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Jesus Tok Strong Long Olketa Farisi

Jesus Tok Strong Long Olketa Farisi

Chapter 42

Jesus Tok Strong Long Olketa Farisi

JESUS hem say sapos paoa bilong Satan nao raosem olketa demon, then Satan hem divaed againstim hemseleva. “Iufela pipol mekem tree kamap gudfela withim gudfela fruit,” hem say, “or mekem tree kamap rotten and fruit bilong hem rotten tu; from fruit bilong tree nao mekem pipol luksavvy long tree hia.”

Hem kranky tingting for say gudfela fruit for raosem demon hem kamap from Jesus hem servim Satan. Sapos fruit hem gud, then tree kanduit for rotten. Long nara saed, rotten fruit bilong olketa Farisi wea hem kranky toktok and way for againstim Jesus prove-im they nao rotten. “Olketa pikinini bilong poison snek,” Jesus say, “hao nao iufela savvy talem olketa gudfela samting, taem iufela garem badfela fasin? From samting wea stap long heart nao mouth hem talem.”

From toktok bilong iumi showim aot samting wea stap insaed heart bilong iumi, samting iumi talem hem faondeson wea they bae judge-im iumi. “Mi talem iufela,” Jesus say, “evri kranky samting wea olketa man talem, they bae givim ansa for datwan long Judgment Day; from toktok bilong iufela nao iufela savvy kamap raeteous, and from toktok bilong iufela nao iufela savvy kasem badfela judgment.”

Nomata Jesus duim evri bigfela samting, olketa scribe and Farisi say: “Teacher, mifela laek for lukim wanfela saen from iu.” Nomata olketa hia from Jerusalem no lukim olketa mirakol bilong hem, other pipol barava lukim. So Jesus say long olketa bigman bilong Jew: “Wanfela badfela genereson wea no faithful hem go ahed for lukaotem wanfela saen, but hem bae no lukim any saen but saen bilong profet Jonah nomoa.”

Taem hem talem meaning bilong diswan, Jesus hem say: “Olsem Jonah hem stap insaed long bele bilong bigfela fish threefela day and threefela naet, olsem tu, Son bilong man bae stap insaed long earth threefela day and threefela naet.” Bihaen datfela fish swallowim hem, Jonah kamaot olsem hem resurrect, so Jesus hem talem profesi abaot way wea hem bae dae and long mek-three day hem bae laef back moa. But, olketa bigman bilong Jew, nomata bihaen Jesus hem resurrect, they rejectim ‘saen bilong Jonah.’

Dastawe Jesus hem say olketa man long Nineveh wea repent taem Jonah preach bae laef back moa long judgment and bae talemaot hao olketa Jew wea rejectim Jesus they no stret. Olsem tu, hem iusim example bilong queen bilong Sheba, wea kam from farawe for herem wisdom bilong Solomon and sapraes long samting wea hem lukim and herem. “But, lukim!” Jesus say, “samting wea winim Solomon hem long hia.”

Then Jesus givim wanfela tok piksa abaotem man wea badfela spirit kamaot from hem. But, datfela man no fulimapem datfela empty spes withim gudfela samting, so sevenfela badfela spirit wea moa worse go insaed long hem. “Hem nao sem samting wea bae happen long disfela badfela genereson,” Jesus say. Nation bilong Israel kamap klin and change-im samfela samting​—⁠olsem lelebet taem wea badfela spirit lusim datfela man. But way wea datfela nation rejectim olketa profet bilong God, and go-go they againstim Kraest, showim aot badfela fasin bilong hem kamap moa worse winim firstaem.

Taem Jesus hem toktok yet, mami and olketa brata bilong hem kam and stand ap withim olketa pipol. So samwan hem say: “Lukim! Mami bilong iu and olketa brata bilong iu stand ap aotsaed, olketa laek for story withim iu.”

“Hu nao mami bilong mi, and hu nao olketa brata bilong mi?” Jesus hem ask. Hem point go long olketa disaepol bilong hem and say: “Lukim! Mami bilong mi and olketa brata bilong mi! From man wea duim will bilong Father bilong mi wea stap long heven, dat wan nao brata, and sista, and mami bilong mi.” Long hia Jesus show aot nomata hem love-im olketa relative bilong hem, hem garem love wea moa big for olketa disaepol bilong hem. Matthew 12:​33-50; Mark 3:​31-35; Luke 8:​19-21.

▪ Hao nao olketa Farisi fail for mekem “tree” and “fruit” kamap gudfela?

▪ Wanem nao ‘saen bilong Jonah,’ and hao nao pipol rejectim bihaen?

▪ Hao nao nation bilong Israel long first century hem olsem man wea badfela spirit kamaot from hem?

▪ Hao nao Jesus strongim way wea hem klos fren withim olketa disaepol?