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Kaikai Withim Wanfela Farisi

Kaikai Withim Wanfela Farisi

Chapter 76

Kaikai Withim Wanfela Farisi

BIHAEN Jesus ansarem pipol wea askim kwestin abaotem wea nao hem kasem paoa for healim wanfela man wea no savvy toktok, wanfela Farisi invitim hem for kaikai. Bifor they kaikai, olketa Farisi followim kastom for wasim hand bilong them go kasem elbow. They duim diswan bifor and bihaen long kaikai and taem they go ahed for kaikai tu. Nomata datfela kastom hem no brekem law bilong God, hem ova tumas long samting wea God askim for stap klin.

Taem Jesus no followim disfela kastom, man wea invitim hem barava sapraes. Nomata maet hem no talem way wea hem sapraes, Jesus luksavvy long diswan and say: “Iufela Farisi, iufela klinim aotsaed bilong kap and dish, but insaed long iufela hem fulap long no gud samting and badfela fasin. Olketa kranky man! Man wea workim aotsaed bilong samting hem workim insaed bilong hem tu, hem tru?”

So Jesus showim aot klia hypocrite fasin bilong olketa Farisi wea followim kastom for wasim hand bilong them but they fail for wasim badfela fasin from heart bilong them. Hem givim disfela kaonsel: “Givim olsem present bilong mercy olketa samting wea stap insaed, and lukim! evri otherfela samting bilong iufela bae klin.” Heart wea garem love nao mas muvim them for givim samting, and no from they want for showim otherfela pipol hao they garem raeteous fasin.

“Lukaot iufela Farisi,” Jesus go ahed for say, “bikos iufela givim mek-ten part bilong mint and rue and bilong evri otherfela vegetable, but iufela nating tingim justice and love bilong God! Olketa samting hia iufela mas duim, but olketa narafela samting hia iufela mas no forgetim.” Law bilong God for Israel hem for they mas peim mek-ten part bilong olketa kaikai long field. Olketa mint and rue they smallfela plant or herb wea they savvy putim insaed long kaikai for taste gud. Olketa Farisi peim mek-ten part bilong olketa herb hia wea no important, but Jesus tok strong long them from they no want for followim olketa moa important law for showim aot love, kaenfela fasin, and humble fasin.

Jesus tok strong moa long them: “Lukaot iufela Farisi, bikos iufela love-im olketa front chair bilong synagogue and olketa gud ples long maket! Iufela lukaot, bikos iufela olsem olketa grave wea man no savvy lukim, wea olketa man wakabaot on top long them but they no savvy!” Way wea they dirty hem no show aot klia. Religion bilong olketa Farisi hem luk gud long aotsaed but insaed hem iusles! They fulap withim hypocrite fasin.

Taem hem listen long strongfela toktok olsem, wanfela lawyer, savvyman bilong Law bilong God, hem complain and say: “Teacher, taem iu talem olketa samting hia, iu tok spoelem mifela.”

Jesus say olketa savvyman bilong Law tu they guilty, taem hem say: “Lukaot tu iufela savvyman bilong Law, bikos iufela putim hevi load long olketa man, but iufela seleva nating touchim olketa load hia withim finger bilong iufela! Iufela lukaot, bikos iufela buildim grave bilong olketa profet, but olketa grani bilong iufela nao killim them dae!”

Olketa load wea Jesus tok abaot they olketa kastom wea they say pipol mas followim, but olketa lawyer hia nating want for aotem any smallfela rul for mekem hem moa easy for olketa pipol. Jesus showim aot hao they join insaed long way for killim dae olketa profet tu, and hem warnim them: “‘Blood bilong evri profet wea they kapsaetem from start bilong world [bae] they askim from disfela genereson, from blood bilong Abel kam kasem blood bilong Zechariah, wea they killim hem dae midlwan long altar and haos.’ Yes, mi talem iufela, disfela genereson mas givim ansa.”

World bilong olketa man wea sinner hem start taem Adam and Eve bornim pikinini; so, Abel stap long “start bilong world.” Bihaen they killim dae Zechariah, army bilong Syria kam and finisim Judah evribit. But Jesus talem profesi abaotem wanfela way for finis evribit wea moa worse wea bae kasem pipol wea stap long taem bilong hem, bikos they duim barava badfela fasin. Diswan hem happen 38 year bihaen, long 70 C.E.

Jesus go ahed for tok strong long them olsem: “Lukaot iufela savvyman bilong Law, bikos iufela tekem awe key bilong savvy; iufela seleva no go insaed, and iufela stopem olketa wea go insaed!” Olketa savvyman bilong Law garem work for meanim Word bilong God long pipol, showim aot klia meaning bilong hem. But they fail for duim diswan and tu they tekem awe chance bilong pipol for meanim.

Olketa Farisi and savvyman bilong law they kros for gud long Jesus bikos hem showim aot really fasin bilong them. Taem hem lusim haos, they strong for againstim hem and askim hem planti kwestin. They trae for trikim hem for talem samting wea they savvy iusim for kasholem hem. Luke 11:​37-54; Deuteronomy 14:22; Micah 6:8; 2 Chronicles 24:​20-25.

▪ Why nao Jesus tok strong long olketa Farisi and savvyman bilong Law?

▪ Wanem nao olketa load wea olketa lawyer putim on top long pipol?

▪ Wanem taem nao “start bilong world”?