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Kaenfela Samaritan

Kaenfela Samaritan

Chapter 73

Kaenfela Samaritan

MAET Jesus hem klosap long Bethany, wanfela vilij wea stap tufela mile from Jerusalem. Wanfela man wea savvy tumas long Law Bilong Moses kam long hem withim wanfela kwestin: “Teacher, wanem nao mi mas duim for kasem laef olawe?”

Jesus savvy datfela man wea hem wanfela lawyer, hem no ask from hem want for savvy, but bikos hem laek for testim hem. Maet goal bilong datfela lawyer hem for mekem Jesus ansa long way wea bae mekem olketa Jew feel kros. So Jesus mekem datfela lawyer for ansa seleva taem hem say: “Wanem nao olketa raetem insaed long Law? Wanem nao iu readim insaed long hem?”

Taem datfela lawyer ansa, hem iusim gudfela tingting and talem toktok from law bilong God long Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:​18, and say: “‘Iu mas love-im Jehovah, God bilong iu, withim whole heart bilong iu and withim whole soul bilong iu and withim whole strong bilong iu and withim whole mind bilong iu,’ and, ‘iu mas love-im neibor bilong iu olsem iuseleva.’”

“Iu ansa stret,” Jesus hem say. “Go ahed for duim olsem and bae iu kasem laef.”

But datfela lawyer no satisfy. Hem wantim Jesus for talem hem stret wanem for duim and for say hem garem stretfela tingting and hem deal withim otherfela pipol long raeteous way. Dastawe hem ask: “Hu nao really neibor bilong mi?”

Olketa Jew believe hao datfela word “neibor” hem meanim otherfela Jew nomoa, olsem toktok raonem Leviticus 19:18 show aot. Tru nao, aposol Peter tu say bihaen: “Iufela savvy hao hem againstim law for wanfela Jew for join withim or kam klosap long man bilong different nation.” So datfela lawyer, and maet olketa disaepol tu, say they raeteous sapos they deal withim olketa Jew nomoa long kaenfela way, bikos they ting pipol wea no Jew they no really neibor bilong them.

Hao nao Jesus bae stretem tingting bilong olketa wea listen long hem, and long sem taem no mekem them feel no gud? Hem talem wanfela story wea kam from samting wea maet really happen. “Wanfela [Jew],” Jesus say, “hem go daon from Jerusalem for go long Jericho and olketa man for steal kasholem hem, they aotem evri kaleko bilong hem and killim hem, and leavim hem haf dead long road.”

“Bihaen,” Jesus say, “wanfela priest hem wakabaot long datfela road tu, but taem hem lukim hem, hem go long narasaed long road. Wanfela Levite go long sem road and taem hem kasem datfela ples and lukim hem, hem go long narasaed long road tu. But wanfela Samaritan hem go-go long road and kasem ples wea hem lay daon, and taem hem lukim hem, hem barava feel sorry long hem.”

Planti priest and Levite wea help long temple they stap long Jericho, samting olsem 14 mile from temple long Jerusalem. From Jerusalem hem long maunten, road wea kam daon from there hem abaot 3,000 feet hae, and planti rabis man savvy spoelem pipol long road hia. Datfela priest and Levite fit for helpem narafela Jew hia wea kasem trabel, but they no duim. But, wanfela Samaritan nao helpem hem. Olketa Jew really hate-im olketa Samaritan, and no longtaem go nomoa they tok spoelem Jesus taem they say hem “wanfela Samaritan.”

Wanem nao datfela Samaritan duim for helpem datfela Jew? “Hem go long disfela man,” Jesus hem say, “and kapsaetem oil and wine long olketa kill bilong hem and kavarem them. Then hem putim hem on top long donkey bilong hem and tekem hem long wanfela rest haos and luk aftarem hem. And long next day hem givim tufela denarii [wages for tufela day] long man wea luk aftarem rest haos, and hem say, ‘Luk aftarem hem, and taem mi kam back bae mi peim iu for any extra shilling wea iu iusim.’”

Bihaen hem story, Jesus askim lawyer hia: “Long tingting bilong iu, hu long threefela hia nao mekem hemseleva olsem neibor bilong man wea olketa man for steal they spoelem?”

From hem feel no gud for givim any praise long wanfela Samaritan, datfela lawyer hem say: “Man wea showim aot mercy long hem.”

“Iu go and duim sem samting tu,” Jesus say.

Sapos Jesus talem stret long datfela lawyer hao pipol wea no Jew they neibor bilong hem tu, datfela man bae no acceptim and planti long audience tu bae saed withim hem taem hem story withim Jesus. But disfela story abaotem samting wea savvy really happen long laef hem showim aot klia tumas hao olketa neibor they pipol bilong otherfela color skin and kantri tu. Jesus garem nambawan way for teach! Luke 10:​25-37; Acts 10:28; John 4:9; 8:⁠48.

▪ Wanem kwestin nao lawyer askim long Jesus, and why nao hem askim?

▪ Olketa Jew believe hu nao neibor bilong them, and why nao iumi fit for say olketa disaepol tu garem disfela tingting?

▪ Hao nao Jesus showim aot stretfela tingting for garem, mekem datfela lawyer kanduit for againstim?