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Leson Abaotem Mercy

Leson Abaotem Mercy

Chapter 40

Leson Abaotem Mercy

MAET Jesus still stap long Nain, wea bifor hem resurrectim son bilong wanfela widow woman, or maet hem visitim wanfela taon wea stap klosap. Wanfela Farisi wea nem bilong hem Simon hem want for lukim man wea duim olketa mirakol olsem. So hem invitim Jesus for kaikai withim hem.

From hem ting diswan hem gudfela chance for hem witness long there, Jesus acceptim datfela invitation, olsem hem acceptim olketa invitation for kaikai withim man for tekem tax and olketa sinner. But, taem hem go insaed haos bilong Simon, Jesus no kasem welkam wea followim kastom for anywan wea visit.

From they wakabaot long road and wearim sandal, leg bilong them feel hot and hem dust for gud, so kastom for welkamim pipol hem for man long haos mas wasim leg bilong man wea visit, withim cold wata. But no anywan wasim leg bilong Jesus taem hem kasem haos, and no anywan kissim hem wea hem kastom long datfela taem tu. And they no givim tu oil bilong welkam for rubbim long hair bilong hem.

Taem olketa kaikai, and sidaon raonem tebol, wanfela woman wea they no invitim hem kam kwaet insaed long room. Evriwan savvy hem wanfela olabaot woman. Maet hem herem teaching bilong Jesus, and invitation for ‘evriwan wea karem bigfela hevi for kasem strong from hem.’ And from samting wea hem lukim and herem barava muvim hem, distaem hem lukaotem Jesus.

Datfela woman kam bihaen long Jesus wea sidaon and nildaon front long hem. Taem hem krae and wata from eye bilong hem fall daon long leg bilong Jesus, woman hia draem withim hair bilong hem. Then hem tekem oil wea smel nice from bottle wea hem karem, and kissim leg bilong Jesus and pourim oil long hem. Simon no hapi taem hem lukim diswan. “Disfela man, sapos hem wanfela profet,” hem ting olsem, “bae hem savvy hu nao disfela woman and fasin bilong hem, hao hem wanfela sinner.”

From hem luksavvy long tingting bilong hem, Jesus hem say: “Simon, mi laek for talem iu wanfela samting.”

“Teacher, iu talem!” hem say.

“Tufela man kaonem shilling long wanfela man,” Jesus hem say. “Wanfela hem kaonem faev hundred denarii, but narawan fifti. Taem tufela no garem any shilling for change-im back kaon bilong them, hem forgivim tufela evriwan. So, hu nao bae love-im hem tumas?”

Simon say, maet withim lelebet interest nomoa from hem no savvy hao diswan fitim story hia: “Mi tingim hem datfela man wea garem bigfela kaon.”

“Iu talem stret samting,” Jesus hem say. And then hem tan go long datfela woman, and say long Simon: “Iu lukim disfela woman? Mi kam insaed long haos bilong iu; iu no givim mi any wata for leg bilong mi. But disfela woman hem mekem leg bilong mi tuwet withim wata from eye bilong hem and draem withim hair bilong hem. Iu nating kissim mi; but disfela woman, start long taem wea mi kam, hem kissim leg bilong mi. Iu no putim oil long hed bilong mi; but disfela woman rubbim oil wea smel nice long leg bilong mi.”

Woman hia show aot hem barava repent from dirty living wea hem garem bifor. So Jesus say: “From diswan, mi talem iu, olketa sin bilong hem, nomata they planti, mi forgivim, bikos hem showim aot bigfela love; but man wea olketa forgivim long smallfela way, hem showim aot smallfela love.”

Jesus no mekem excuse or ting long dirty fasin olsem samting nating nomoa. But, disfela samting wea happen show aot way wea Jesus feel sorry for pipol wea duim rong long laef, but then show aot they sorry from samting wea they duim and they kam long Kraest for helpem them. Jesus barava helpem datfela woman taem hem say: “Mi forgivim olketa sin bilong iu. . . . Faith bilong iu hem sevem iu; go long peace.” Luke 7:​36-50; Matthew 11:​28-30.

▪ Wanem nao Simon no duim taem Jesus go long haos bilong hem?

▪ Hu nao lukaotem Jesus, and why?

▪ Wanem tok piksa nao Jesus talem, and hao nao hem iusim datwan?