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Kraest Go Insaed Long Jerusalem Olsem King

Kraest Go Insaed Long Jerusalem Olsem King

Chapter 102

Kraest Go Insaed Long Jerusalem Olsem King

LONG next morning, Sunday, Nisan 9, Jesus lusim Bethany withim olketa disaepol and go ap long Maunten Bilong Olives for go long Jerusalem. Then, they kam klosap long Bethphage wea stap long Maunten Bilong Olives. Jesus say olsem long tufela disaepol bilong hem:

“Go long vilij wea iumi savvy lukim, and iufela bae lukim wanfela donkey, and pikinini donkey withim hem; aotem rope wea they taemapem long tufela and tekem them kam long mi. And sapos anywan talem any samting long iufela, iufela mas say, ‘Lord hem needim them.’ Then bae hem letem iufela for tekem kam.”

Nomata olketa disaepol no luksavvy samting wea Jesus talem hem for fulfillim profesi bilong Bible, bihaen nao they luksavvy long diswan. Profet Zechariah talem profesi abaotem way wea promis King bilong God bae raed go insaed long Jerusalem long wanfela donkey, yes, “on top long wanfela full-grown animal, son bilong wanfela mere donkey.” King Solomon tu raed on top long wanfela pikinini donkey for kasem anointing.

Taem olketa disaepol go long Bethphage and tekem datfela youngfela donkey and mami bilong hem, samfela pipol wea stand ap klosap they say: “Wanem nao iufela duim?” But taem they say olketa animal hia for Lord, olketa man hia letem olketa disaepol for tekem go long Jesus. Olketa disaepol putim coat bilong them on top long mere donkey and pikinini bilong hem, but Jesus raed on top long youngfela donkey.

Taem Jesus raed go for Jerusalem, staka pipol start for hipap. Planti aotem coat bilong them and putim long road, and samfela katem olketa branch bilong tree and putim long road tu. “Blessim dat Wan wea kam olsem King insaed long nem bilong Jehovah!” they singaot. “Peace long heven, and glory long olketa haefela ples!”

Samfela Farisi wea stap long there feel no gud long olketa toktok hia and complain long Jesus: “Teacher, iu tok long olketa disaepol bilong iu.” But Jesus ansa: “Mi talem iufela, Sapos olketa hia stap kwaet, olketa stone bae singaot.”

Taem Jesus klosap for kasem Jerusalem, hem lukluk long datfela taon and start for krae for hem and say: “Sapos iu, iuseleva, luksavvy insaed long disfela day evri samting bilong peace​—⁠but distaem they haed finis from eye bilong iu.” From Jerusalem barava mean for no obey, hem mas kasem trabel, olsem Jesus hem talem profesi:

“Olketa enemy bilong iu [olketa long Rome under long General Titus] bae buildim wanfela strongfela timber fence raonem iu and spoelem iu from evri saed, and they bae finisim iu and olketa pikinini bilong iu, and they bae no leavim any stone for stap on top long narafela stone.” Disfela profesi wea Jesus talem for Jerusalem finis evribit hem happen 37 year bihaen, long year 70 C.E.

Long fewfela week bifor, planti long olketa long there lukim Jesus resurrectim Lazarus. So they talem other pipol abaotem mirakol hia. So taem Jesus go long Jerusalem, datfela full taon toktok abaotem hem. “Hu nao disfela man?” pipol want for savvy. And pipol say: “Diswan hem datfela profet Jesus, from Nazareth long Galilee!” Taem they lukim samting wea happen, olketa Farisi kros from no anywan listen long them, and they say: “World hem followim hem nao.”

Olsem hem savvy duim taem hem visitim Jerusalem, Jesus go long temple for teach. Long there olketa wea blind and cripple kam long hem, and hem healim them! Taem olketa chief priest and scribe lukim olketa nambawan samting wea Jesus duim and taem they herem olketa boy insaed long temple singaot, “Mifela prea, sevem disfela Son bilong David!” they kros for gud. “Waswe, iu herem samting wea olketa hia they talem?” they ask.

“Yes,” Jesus say. “Waswe, iufela no readim diswan, ‘Long mouth bilong olketa baby and smallfela pikinini iu mekem praise kamap’?”

Jesus go ahed for teach, and hem luk raon long evri samting insaed long datfela temple. Then hem evening nao. So hem and 12-fela they go back long Bethany wea hem samting olsem tu mile for wakabaot. Long Sunday naet hem sleep long there, maet long haos bilong fren bilong hem Lazarus. Matthew 21:​1-11, 14-17; Mark 11:​1-11; Luke 19:​29-44; John 12:​12-19; Zechariah 9:⁠9.

▪ Long wanem taem and way nao Jesus go insaed long Jerusalem olsem King?

▪ Why nao hem important for olketa pipol praisim Jesus?

▪ Hao nao feeling bilong Jesus taem hem lukim Jerusalem, and wanem profesi nao hem talem?

▪ Wanem nao happen taem Jesus go long temple?