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Lusim Haos Bilong Jairus and Visitim Nazareth Moa

Lusim Haos Bilong Jairus and Visitim Nazareth Moa

Chapter 48

Lusim Haos Bilong Jairus and Visitim Nazareth Moa

DISWAN hem busy day for Jesus​—⁠hem kam long boat from Decapolis, healim woman wea sik long blood wea ran olawe, and resurrectim dota bilong Jairus. But day hia no finis yet. Taem Jesus lusim haos bilong Jairus, tufela blind man go bihaenem hem, and singaot olsem: “Son bilong David, showim aot mercy long mifela.”

Taem they kolem Jesus “Son bilong David,” they showim aot they believe Jesus nao fit for rul long throne bilong David, datfela promis Messiah. But Jesus no helpem them stret awe, maet from hem want for testim them. But tufela no givap. They followim Jesus go long ples wea hem stap, and taem hem go insaed long haos, they go insaed tu.

Long there Jesus askim them: “Waswe, iu tufela garem faith hao mi savvy duim diswan?”

“Yes, Lord,” they ansa strong.

So Jesus touchim eye bilong tufela and say: “From faith bilong iu tufela, letem diswan happen.” Sek nomoa they savvy lukluk nao! Then Jesus tok strong long them: “No talem diswan long anywan.” But from they hapi tumas, they no followim toktok bilong Jesus but story abaotem hem long evri ples.

Bihaen tufela man hia go, olketa pipol tekem kam wanfela man wea garem demon wea mekem hem no savvy toktok. Jesus raosem datfela demon, and stret awe man hia start for toktok. Olketa pipol sapraes for gud long olketa mirakol hia and say: “No any samting olsem hem happen long Israel bifor.”

Olketa Farisi tu stap long there. They kanduit for denyim olketa mirakol, but from badfela fasin bilong olketa, they talem moa samting wea they talem bifor abaotem wea nao Jesus garem paoa for duim olketa mirakol, they say: “Hem raosem olketa demon thru long ruler bilong olketa demon.”

Then Jesus go back long homtaon bilong hem long Nazareth withim olketa disaepol. Wan year go finis, hem visitim synagogue and teach long there. Nomata long datfela taem olketa pipol sapraes long gudfela toktok bilong hem, bihaen they feel no gud long teaching bilong hem and trae for killim hem dae. Distaem, long way wea show aot mercy, Jesus trae moa for helpem pipol wea hem stap withim bifor.

Long otherfela ples planti pipol hipap for lukim Jesus, but they no duim datwan long hia. So, long Sabbath, hem go long synagogue for teach. Planti wea herem hem they sapraes for gud. “Wea nao disfela man kasem disfela wisdom and strongfela paoa for duim olketa mirakol olsem?” they ask. “Waswe, dis wan nao son bilong carpenter? Waswe, mami bilong hem Mary, and olketa brata bilong hem James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And waswe, olketa sista bilong hem stap withim iumi? So, wea nao disfela man kasem evri samting hia?”

‘Jesus hem man olsem iumi nomoa,’ they ting. ‘Iumi lukim hem taem hem grow ap, and iumi savvy long famili bilong hem. Hao nao hem fit for Messiah?’ So nomata they lukim evri proof​—⁠bigfela wisdom wea hem garem and olketa mirakol bilong hem​—⁠they rejectim hem. From they savvy gud long hem, olketa relative tu stumble long hem, and diswan mekem Jesus say: “Wanfela profet hem kasem honor but no from pipol from hom ples bilong hem and olketa relative bilong hem and famili bilong hem.”

Tru nao, Jesus sapraes from they nating garem faith. So hem no duim planti mirakol long there, but hem healim nomoa samfela sik pipol. Matthew 9:​27-34; 13:​54-58; Mark 6:​1-6; Isaiah 9:7.

▪ Taem they kolem Jesus “Son bilong David,” tufela blind man show aot they believim wanem?

▪ Wanem nao olketa Farisi talem abaotem olketa mirakol bilong Jesus?

▪ Why nao way wea Jesus go back for helpem pipol long Nazareth hem showim aot mercy?

▪ Wanem nao pipol duim taem Jesus go long Nazareth, and why?