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Kwestin Abaot Way for Markem Taem for No Kaikai

Kwestin Abaot Way for Markem Taem for No Kaikai

Chapter 28

Kwestin Abaot Way for Markem Taem for No Kaikai

KLOSAP wan year go past finis from taem wea Jesus attendim Passova bilong 30 C.E. Long distaem, John the Baptist hem stap long prison for samfela month finis. Nomata hem wantim olketa disaepol bilong hem for kamap follower bilong Kraest, no evriwan duim diswan.

So samfela disaepol bilong John they kam long Jesus and ask: “Why nao mifela and olketa Farisi markem taem for no kaikai but olketa disaepol bilong iu no duim?” Olketa Farisi markem tufela taem long week olsem kastom bilong them. And maet olketa disaepol bilong John followim sem kastom tu. And maet they markem taem for no kaikai for show aot they sorry long John wea stap long prison and they want for savvy why nao olketa disaepol bilong Jesus no duim diswan.

Jesus say: “Olketa fren bilong bridegroom they no need for sorry taem hem stap withim them, hem tru? But taem bae kam wea pipol bae tekem awe bridegroom, and then they bae markem taem for no kaikai.”

Olketa disaepol bilong John rememberim hao John say Jesus nao Bridegroom. So taem Jesus stap, John no ting hem fitim for they markem taem for no kaikai, and olketa disaepol bilong Jesus tu ting olsem. Bihaen, taem Jesus dae, olketa disaepol bilong hem sorry and markem taem for no kaikai. But taem hem resurrect and go ap long heven, they no garem any reason moa for markem taem for no kaikai for show aot they sorry.

Then Jesus talem tok piksa hia: “No anywan savvy sewim niufela piece kaleko long oldfela kaleko wea brek; from strong bilong niufela kaleko bae pullim oldfela piece kaleko and datfela hol bae kamap moa big. And tu, pipol no savvy putim niufela wine insaed long oldfela wineskin; but sapos they duim diswan, then datfela wineskin bae bursta and wine bae kapsaet and datfela wineskin bae no gud nao. But pipol putim niufela wine insaed long niufela wineskin.” Hao nao olketa tok piksa hia join withim way for markem taem for no kaikai?

Jesus hem helpem olketa disaepol bilong John the Baptist for luksavvy hao no anywan fit for say olketa follower bilong hem mas followim olketa oldfela kastom long Jew religion, olsem for markem taem for no kaikai. Hem no kam for mekem gud moa olketa oldfela way for worship wea klosap for finis. Kristian way bae no followim Jew religion long datfela taem, wea followim kastom bilong man. No moa, hem bae no olsem wanfela niufela piece kaleko wea they sewim long old wan or olsem niu wine wea stap insaed long oldfela wineskin. Matthew 9:​14-17; Mark 2:​18-22; Luke 5:​33-39; John 3:​27-29.

▪ Hu nao followim way for markem taem for no kaikai, and why nao they duim?

▪ Why nao olketa disaepol bilong Jesus no markem taem for no kaikai taem hem stap, and bihaen hao nao no any reason stap for markem taem for no kaikai?

▪ Wanem nao olketa tok piksa wea Jesus talem, and wanem nao they meanim?