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Long Raet Saed Bilong God

Long Raet Saed Bilong God

Chapter 132

Long Raet Saed Bilong God

WAY wea holy spirit kam daon long olketa disaepol long Pentecost hem prove-im Jesus hem stap finis long heven. Vision wea disaepol Stephen lukim hem prove-im tu Hem stap finis long heven. Just bifor olketa sutim hem dae withim stone from faithful witness work bilong hem, Stephen hem say: “Lukim! Mi lukim heven hem open and Son bilong man hem stand ap long raet saed bilong God.”

Taem hem stap long raet saed bilong God, Jesus hem waitim disfela komand from Father bilong hem: “Go bossim olketa enemy bilong iu.” But go kasem datfela taem wea hem bae duim samting againstim olketa enemy bilong hem, wanem nao Jesus hem duim? Hem rul ovarem olketa anointed disaepol bilong hem, guide-im them long preaching work bilong them and prepare-im them for kamap, thru long resurrection, olketa wea bae king withim hem insaed long Kingdom bilong Father bilong hem.

For example, Jesus hem choosim Saul (wea bihaen, they iusim Roman nem bilong hem, Paul) for go firstaem for duim disfela work for mekem disaepol long otherfela kantri. Saul hem strong for followim Law bilong God, but olketa bigman bilong Jew religion guide-im hem long rongfela way. From diswan, Saul hem saed withim olketa for killim dae Stephen and tu hem go long Damascus withim paoa from hae priest Caiaphas for kasholem and bringim back long Jerusalem any man and woman wea hem faendem long there wea follower bilong Jesus. But, taem Saul hem go-go long road, sek nomoa wanfela braet laet hem sut aot raonem hem and hem fall daon long graon.

“Saul, Saul, why nao iu persecutim mi?” wanfela voice hem ask. “Hu nao iu, Lord?” Saul hem ask.

“Mi nao Jesus, wea iu persecutim,” hem ansa.

Jesus talem Saul, wea kamap blind from disfela spesel laet, for go long Damascus and waitim samfela instruction. Then insaed long wanfela vision Jesus hem kam long Ananias, wanfela disaepol bilong hem. Jesus talem Ananias abaot Saul: “Mi choosim disfela man for karem nem bilong mi go long olketa nation and tu long olketa king and olketa son bilong Israel.”

Withim help bilong Jesus, Saul (wea distaem olketa kolem Paul) and otherfela pipol wea talemaot gud nius they barava win long disfela work for preach and teach. Tru nao, samting olsem 25 year bihaen long taem wea Jesus showim hemseleva long Paul long road for go long Damascus, Paul raetem hao datfela “gud nius” olketa “preachim finis evriwea under long heven.”

Bihaen planti year go past, Jesus hem givim samfela vision long aposol wea hem love-im, John. Thru long olketa vision hia wea John tok abaotem long Bible buk bilong Revelation, hem olsem hem stap laef for lukim Jesus kam back long Kingdom paoa. John talem hao “thru long spirit bilong God” hem olsem hem stap long “day bilong Lord.” Wanem nao disfela “day”?

Thru long way for studyim gud olketa profesi bilong Bible, withim profesi bilong Jesus abaotem olketa last day, hem showim aot klia hao “day bilong Lord” hem start long datfela important year, 1914! So long 1914 nao Jesus kam back, but no evriwan long pablik lukim hem but olketa faithful servant bilong hem nomoa they luksavvy hem kam back. Long datfela year Jehovah givim Jesus disfela komand for go bossim olketa enemy bilong hem!

Jesus hem obeyim order bilong Father bilong hem, and klinim heven taem hem aotem Satan and olketa demon bilong hem, and torowem them kam daon long earth. Bihaen hem lukim diswan happen long vision, John herem wanfela voice long heven wea say: “Taem hem kam nao for salvation and paoa and kingdom bilong God bilong iumi and paoa bilong Kraest bilong hem!” Yes, long 1914, Kraest hem start for rul olsem King!

Diswan hem gud nius for olketa worshiper bilong Jehovah long heven! They kasem encouragement: “Iufela hapi, iufela heven and iufela wea stap long there!” But waswe long olketa long earth? “Sorry tumas long earth and long sea,” voice from heven go ahed for say, “from Devil hem kam daon finis long iufela, hem kros for gud, from hem savvy hem garem shortfela taem nomoa.”

Distaem iumi stap insaed long datfela shortfela taem. Pipol go ahed for show aot distaem sapos they fit for kasem laef long niu world bilong God or for finis evribit. Trufela samting nao, future bilong iu hem depend long samting iu duim distaem abaotem gud nius bilong Kingdom bilong God wea they go ahed for preachim evriwea long earth under long lead bilong Kraest.

Bihaen, Jesus Kraest bae serve olsem Man wea God Iusim for finisim evribit full system bilong Satan and evriwan wea supportim datfela system. Jesus bae finisim evri badfela fasin insaed long disfela war wea olketa kolem long Bible, Har–Magedon, or Armageddon. Bihaen, Jesus, datfela barava nambawan Man long universe wea hem mek-tu long Jehovah God seleva, bae kasholem Satan and olketa demon bilong hem and lockim them for wan thousand year insaed long “hol wea deep tumas,” wea olsem they dae from they no savvy duim any samting. Acts 7:​55-60; 8:​1-3; 9:​1-19; 16:​6-10; Psalm 110:​1, 2; Hebrews 10:​12, 13; 1 Peter 3:22; Luke 22:​28-30; Colossians 1:​13, 23; Revelation 1:​1, 10; 12:​7-12; 16:​14-16; 20:​1-3; Matthew 24:14.

▪ Bihaen Jesus hem go ap long heven, wea nao hem stap, and wanem nao hem waitim?

▪ Hu nao Jesus rul ovarem bihaen hem go ap long heven, and hao nao disfela rul hem show aot?

▪ Wanem taem nao “day bilong Lord” hem start, and wanem nao happen taem hem start?

▪ Hao nao preaching work wea go ahed distaem affectim each wan long iumi?

▪ Taem preaching work hem finis, wanem nao olketa samting wea bae kamap bihaen?