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Leson Abaotem Humble Fasin

Leson Abaotem Humble Fasin

Chapter 62

Leson Abaotem Humble Fasin

BIHAEN hem healim boy wea garem demon klosap long Caesarea Philippi, Jesus want for go back hom long Capernaum. But, hem want for go seleva withim olketa disaepol mekem hem readyim them for dae bilong hem and olketa responsibility wea they bae kasem bihaen. “Bae they givim Son bilong man long hand bilong olketa man,” hem talem them, “and olketa bae killim hem dae, but, nomata they killim hem dae, hem bae laef back bihaen long threefela day.”

Nomata Jesus story abaotem diswan bifor, and threefela aposol lukim hem change and kasem glory and they herem story abaotem way wea hem “bae go,” olketa follower bilong hem still no meanim datwan. Nomata no anywan long olketa trae for denyim way wea pipol bae killim hem dae, olsem Peter duim, they fraet for askim hem moa abaot diswan.

Go-go they kasem Capernaum, ples wea Jesus savvy stap taem hem duim ministry bilong hem. Hem homtaon bilong Peter tu and samfela other aposol. Long there, olketa man wea tekem tax long temple kam long Peter. From they want for faendem rong long Jesus long saed bilong law, they ask olsem: “Waswe, teacher bilong iu savvy peim tufela drachma bilong [temple] tax?”

“Yes,” Peter hem say.

Jesus, wea kasem datfela haos bihaen, hem savvy long samting wea happen. So taem Peter no talem hem yet, Jesus ask olsem: “Wanem nao tingting bilong iu Simon? Hu nao peim shilling and tax long olketa king bilong earth? Olketa son bilong them or olketa stranger?”

“Olketa stranger,” Peter hem say.

“So datwan meanim olketa son no need for peim tax,” Jesus say. Bikos Father bilong Jesus hem King bilong universe, dat Wan wea pipol worshipim long temple, long saed bilong law Son bilong God no need for peim tax bilong temple. Jesus say: “But from iumi no want for mekem them stumble, iu go long sea, torowem wanfela fishing laen, and tekem firstfela fish wea iu pullim and, taem iu openem mouth bilong hem, iu bae faendem wanfela stater [fofela drachma] coin. Tekem datwan and givim long olketa for mi and iu.”

Taem olketa disaepol hipap tugeta bihaen they kasem Capernaum, maet long haos bilong Peter, they ask olsem: “Hu nao nambawan insaed long kingdom bilong heven?” Jesus savvy why they askim datfela kwestin, from hem savvy long samting wea happen taem they wakabaot bihaen hem long road from Caesarea Philippi. So hem ask: “Wanem nao iufela argue abaot long road?” From they feel shame, olketa disaepol stap kwaet, from they argue midlwan long olketa seleva abaotem hu nao nambawan.

Nomata they herem teaching bilong Jesus for klosap threefela year finis, way wea olketa disaepol argue hem mekem iumi sapraes tumas, hem tru? Well, diswan show aot strongfela paoa bilong way wea man hem no perfect, and tu, religion wea they grow ap insaed. Olketa disaepol grow ap insaed Jew religion wea mek hae long position wea man garem long evri samting. And tu, maet Peter, bikos Jesus promis for givim hem “olketa key” bilong Kingdom, hem ting say hem nao moa hae. James and John maet garem sem kaen feeling tu bikos they lukim Jesus change and kasem glory.

Nomata wanem nao mekem olketa garem diskaen tingting, Jesus duim wanfela nambawan samting for stretem tingting bilong olketa. Hem kolem wanfela pikinini, mekem hem stand ap midlwan long olketa, holem datfela pikinini and say: “Sapos iufela no change evribit and kamap olsem olketa young pikinini, bae iufela nating savvy go insaed long kingdom bilong heven. Dastawe man wea bae kamap humble olsem disfela young pikinini, hem nao nambawan long kingdom bilong heven; and anywan wea willing for acceptim young pikinini olsem from nem bilong mi, hem acceptim mi tu.”

Datwan hem nambawan way for stretem olketa disaepol bilong hem! Jesus no kros long olketa and kolem them bighed, selfish, or olketa wea trae for kasem haefela position. No moa, but hem mekem klia teaching bilong hem taem hem iusim example bilong olketa small pikinini, wea garem humble fasin and no want for winim each other or laekem hae position midlwan long olketa seleva. So Jesus showim aot hao olketa disaepol bilong hem need for mekem grow fasin bilong olketa humble pikinini. Then Jesus finisim disfela toktok olsem: “Man wea show aot humble fasin midlwan long iufela hem nao man wea nambawan.” Matthew 17:​22-27; 18:​1-5; Mark 9:​30-37; Luke 9:​43-48.

▪ Taem hem kam back long Capernaum, wanem teaching nao Jesus talem moa, and olketa wea herem they waswe?

▪ Why nao Jesus no need for peim tax bilong temple, but why nao hem peim?

▪ Wanem nao maet mekem olketa disaepol argue, and hao nao Jesus stretem olketa?