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Kam Back Hom Long Capernaum

Kam Back Hom Long Capernaum

Chapter 26

Kam Back Hom Long Capernaum

KAM kasem distaem pipol evriwea savvy long Jesus, and planti pipol go for lukim hem long olketa farawe ples wea hem stap. But bihaen samfela day hem kam back long Capernaum wea stap long Sea Bilong Galilee. Kwiktaem nomoa pipol herem hao hem kam back long hom, and planti kam long haos wea Jesus stap. Olketa Farisi and teacher bilong Law kam from Jerusalem wea farawe for lukim hem.

From staka pipol tumas kam for lukim Jesus, haos hem fulap and no anywan moa savvy go insaed. Wanfela spesel samting klosap for happen. Samting wea happen distaem hem barava important, bikos hem helpem iumi luksavvy hao Jesus garem paoa for finisim way wea man suffer and for givim back gudfela health for evriwan wea hem choose for helpem.

Taem Jesus go ahed for teachim olketa pipol, fofela man karem wanfela cripple man insaed wanfela bed. Olketa laekem Jesus for healim fren bilong them, but from staka pipol tumas, they kanduit for go insaed long haos. They sorry for gud! Nomata olsem, they no givap. Olketa klaem ap long roof bilong datfela haos, mekem wanfela hol long hem, and daonem bed withim datfela cripple man go long Jesus.

Waswe, Jesus kros bikos they stopem story bilong hem? No moa nao! Hem ting hae tumas long faith bilong them. Hem say long datfela cripple man: “Mi forgivim sin bilong iu.” But waswe, Jesus savvy forgivim sin bilong man? Olketa scribe and Farisi daotem datwan. They say insaed heart bilong them: “Why nao disfela man hem tok olsem? Hem tok spoelem God. Hu nao savvy forgivim olketa sin, but God nomoa?”

From hem savvy long tingting bilong olketa, Jesus say long them: “Why nao iufela ting olsem insaed long heart bilong iufela? Wanem nao hem moa easy for talem long disfela cripple man, ‘Mi forgivim sin bilong iu,’ or for say, ‘Stand ap and tekem bed bilong iu and wakabaot’?”

Then, Jesus letem olketa pipol, and olketa wea tok againstim hem tu, for lukim wanfela nambawan samting wea bae showim aot hem garem paoa for forgivim sin long earth and hem nao nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man. Hem tan go long datfela cripple man and say: “Stand ap, tekem bed bilong iu, and go long hom bilong iu.” And stret awe hem stand ap and wakabaot withim bed bilong hem front long evriwan! Olketa pipol sapraes for gud and givim glory long God and say: “Mifela nating lukim any samting olsem diswan”!

Waswe, iu luksavvy hao Jesus joinim sin withim way for sik, and way for forgivim sin hem join withim way for kasem back gudfela health? Bible hem say firstfela dadi bilong iumi, Adam, hem sin and iumi evriwan born withim olketa samting wea kamaot from datfela sin, hem nao, sik and dae. But under long rul bilong Kingdom bilong God, Jesus bae forgivim sin bilong evriwan wea love-im God and servim Hem, and then evri sik bae finis. Datwan bae gud tumas! Mark 2:​1-12; Luke 5:​17-26; Matthew 9:​1-8; Romans 5:​12, 17-19.

▪ Wanem nao olketa samting wea lead go for wanfela nambawan samting wea happen?

▪ Hao nao datfela cripple man go long Jesus?

▪ Why nao iumi evriwan sinner, but hao nao Jesus givim hope hao hem savvy forgivim sin bilong iumi and givim iumi perfect health?