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“Lukim! Disfela Man!”

“Lukim! Disfela Man!”

Chapter 123

“Lukim! Disfela Man!”

FROM hem sapraes long fasin bilong Jesus and luksavvy hem no guilty, Pilate lukaotem narafela way for letem hem go free. “Iufela garem wanfela kastom,” hem talem olketa pipol, “wea mi mas letem wanfela man go free for iufela long passova.”

Barabbas, wanfela no gud man for killim man dae, hem prisoner tu, so Pilate ask: “Hu nao iufela wantim mi for letem hem go free for iufela, Barabbas or Jesus wea olketa kolem Kraest?”

From olketa chief priest pushim them, olketa pipol ask for letem Barabbas go free but Jesus mas dae. Pilate no givap, but hem askim them moa: “Hu long tufela nao iufela wantim mi for letem hem go free for iufela?”

“Barabbas,” olketa singaot olsem.

“So, wanem nao bae mi duim withim Jesus wea olketa kolem Kraest?” Pilate ask from hem no savvy wanem for duim.

Evriwan singaot big tugeta and ansa: “Nilam hem long post!” “Nilam long post! Nilam hem long post!”

From hem savvy they wantim wanfela man wea no guilty for dae, Pilate hem ask: “Wanem no gud samting nao disfela man hem duim? Mi no faendem any samting wea mekem hem fit for dae; so mi bae panisim hem nomoa and letem hem go free.”

Nomata hem trae hard, olketa pipol wea kros tumas, wea olketa leader bilong religion pushim, go ahed for singaot: “Nilam hem long post!” From olketa priest mekem them kamap wild tumas, pipol hia want for hem mas dae. And tingim, just faevfela day go finis, maet samfela hia stap midlwan long olketa wea welkamim Jesus long Jerusalem olsem King! Long taem hia, olketa disaepol bilong Jesus, wea maet stap long there, they stap kwaet nomoa and no anywan luksavvy long them.

Pilate, from hem lukim hao no any gud samting hem kamaot from samting hem askim, but olketa go ahed for singaot moa big, hem tekem wata and wasim hand bilong hem front long olketa pipol, and say: “Mi no guilty long blood bilong disfela man. Iufela seleva nao duim wanem iufela laekem.” Then olketa pipol ansa: “Blood bilong hem bae kam long mifela and olketa pikinini bilong mifela.”

So, for followim samting wea they wantim​—⁠and from hem want for mekem olketa pipol hapi winim way for duim wanem hem savvy hem stret​—Pilate hem letem Barabbas go free for them. Hem tekem Jesus and aotem kaleko bilong hem and then whipim hem. Diswan hem different kaen way for whipim man. The Journal of the American Medical Association hem story abaotem way wea olketa long Rome savvy whipim pipol:

“Samting wea they savvy iusim hem wanfela shortfela whip (flagrum or flagellum) wea olketa workim long olketa leather string wea samfela long and samfela short, and they taemap smallfela iron ball or olketa sharpfela bone bilong sheepsheep long olketa string hia. . . . Taem olketa soldia bilong Rome go ahed for whipim backsaed bilong man withim full paoa, olketa iron ball mekem kill long body, and olketa leather whip and bone bilong sheepsheep katem skin and meat wea stap underneath long skin. Then taem they go ahed for whipim man, olketa kill long body savvy brek open kasem meat wea kavarem olketa bone and blood ran kamaot from flesh bilong man.”

Bihaen they whipim hem no gud, olketa tekem Jesus go long bigfela haos bilong governor, and olketa kolem full army for hipap tugeta. Long there olketa soldia spoelem hem moa and workim wanfela crown from rope wea garem nila and pushim long hed bilong hem. Olketa mekem hem holem wanfela stik long raet hand bilong hem, and mekem hem wearim purple kaleko, kaen kaleko wea king savvy wearim. Then olketa mek funny long hem: “Gud day, iu King bilong olketa Jew!” And tu, olketa spit long hem and slapem face bilong hem. Olketa tekem strongfela stik hia from hand bilong hem, and iusim for hitim hed bilong hem, and diswan pushim go moa sharp nila bilong disfela “crown” bilong shame long hed bilong hem.

Nambawan way wea Jesus showim aot peace and strong taem olketa spoelem hem muvim Pilate for traem narafela way for letem hem go free. “Lukim! Mi bringim hem aotsaed long iufela for iufela savvy hao mi no faendem any rong samting long hem,” hem talem olketa pipol. Maet hem ting say taem they lukim olketa kill long body bilong Jesus diswan bae mekem olketa feel sorry. Taem Jesus hem stand ap front long olketa pipol hia wea nating feel sorry, and wearim disfela nila crown and purple kaleko and blood kamaot long face bilong hem wea show aot bigfela pain, Pilate hem say: “Lukim! Disfela man!”

Nomata hem garem bigfela kill, man wea stand ap hia hem barava nambawan man long history, tru nao, hem nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man! Yes, Jesus showim aot kwaet fasin and hem garem peace wea mekem Pilate luksavvy hao hem wanfela barava nambawan man, from toktok wea Pilate talem showim aot respect and way for feel sorry. John 18:​39–19:5; Matthew 27:​15-17, 20-30; Mark 15:​6-19; Luke 23:​18-25.

▪ Wanem nao narafela way wea Pilate trae for mekem Jesus kamap free?

▪ Hao nao Pilate trae for show aot hem no guilty long disfela samting?

▪ Hao nao they savvy whipim wanfela man?

▪ Hao nao olketa mek funny long Jesus bihaen they whipim hem?

▪ Wanem samting moa Pilate trae for duim for mekem Jesus kamap free?