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Jesus Tok Daonem Olketa wea Againstim Hem

Jesus Tok Daonem Olketa wea Againstim Hem

Chapter 109

Jesus Tok Daonem Olketa wea Againstim Hem

JESUS barava satem mouth bilong olketa man bilong religion wea againstim hem and they fraet nao for askim hem any samting moa. So hem iusim chance hia for showim hao they nating garem savvy. “Wanem nao tingting bilong iufela abaotem Kraest?” hem ask. “Hem son bilong hu nao?”

“David,” olketa Farisi say.

Nomata Jesus no denyim way wea David hem really laen dadi bilong Kraest, or Messiah, hem say: “So, hao nao David thru long holy spirit [long Psalm 110] kolem hem ‘Lord,’ taem hem say, ‘Jehovah say long Lord bilong mi: “Sidaon long raet saed bilong mi go kasem taem mi putim olketa enemy bilong iu underneath long leg bilong iu”’? So, sapos David kolem hem ‘Lord,’ hao nao hem son bilong hem?”

Olketa Farisi kwaet nao, from they no savvy hu nao really Kraest, or anointed wan. Messiah hem no man from laen bilong David nomoa, olsem olketa Farisi believim, but hem stap long heven bifor and hem hae winim David, or Lord bilong hem.

Hem tan go long olketa pipol and olketa disaepol and warnim them abaotem olketa scribe and Farisi. From they teachim Law bilong God, they “putim olketa seleva long ples bilong Moses,” Jesus say: “Evri samting wea olketa talem, iufela mas obeyim and followim.” But hem say moa: “No followim way bilong olketa, from olketa savvy talem, but olketa seleva nating duim.”

They olketa hypocrite, and Jesus tok daonem them long sem way wea hem duim taem hem kaikai long haos bilong wanfela Farisi long samfela month go finis. “Evri samting wea they duim,” hem say, “they duim for mekem olketa man lukim.” And then hem givim samfela example, taem hem say:

“They mekem big olketa box wea garem scripture wea they wearim for mekem them remember.” Olketa box hia wea pipol wearim front long hed or long hand garem fofela sekson bilong Law insaed: Exodus 13:​1-10, 11-16; and Deuteronomy 6:​4-9; 11:​13-21. But olketa Farisi mekem big olketa box hia mekem pipol lukim and say they strong for saed bilong Law.

Jesus say tu hao they “mekem big olketa string long end long kaleko bilong them.” Long Numbers 15:​38-40 olketa Israelite kasem komand for putim olketa string long end long kaleko bilong them, but olketa Farisi mekem big olketa string hia winim otherfela pipol. They duim evri samting for show-off! “They laek for sidaon long barava gudfela ples,” Jesus say.

Sorry tumas, feeling for wantim hae position hem affectim olketa disaepol tu. So hem say: “But iufela, no letem anywan kolem iufela Rabbi, from wanfela nomoa hem teacher bilong iufela, but iufela evriwan olketa brata. And tu, no kolem anywan father bilong iufela long earth, from wanfela nomoa hem Father bilong iufela, dat Wan wea stap long heven. And olketa mas no kolem iufela ‘leader,’ from Leader bilong iufela hem wanfela, hem nao Kraest.” Olketa disaepol mas aotem feeling hia for want for kamap nambawan! “Man wea nambawan midlwan long iufela mas kamap minister bilong iufela,” Jesus say.

Then hem talemaot different kaen trabel long olketa scribe and Farisi, and kolem them hypocrite. They “satem kingdom bilong heven front long olketa man,” hem say, and “they nao olketa wea tekem olketa samting bilong olketa widow woman and talem longfela prea mekem otherfela pipol lukim them.”

“Iufela lukaot, olketa blind man wea leadim narafela man,” Jesus hem say. Hem tok daonem olketa Farisi from they no ting hae long spiritual samting, wea show aot klia long olketa hard rul wea they mekem. For example, they say, ‘Hem samting nating sapos man promis long nem bilong temple, but hem mas givim ansa sapos hem promis long gold bilong temple.’ Way wea they ting moa hae long gold bilong temple winim gudfela spiritual samting bilong datfela ples bilong worship, showim aot klia they blind long saed bilong fasin.

Then olsem hem duim bifor, Jesus tok againstim olketa Farisi bikos they nating tingting long “olketa bigfela samting bilong Law, olsem, justice and mercy and faith” but they ting strong tumas for peim mek-ten part bilong olketa smallfela herb.

Jesus kolem olketa Farisi “olketa blind man wea leadim narafela man, wea aotem smallfela flae but swallowim daon camel!” They aotem smallfela flae from wine bilong them no bikos hem wanfela insect but from hem wanfela dirty animal long saed bilong law. But, way wea they nating tingim olketa bigfela samting bilong Law hem olsem they swallowim wanfela camel, wea hem tu wanfela dirty animal long saed bilong law. Matthew 22:​41–23:24; Mark 12:​35-40; Luke 20:​41-47; Leviticus 11:​4, 21-24.

▪ Why nao olketa Farisi stap kwaet taem Jesus askim them abaotem samting wea David talem long Psalm 110?

▪ Why nao olketa Farisi mekem big olketa box wea garem Scripture and olketa string long end long kaleko bilong them?

▪ Wanem kaonsel nao Jesus givim long olketa disaepol bilong hem?

▪ Wanem nao olketa hard rul wea olketa Farisi mekem, and hao nao Jesus tok againstim them from they nating tingim olketa big samting bilong law?