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Jesus and Richfela Young Ruler

Jesus and Richfela Young Ruler

Chapter 96

Jesus and Richfela Young Ruler

TAEM Jesus go thru long distrik bilong Perea for kasem Jerusalem, wanfela young man kam and nildaon front long hem. Datfela man hem wanfela ruler, maet hem garem bigfela position insaed long wanfela synagogue or maet hem wanfela member bilong Sanhedrin tu. And tu, hem rich for gud. “Gudfela Teacher,” hem ask, “wanem nao mi mas duim for kasem laef olawe?”

“Why nao iu kolem mi gudfela?” Jesus hem ansa. “No anywan hem gudfela, but God nomoa.” Luk olsem datfela young man iusim word “gudfela” olsem wanfela title, so Jesus talem hem datfela title hem fitim God nomoa.

“But,” Jesus go ahed for say, “sapos iu want for kasem laef, followim olketa komandment evritaem.”

“Wanem komandment nao bae mi followim?” datfela man hem ask.

Jesus talem faevfela long Ten Komandment and say: “Iu mas no mean for killim dae any man, Iu mas no duim adultery, Iu mas no steal, Iu mas no tok giaman abaot nara man, Honorim dadi and mami bilong iu.” And Jesus joinim go narafela komandment wea moa important: “Iu mas love-im neibor bilong iu olsem iu love-im iuseleva.”

“Evri samting hia mi followim from taem mi young yet,” datfela man ansa long trufela way. “Wanem moa nao mi need for duim?”

Taem hem herem way wea datfela man hem wantim tumas for savvy, Jesus feel sorry tumas long hem. But Jesus luksavvy hao datfela man ting hae tumas long olketa material samting so hem talem samting wea hem need for duim: “Wanfela samting nao iu no duim yet: Go, sellim olketa samting wea iu garem and givim long poor pipol, and iu bae garem olketa richfela samting long heven, and kamap follower bilong mi.”

Jesus lukluk long hem, and hem feel sorry, taem datfela man stand ap and go from hem sorry tumas. Olketa richfela samting bilong hem mekem hem kamap blind for no lukim olketa trufela richfela samting. “Hem hard tumas,” Jesus say, “for olketa wea garem shilling for go insaed long kingdom bilong God!”

Olketa toktok bilong Jesus mekem olketa disaepol sapraes. But they barava sapraes moa taem hem talem disfela rul: “Tru nao, hem moa easy for wanfela camel for go insaed long hol bilong wanfela nila for sewim kaleko winim way for wanfela rich man for go insaed long kingdom bilong God.”

“So hu nao savvy kasem laef?” olketa disaepol want for savvy.

Jesus luk stret long olketa and say: “Long olketa man hem hard tumas, but hem no olsem long God, from God fit for duim evri samting.”

From hem luksavvy samting wea they choosim hem different evribit from datfela richfela young ruler, Peter hem say: “Lukim! Mifela lusim evri samting finis and mifela go followim iu.” So hem ask: “Wanem samting nao mifela bae kasem?”

“Insaed long re-creation,” Jesus promis olsem, “taem Son bilong man hem sidaon long nambawan throne bilong hem, iufela wea followim mi bae sidaon tu long twelvfela throne, judge-im twelvfela tribe bilong Israel.” Yes, Jesus hem showim aot re-creation bae kamap long living long earth mekem evri samting bae olsem long gaden bilong Eden. And Peter and olketa otherfela disaepol bae kasem reward for rul withim Kraest ovarem disfela earth wea evriwea hem Paradaes. Yes, man bae want for lusim any samting for kasem nambawan reward olsem!

But, distaem tu olketa reward stap, olsem Jesus strong for talem: “No anywan wea lusim haos or brata or sista or mami or dadi or pikinini or gaden for saed bilong mi and for saed bilong gud nius wea bae no garem wan hundred taem moa long disfela taem, olketa haos and brata and sista and mami and pikinini and gaden, withim persecution, and long system wea bae kam laef olawe.”

Olsem Jesus promisim, long any ples long world wea olketa disaepol bilong hem go, they enjoyim way for fren tugeta withim otherfela Kristian wea moa klos and gud tumas winim way for fren withim olketa really famili member. Datfela richfela young ruler no kasem disfela reward and reward bilong laef olawe insaed Kingdom bilong God long heven tu.

Bihaen Jesus say moa: “But, planti wea first bae last, and olketa wea last bae first.” Wanem nao hem meanim?

Hem meanim planti pipol wea “first” for enjoyim olketa privilege insaed long religion, olsem datfela richfela young ruler, bae no go insaed long Kingdom. They bae “last.” But planti, wea samfela nao olketa humble disaepol bilong Jesus, wea olketa praodfela Farisi luk daonem them olsem they nao “last”​—⁠olsem pipol bilong earth, or ‛am ha·’aʹrets⁠—​bae they “first.” Way wea bae they “first” hem meanim they bae kasem privilege for rul withim Kraest insaed long Kingdom. Mark 10:​17-31; Matthew 19:​16-30; Luke 18:​18-30.

▪ Wanem kaen ruler nao datfela richfela young man?

▪ Why nao Jesus no wantim hem for kolem hem gudfela?

▪ Hao nao experience bilong datfela youngfela ruler showim aot danger bilong way for rich?

▪ Wanem nao olketa reward wea Jesus promisim long olketa follower bilong hem?

▪ Hao nao olketa wea first bae last, and olketa wea last bae first?