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Mekem Big Wind Stap Kwaet

Mekem Big Wind Stap Kwaet

Chapter 44

Mekem Big Wind Stap Kwaet

JESUS hem busy tumas long datfela day, hem teachim pipol long sandbis and bihaen hem meanim olketa tok piksa long olketa disaepol bilong hem. Taem hem evening, hem say: “Letem iumi katkros go long narasaed.”

Long east saed bilong Sea Bilong Galilee hem ples wea they kolem Decapolis, wea kam from tufela Greek word deʹka, wea meanim “tenfela,” and poʹlis, wea meanim “taon.” Olketa taon bilong Decapolis they ples wea planti Greek and Jew pipol stap. But Jesus no duim planti work long there. Long distaem tu, olsem iumi bae lukim bihaen, wanfela samting hem happen wea mekem hem no stap longfela taem long there.

Taem Jesus askim them for go long narasaed, olketa disaepol tekem hem insaed long boat. But, planti pipol lukim taem they go. So they tu go insaed boat bilong them and go bihaen. Hem no farawe tumas for katkros. Sea Bilong Galilee hem wanfela bigfela lake wea samting olsem 13 mile long and 7 1/2 mile wide.

Jesus hem feel tired. So, taem olketa start for go, hem lay daon bihaen long boat, putim hed bilong hem long pillow, and sleep. Samfela aposol savvy hao for go-go long sea, from they fishing planti taem long Sea Bilong Galilee. So olketa nao steerim boat.

But disfela go-go hem no easy. From wata bilong datfela lake savvy hot, and cold air savvy kam from olketa maunten klosap, diswan savvy mekem olketa strongfela wind kam daon long datfela lake and mekem big wind kamap. Hem nao samting wea happen distaem. Hem raf for gud so olketa wave start for bangim boat and kam insaed nao, and they klosap for sink daon. Nomata olsem, Jesus go ahed for sleep!

Olketa hia wea savvy go-go long sea they trae hard for steerim datfela boat. Hem tru they go-go insaed long big wind olsem bifor. But distaem they hard for duim any samting nao. From olketa fraet nogud they dae, they wekapem Jesus. ‘Masta, waswe, iu no worry? Iumi sink daon nao!’ they singaot. ‘Sevem iumi, bae iumi drown!’

Jesus wekap and komandim wind and sea olsem: “Inaf nao! Stap kwaet!” And strongfela wind hem stop and sea hem kwaet. Then hem askim olketa disaepol bilong hem olsem: ‘Why nao iufela fraet? Waswe, iufela no garem any faith yet?’

Then, different kaen fraet kasem olketa disaepol. ‘Hu nao disfela man?’ they askim each other, ‘from hem tok long wind and wata, and they obeyim hem.’

Jesus showim aot strongfela paoa! Iumi kasem comfort taem iumi savvy King bilong iumi garem paoa ovarem wind, wata, and otherfela samting, and taem Kingdom bilong hem rul ovarem full earth, evri pipol bae stap safe from olketa trabel wea wind, and otherfela samting savvy mekem!

Bihaen big wind hem go daon, Jesus and olketa disaepol bilong hem arrive safe long east saed. Maet bigfela wind hia no spoelem olketa otherfela boat, so they go back safe long hom bilong them. Mark 4:​35–5:1; Matthew 8:​18, 23-27; Luke 8:​22-26.

▪ Wanem nao Decapolis, and hem stap long wea?

▪ Wanem samting nao savvy mekem big wind kamap long Sea Bilong Galilee?

▪ Taem savvy bilong them for go-go long sea no savvy sevem them, wanem nao olketa disaepol duim?