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Moa Teaching Long Mek-seven Day

Moa Teaching Long Mek-seven Day

Chapter 68

Moa Teaching Long Mek-seven Day

LASTFELA day long Festival Bilong Tabernacle, mek-seven day, hem still go ahed. Jesus hem teach long part bilong temple wea they kolem “ples bilong shilling.” Diswan hem stap long area wea they kolem Area Bilong Olketa Woman wea olketa box for putim contribution they stap.

Evri naet long taem bilong festival, olketa mekem spesel laet long disfela area bilong temple. Fofela bigfela lampstand they stap, and each wan garem fofela bigfela dish wea fulap withim oil. Laet wea kam from olketa lamp wea garem 16-fela dish hia hem big for gud, and hem shine strong long datfela area. Samting wea Jesus talem distaem long olketa wea listen maet mekem olketa tingim datwan. “Mi nao laet bilong world,” Jesus say. “Man wea followim mi bae no wakabaot insaed long darkness, but bae kasem laet bilong laef.”

Olketa Farisi tok againstim hem: “Iu witness abaotem iuseleva; witness bilong iu hem no tru.”

Jesus ansa: “Nomata sapos mi witness abaotem miseleva, witness bilong mi hem tru, bikos mi savvy long ples wea mi kam from and ples wea mi bae go. But iufela no savvy long ples wea mi kam from and ples wea mi bae go.” Hem say moa: “Mi man wea witness abaotem miseleva, and Father wea sendem mi hem witness abaotem mi.”

“Wea nao Father bilong iu?” olketa Farisi askim hem.

“Iufela no savvy long mi or Father bilong mi,” Jesus ansa. “Sapos iufela savvy long mi, iufela bae savvy long Father bilong mi tu.” Nomata olketa Farisi want for kasholem Jesus, no anywan touchim hem.

“Mi bae go,” Jesus say moa. “Ples wea mi go iufela kanduit for kasem.”

So olketa Jew start for say: “Waswe, bae hem killim dae hemseleva? Bikos hem say, ‘Ples wea mi go iufela kanduit for kasem.’”

“Iufela from olketa ples long daon,” Jesus hem say. “Mi from olketa ples on top. Iufela from disfela world; mi no from disfela world.” Then hem say moa: “Sapos iufela no believe mi nao hem, iufela bae dae long sin bilong iufela.”

Long hia Jesus hem story abaotem laef bilong hem long heven bifor and way wea hem nao promis Messiah, or Kraest. Nomata olsem, they ask long bighed way: “Hu nao iu?”

From they rejectim hem, Jesus ansa: “Why nao mi story withim iufela?” But hem go ahed for say: “Man wea sendem mi hem tok tru, and olketa samting wea mi herem from hem nao mi talem long world.” Jesus say moa: “Taem iufela liftim ap Son bilong man, then iufela bae savvy mi nao hem, and mi nating duim any samting followim tingting bilong miseleva; but olsem Father hem teachim mi, mi talemaot olketa samting hia. And man wea sendem mi hem stap withim mi; hem no lusim mi, bikos evritaem mi duim olketa samting wea mekem hem hapi.”

Taem Jesus talem olketa samting hia, planti pipol putim faith long hem. So hem say long olketa: “Sapos iufela stap insaed long word bilong mi, iufela nao trufela disaepol bilong mi, iufela bae savvy long truth, and truth bae mekem iufela kamap free.”

“Mifela olketa pikinini bilong Abraham,” olketa wea againstim hem they say, “and no anytaem mifela slave long anywan. Hao nao iu say, ‘Iufela bae kamap free’?”

Nomata olketa Jew stap planti taem under long rul bilong otherfela nation, they no laek for say anywan wea rul ovarem them hem masta bilong them. They no wantim pipol for kolem them olketa slave. But Jesus showim aot they really olketa slave. Long wanem way? “Tru nao, mi talem iufela,” Jesus say, “evriwan wea duim sin hem wanfela slave bilong sin.”

Way wea olketa Jew no want for say they slave bilong sin hem mekem them stap long danger. “Wanfela slave no stap long haos for olawe,” Jesus say. “Son hem stap for olawe.” From wanfela slave hem no fit for kasem samting from laen dadi bilong masta bilong hem, masta savvy sakem hem anytaem. Son wea born long datfela famili or wea they adoptim, hem nomoa stap for “olawe,” wea meanim full laef bilong hem.

“So sapos Son hem mekem iufela kamap free,” Jesus say moa, “iufela bae really free.” So, truth wea mekem pipol kamap free hem truth abaotem Son, Jesus Kraest. Only thru long sakrifaes bilong perfect laef bilong hem olsem man bae pipol savvy kamap free from sin wea bringim dae. John 8:12-36.

▪ Wea nao Jesus teach long mek-seven day? Wanem nao savvy happen long naet long datfela ples, and hao nao diswan join withim teaching bilong Jesus?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus say abaotem ples wea hem kam from, and wanem nao diswan showim aot abaotem hem?

▪ Long wanem way nao olketa Jew they slave, but wanem truth nao bae mekem olketa kamap free?