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Long Sea Bilong Galilee

Long Sea Bilong Galilee

Chapter 130

Long Sea Bilong Galilee

OLKETA aposol go back long Galilee, olsem Jesus talem firstaem for olketa duim. But they no sure wanem nao they mas duim long there. No longtaem bihaen, Peter talem Thomas, Nathanael, James and brata bilong hem John, and tufela otherfela aposol: “Mi bae go fishing.”

“Mifela tu bae kam withim iu,” sixfela they say.

Long full naet, they nating kasem any samting. But, taem hem start for daylaet, Jesus hem stand ap long sandbis, but olketa aposol no luksavvy long hem. Hem singaot go: “Olketa youngfela pikinini, waswe, iufela no garem any samting for kaikaim?”

“Yes!” they singaot go back.

“Torowem net bilong iufela long raet saed bilong boat and iufela bae faendem samfela,” hem say. And taem they duim olsem, they no fit for pullim back net hia bikos staka fish insaed.

“Hem nao Lord!” John hem say.

Taem hem herem diswan, Peter hem wearim kaleko bilong hem, from hem aotem kaleko bilong hem, and hem jump go insaed long sea. Then hem swim for 90 metre go long shore. Olketa otherfela aposol they kam bihaen long smallfela boat, and pullim kam net wea fulap withim fish.

Taem they kasem shore, wanfela charcoal fire hem burn, withim fish wea stap on top, and bred tu. “Tekem kam samfela fish wea iufela just kasem,” Jesus hem say. Peter hem go insaed long boat and pullim net long shore. Hem garem 153 bigfela fish!

“Kam, tekem kaikai bilong iufela,” Jesus hem say.

No anywan laek for ask, “Hu nao iu?” from they savvy hem Jesus. Diswan hem mek-seven taem wea hem showim hemseleva bihaen hem resurrect, and mek-three taem long olketa aposol olsem wanfela grup. Then hem servim kaikai, and givim bred and fish long each wan.

Taem they kaikai finis, Jesus, wea maet hem luk go long staka fish wea they kasem, askim Peter: “Simon, son bilong John, waswe, iu love-im mi winim olketa hia?” Luk olsem hem meanim, Waswe, iu interest tumas long fishing bisnis winim disfela work wea mi readyim iu for duim?

“Iu savvy mi love-im iu,” Peter hem ansa.

“Feedim smallfela sheepsheep bilong mi,” Jesus hem say.

Then mek-tu taem moa hem ask: “Simon, son bilong John, waswe, iu love-im mi?”

“Yes, Lord, iu savvy mi love-im iu,” Peter hem ansa strong.

“Shepherdim smallfela sheepsheep bilong mi,” Jesus komandim hem moa.

Then, mek-three taem moa hem ask: “Simon, son bilong John, waswe, iu love-im mi?”

Distaem Peter feel no gud nao. Maet hem ting Jesus hem daotem loyal fasin bilong hem. From, no longtaem go nomoa, taem they tekem Jesus long kot for killim hem dae, threefela taem Peter hem denyim way wea hem savvy long hem. So Peter say: “Lord, iu savvy long evri samting; iu savvy mi love-im iu.”

“Feedim smallfela sheepsheep bilong mi,” Jesus komandim hem for mek-three taem.

So Jesus hem iusim Peter olsem example for barava showim aot klia long olketa otherfela disaepol work wea hem wantim them for duim. Klosap nao hem bae lusim earth, and hem wantim them for leadim work for teachim olketa wea bae kam insaed long fence bilong sheepsheep bilong God.

Olsem olketa taemapem Jesus and killim hem dae from hem duim work wea God talem hem for duim, so, distaem hem talem klia hao Peter bae suffer long sem way tu. “Taem iu youngfela man bifor,” Jesus talem hem, “iu wearim strap bilong iu and wakabaot long any ples wea iu want for go. But taem iu kamap olo iu bae givim go hand bilong iu and narafela man bae taemap strap raonem iu and tekem iu go long ples wea iu no laek for go.” Nomata Peter bae dae for faith bilong hem, Jesus encouragim hem: “Go ahed for followim mi.”

Taem hem tan raon and lukim John, Peter hem ask: “Lord, wanem nao bae disfela man duim?”

“Sapos hem will bilong mi for hem stap go kasem taem mi kam back,” Jesus hem ansa, “why nao iu worry abaot diswan? Iu go ahed for followim mi.” Planti disaepol ting say disfela toktok bilong Jesus hem meanim aposol John bae nating dae. But, olsem aposol John hem meanim bihaen, Jesus hem no say hem bae no dae, but Jesus hem say nomoa: “Sapos hem will bilong mi for hem stap go kasem taem mi kam back, why nao iu worry abaot diswan?”

Bihaen, John hem talem tu disfela important toktok: “Tru nao, Jesus hem duim planti otherfela samting tu, wea, sapos they raetem evri samting hia, mi ting, world no savvy garem inaf spes for putim olketa scroll wea they raetem.” John 21:​1-25; Matthew 26:32; 28:​7, 10.

▪ Wanem nao showim aot olketa aposol no sure abaotem wanem they mas duim long Galilee?

▪ Hao nao olketa aposol luksavvy long Jesus long Sea Bilong Galilee?

▪ Haomas taem nao Jesus showim hemseleva bihaen hem resurrect?

▪ Hao nao Jesus mek hae long samting wea hem wantim olketa aposol for duim?

▪ Hao nao Jesus say bae Peter hem dae?

▪ Wanem nao toktok bilong Jesus abaotem John wea planti disaepol no meanim gud?