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Lastfela Taem Hem Showim Hemseleva, and Pentecost 33 C.E.

Lastfela Taem Hem Showim Hemseleva, and Pentecost 33 C.E.

Chapter 131

Lastfela Taem Hem Showim Hemseleva, and Pentecost 33 C.E.

JESUS hem arrange for olketa 11-fela aposol bilong hem for meetim hem long wanfela maunten long Galilee. Luk olsem olketa otherfela disaepol they savvy tu long disfela meeting, and winim 500 pipol they hipap. Hem wanfela hapi meeting taem Jesus hem showim hemseleva and start for teachim them!

Jesus hem meanim long disfela bigfela sekson hao God hem givim hem evri paoa long heven and long earth. “Go,” hem encouragim them, “and mekem disaepol long pipol bilong evri nation, baptaesim them long nem bilong Father and bilong Son and bilong holy spirit, teachim them for duim evri samting wea mi talem long iufela.”

Tingim diswan! Man, woman, and pikinini, evriwan kasem disfela sem komand for share long work for mekem disaepol. Olketa wea againstim them bae trae for stopem preaching and teaching bilong them, but Jesus comfortim them: “Lukim! Mi stap withim iufela go kasem taem bilong end bilong disfela system.” Jesus hem stap withim olketa follower bilong hem thru long holy spirit, for helpem them for duim ministry bilong them.

So Jesus showim hemseleva long olketa disaepol bilong hem insaed long 40-fela day bihaen hem resurrect. Evritaem hem showim hemseleva hem teachim them abaotem Kingdom bilong God, and hem mek hae long responsibility bilong them olsem olketa disaepol bilong hem. Wanfela taem hem showim hemseleva long haf brata bilong hem James and mekem disfela man wea no believe bifor for believe hao Hem nao Kraest.

Taem olketa aposol stap yet long Galilee, luk olsem Jesus talem them for go back long Jerusalem. Taem hem havem meeting withim olketa long there, hem say long them: “No go aot from Jerusalem, but go ahed for waitim samting wea Father hem promisim, wea iufela herem from mi; from John, hem baptaes withim wata, but iufela bae kasem baptaes long holy spirit no longtaem bihaen long diswan.”

Bihaen, Jesus hem havem meeting moa withim olketa aposol bilong hem and leadim them go aot long taon go kasem Bethany, wea stap long east saed bilong Maunten Bilong Olives. But, nomata hem talem evri samting abaotem way wea hem klosap for go back long heven, olketa still believe Kingdom bilong hem bae stap long earth. So olketa askim hem: “Lord, bae iu startim moa kingdom bilong Israel long distaem?”

Winim way for trae and stretem moa rongfela tingting bilong them, Jesus hem ansa: “Hem no samting bilong iufela for savvy long olketa taem or season wea Father nomoa hem savvy abaot.” Then, hem mek hae moa long work wea they mas duim, taem hem say: “Iufela bae kasem paoa taem holy spirit kam long iufela, and iufela bae witness for mi long Jerusalem and long Judea and Samaria and go kasem evri farawe ples long earth.”

Taem they go ahed for lukluk, Jesus hem start for go ap long heven, and then wanfela cloud haedem hem. Bihaen hem lusim body olsem man, hem go ap long heven olsem wanfela spirit. Taem 11-fela they go ahed for lukluk go ap long skae, 2-fela man wea wearim whitefela kaleko kam and stand ap withim them. Tufela angel hia wea tekem body olsem man they ask: “Olketa man bilong Galilee, why nao iufela stand ap and lukluk go ap long skae? Disfela Jesus wea go ap insaed long skae bae kam back long sem way olsem iufela lukim hem go ap insaed long skae.”

Olketa faithful follower bilong Jesus nomoa lukim way wea Jesus lusim earth and no evriwan long pablik. So long sem way olsem hem bae kam back tu​—⁠no evriwan long pablik bae lukim but olketa faithful follower bilong hem nomoa bae luksavvy hao hem kam back finis and hem start for rul long Kingdom paoa.

Olketa aposol start for go daon from Maunten Bilong Olives, katkros long Kidron Valley, and go insaed long Jerusalem moa. They stap long there from they obeyim komand bilong Jesus. Tenfela day bihaen, long Festival Bilong Pentecost bilong olketa Jew long 33 C.E., taem samting olsem 120 long olketa disaepol hipap long wanfela room on top wanfela haos long Jerusalem, wanfela noise wea sound olsem strongfela wind hem start for fulimap datfela full haos. Olketa samting olsem smallfela fire hem laet, and wanfela hem stap on top long hed bilong each wan wea stap long there, and olketa disaepol start for tok long olketa different langwis. Diswan nao holy spirit wea kam daon long olketa olsem Jesus hem promisim! Matthew 28:​16-20; Luke 24:​49-52; 1 Corinthians 15:​5-7; Acts 1:​3-15; 2:​1-4.

▪ Long hu nao Jesus givim olketa lastfela instruction long maunten long Galilee, and wanem nao olketa instruction hia?

▪ Wanem comfort nao Jesus givim long olketa disaepol bilong hem, and hao nao hem bae stap withim them?

▪ For haomas day bihaen hem resurrect nao Jesus showim hemseleva long olketa disaepol bilong hem, and wanem nao hem teachim them?

▪ Hu nao Jesus showim hemseleva long hem, wea luk olsem hem no wanfela disaepol bifor Jesus dae?

▪ Wanem nao tufela lastfela meeting wea Jesus havem withim olketa aposol bilong hem, and wanem nao happen long tufela taem hia?

▪ Hao nao Jesus bae kam back long sem way olsem hem lusim earth?

▪ Wanem nao happen long Pentecost 33 C.E.?