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John Go-go Daon, Jesus Kamap Moa Big

John Go-go Daon, Jesus Kamap Moa Big

Chapter 18

John Go-go Daon, Jesus Kamap Moa Big

BIHAEN long Passova bilong 30 C.E., Jesus and olketa disaepol lusim Jerusalem. They no go back long Galilee, but olketa go long Judea, wea they baptaesim pipol. John the Baptizer duim sem work for wan year finis, and samfela disaepol go ahed for kampani withim hem.

Jesus seleva no baptaesim anywan, but hem talem olketa disaepol nao for duim diswan. Baptism bilong them garem sem meaning olsem baptism bilong John, wea hem olsem wanfela saen for show aot olketa Jew repent from olketa sin wea they duim againstim Law covenant bilong God. But, bihaen long resurrection bilong hem, Jesus givim instruction long olketa disaepol for duim baptism wea garem different meaning. Kristian baptism distaem hem wanfela saen for show aot man dedicate for servim Jehovah God.

Long disfela taem wea Jesus just startim ministry bilong hem, John and hem, nomata they work long different ples, they teachim and baptaesim pipol wea repent. But olketa disaepol bilong John start for feel jealous and they complain long hem abaotem Jesus: “Rabbi, . . . lukim, disfela man hem baptaesim pipol and evriwan they go long hem.”

Winim way for jealous, John hem hapi long way wea Jesus kamap moa big and hem wantim olketa disaepol bilong hem for hapi tu. Hem say: “Iufela seleva herem taem mi say, mi no Kraest, but mi nao man wea kam firstaem long dat wan.” Then hem iusim wanfela nicefela tok piksa: “Man wea bae garem bride hem nao bridegroom. But, fren bilong bridegroom, taem hem stand ap and herem hem, hem hapi for gud taem hem herem voice bilong datfela bridegroom. Dastawe mi barava hapi evribit.”

John, wea hem fren bilong Bridegroom hem hapi tumas, from sixfela month bifor, hem bringim olketa disaepol bilong hem for meetim Jesus. Samfela long them garem chance for kamap olsem bride bilong Kraest long heven wea olketa Kristian wea spirit anointim they insaed long hem. John wantim olketa disaepol bilong hem long datfela taem tu for followim Jesus, from work bilong hem nao for readyim way for bigfela ministry bilong Kraest. Olsem John the Baptizer hem talem: “Dat wan mas go ahed for kamap moa big, but mi mas go-go daon.”

Niufela disaepol bilong Jesus, John, wea hem wanfela disaepol bilong John the Baptizer firstaem, hem raet olsem abaotem start bilong Jesus and important work bilong Hem for sevem olketa man, taem hem say: “Man wea kam from heven hem winim evri otherfela man. . . . Father hem love-im Son and hem givim evri samting long hand bilong hem. Man wea showim aot faith long Son hem garem laef olawe; man wea no obeyim Son bae no lukim laef, but kros bilong God stap long hem.”

No longtaem bihaen John the Baptizer story abaotem way wea work bilong hem bae go-go daon, King Herod kasholem hem. Herod hem tekem Herodias, waef bilong brata bilong hem Philip, for kamap waef bilong hem, and taem John talem long pablik hao diswan hem rong, Herod putim hem insaed long prison. Taem Jesus herem they kasholem John, hem lusim Judea withim olketa disaepol bilong hem for go long Galilee. John 3:​22–4:3; Acts 19:4; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Mark 1:14; 6:​17-20.

▪ Wanem nao meaning bilong olketa baptism wea Jesus talem them for duim bifor resurrection bilong hem? And waswe bihaen long resurrection bilong hem?

▪ Hao nao John showim aot hem no stret for olketa disaepol bilong hem for complain?

▪ Why nao they putim John insaed long prison?