong hem start for singaot: “Lord, showim aot mercy long mifela, Son bilong David!” Taem olketa pipol tok strong long them for stap kwaet, they singaot big go moa: “Lord, showim aot mercy long mifela, Son bilong David!”

Taem hem herem, Jesus hem stop. Hem askim olketa withim hem for kolem kam tufela hia. They go long tufela and say olsem long wanfela: “Iu no fraet, stand ap, hem kolem iu for go long hem.” Datfela blind man hapi for gud and aotem coat bilong hem, stand ap kwiktaem and go long Jesus.

“Wanem nao iu laekem mi for duim for iu?” Jesus ask.

“Lord, letem eye bilong mifela open,” tufela blind man hia they say.

From hem feel sorry tumas long them, Jesus touchim eye bilong tufela. Long story bilong Mark, Jesus say long wanfela: “Go, faith bilong iu mekem iu kamap gud nao.” Stret awe tufela blind man hia they lukluk nao, and they start for givim glory long God. Taem olketa pipol lukim samting wea happen, olketa tu givim praise long God. Stret awe, Bartimaeus and fren bilong hem start for followim Jesus.

Taem Jesus go thru long Jericho, staka pipol stap long there. Evriwan want for lukim man wea healim tufela blind man. Olketa pipol kam klosap tumas long Jesus, so samfela no savvy lukim hem nao. Wanfela hem Zacchaeus, chief bilong olketa man for tekem tax long Jericho and olketa ples long there. From hem short tumas, hem kanduit for lukim evri samting wea happen.

So Zacchaeus ran go firstaem and klaemap wanfela fig-mulberry tree wea stap long road wea Jesus hem followim. From hem stap long hae ples, hem savvy lukim gud evri samting. Taem olketa pipol wakabaot kam, Jesus singaot go ap long tree: “Zacchaeus, hariap kam daon, from tuday bae mi stap long haos bilong iu.” Zacchaeus hem kam daon and hapi for gud and hariap go long haos for readyim evri samting for important man wea bae visitim hem.

But, taem olketa pipol lukim samting wea happen, evriwan start for complain. They no ting hem stret for Jesus for go long haos bilong man olsem. Diswan hem from Zacchaeus kamap rich long way wea hem no honest for pullim shilling long bisnis bilong hem for tekem tax.

Planti pipol go bihaenem hem, and taem Jesus go insaed long haos bilong Zacchaeus, they complain olsem: “Hem go for stap long haos bilong wanfela man wea sinner.” But Jesus luksavvy Zacchaeus hem fit for repent. And diswan nao samting wea Jesus lukim, from Zacchaeus stand ap and say: “Lukim! Haf long evri samting bilong mi, Lord, bae mi givim long poor pipol, and any samting wea mi giaman and pullim from anywan bae mi givim back fofela taem moa big.”

Zacchaeus show aot hem really repent taem hem givim haf long olketa samting bilong hem long poor pipol and iusim narafela haf for peim back samting wea hem raverave for tekem from otherfela pipol. Taem hem lukluk long olketa tax record wea hem keepim, hem bae savvy long haomas for givim back long pipol hia. So hem promis for givim back fofela taem moa big long samting wea hem tekem, for followim disfela law bilong God: ‘Sapos wanfela man stealim wanfela sheepsheep, hem mas change-im back datfela sheepsheep withim fofela sheepsheep.’

Jesus hem hapi long promis bilong Zacchaeus for iusim olketa samting bilong hem, bikos Hem say: “Tuday salvation hem kasem disfela haos, bikos hem tu wanfela son bilong Abraham. From Son bilong man hem kam for lukaotem and sevem samting wea lus.”

No longtaem go nomoa, Jesus talem tok piksa abaotem olketa ‘wea lus’ long story abaotem son wea spoelem shilling. Distaem iumi lukim example bilong wanfela wea really lus wea hem faendem. Nomata olketa bigman bilong religion and olketa wea followim them they complain from Jesus helpem pipol olsem Zacchaeus, Jesus go ahed for lukaotem and bringim back olketa son bilong Abraham wea lus. Matthew 20:​29-34; Mark 10:​46-52; Luke 18:35–19:10; Exodus 22:⁠1.

▪ Wea nao Jesus meetim tufela blind man wea poor, and wanem nao hem duim for tufela?

▪ Hu nao Zacchaeus, and why nao hem klaemap wanfela tree?

▪ Hao nao Zacchaeus show aot hem repent?

▪ Wanem nao iumi savvy learnim from way wea Jesus deal withim Zacchaeus?