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Nambawan Man wea Winim Evri Otherfela Man

Nambawan Man wea Winim Evri Otherfela Man

Nambawan Man wea Winim Evri Otherfela Man

WASWE, fitim any man for kasem nem, nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man? Wanem nao mekem wanfela man barava nambawan? Kleva long saed bilong army? strongfela body? mind hem sharp tumas?

Man for raetem history, H. G. Wells hem say way wea wanfela man hem barava nambawan hem from ‘samting wea hem leavim for grow, and way wea hem mekem otherfela pipol strong for ting abaotem niufela samting wea go ahed nomata hem dae finis.’ Wells, nomata hem no wanfela Kristian, say olsem: “Long disfela test, Jesus nomoa kam first.”

Alexander the Great, Charlemange (wea olketa kolem hem “Nambawan” long taem bilong hem), and Napoleon Bonaparte they olketa ruler wea garem bigfela paoa. Thru long bigfela paoa bilong them, they barava affectim pipol wea they bossim. But, Napoleon hem say: “Jesus Kraest hem affectim and komandim olketa wea stap under long Hem nomata Hem no stap withim them long body.”

Thru long nambawan teaching bilong hem and living bilong hem, Jesus hem barava affectim laef bilong pipol for klosap tu thousand year. Olsem wanfela man for raet hem talem stret: “Evri army wea march, and evri navy wea they buildim, and evri parliament wea sidaon, evri king wea rul, sapos iumi putim evriwan tugeta, nating affectim laef bilong man long disfela earth long strongfela way olsem.”

Wanfela Man Bilong History

But, samfela say Jesus hem nating stap laef bifor​—⁠hem samwan wea samfela man long first century story abaot nomoa. For ansarem olketa pipol olsem, man for raetem history, Will Durant hem say: “Sapos fewfela simple man insaed long wanfela genereson mekem story nomoa abaot wanfela man wea garem bigfela paoa and nicefela fasin, haefela mark long fasin and nambawan example for olketa brata for stap tugeta, then datwan hem bae spesel mirakol wea winim olketa mirakol wea they raetem insaed long olketa Gospel.”

Askim iuseleva: Waswe, wanfela man wea nating stap bifor savvy barava affectim history bilong man long nambawan way olsem? Disfela buk The Historians’ History of the World hem say: “Samting wea affectim history from laef bilong [Jesus] hem big tumas, nomata iumi no lukluk long diswan long saed bilong religion, hem winim samting wea any man duim long history. Olketa main sekson long world followim niufela way for markem taem wea start long taem wea hem born.”

Yes, tingim diswan. Olketa kalenda distaem tu they start kam from year wea olketa say Jesus hem born. The World Book Encyclopedia hem say “olketa date bifor datfela year they raetem olsem B.C., or before Christ. Olketa date bihaen long datfela year they raetem olsem A.D., or anno Domini (long year bilong Lord bilong iumi).”

Nomata olsem, pipol wea tok daonem Bible talem hao evri samting wea iumi savvy abaotem Jesus hem stap insaed long Bible nomoa. They say no any otherfela buk bilong datfela taem wea story abaot hem they stap distaem. H. G. Wells tu hem raet: “Olketa man for raetem history long Rome bifor nating raet abaot Jesus; hem no leavim any samting insaed long history bilong taem bilong hem.” But waswe, diswan hem tru?

Nomata olketa man for raetem history story lelebet nomoa abaot Jesus Kraest, but olketa reference olsem stap distaem. Cornelius Tacitus, wanfela man from Rome for raetem history long first century, hem raet: “Disfela nem [Kristian] hem kam from Kraest, wea governor Pontius Pilate givim order for killim hem dae long taem Tiberius hem rul.” Suetonius and Pliny the Younger, samfela man from Rome for raet long datfela taem, olketa tu tok abaot Kraest. And tu, Flavius Josephus, wanfela Jew man for raetem history long first century, raet abaotem James, wea hem say “hem brata bilong Jesus, wea olketa kolem Kraest.”

So, The New Encyclopædia Britannica hem say: “Each story hia prove-im hao bifor, olketa wea againstim Kristian way they nating daotem Jesus hem wanfela man bilong history, wea pipol argue abaotem for firstfela taem but no garem proof long end bilong mek-18 century go kasem mek-20 century.”

Main point hem olsem, evri samting wea iumi savvy abaot Jesus hem samting wea olketa first century follower bilong hem raetem. Olketa samting wea they raetem they stap insaed long olketa Gospel​—olketa buk bilong Bible wea Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John raetem. Wanem nao olketa buk hia say abaotem hu nao Jesus?

Hem Really Hu Nao?

Olketa follower bilong Jesus long first century ting raonem datfela kwestin tu. Taem they lukim hao thru long mirakol Jesus hem tok strong long sea for stap kwaet, they sapraes for gud: “Hem really hu nao?” Long narafela taem, Jesus hem askim olketa aposol bilong hem: “Iufela ting say mi hu nao?”​—Mark 4:41; Matthew 16:15.

Sapos they askim datfela kwestin long iu, hao nao bae iu ansa? Waswe, Jesus hem God? Planti distaem say hem God. But, olketa follower bilong hem nating believim hem God. Ansa wea aposol Peter givim long kwestin bilong Jesus hem: “Iu nao Kraest, Son bilong living God.”​—Matthew 16:16.

Jesus nating say hem nao God, but hem talem hao hem datfela promis Messiah, or Kraest. Hem say tu hao hem “Son bilong God,” hem no God. (John 4:​25, 26; 10:36) But, Bible hem no say Jesus hem semsem olsem any otherfela man. Hem wanfela barava spesel man bikos God workim hem bifor evri otherfela samting. (Colossians 1:15) For staka billion year, bifor God hem workim disfela universe, Jesus hem stap olsem wanfela spirit person long heven and enjoyim way for barava fren gud withim Father bilong hem, Jehovah God, datfela Barava Nambawan Creator.​—Proverbs 8:​22, 27-31.

Then, samting olsem tu thousand year go finis, God tekem laef bilong Son bilong hem and putim insaed long bele bilong wanfela woman, and Jesus hem born olsem wanfela man wea hem son bilong God, born long way wea woman savvy bornim pikinini. (Galatians 4:4) Taem Jesus hem start for grow insaed long bele and taem hem grow ap olsem wanfela boy, hem depend long olketa wea God choosim for kamap dadi and mami bilong hem long earth. Go-go Jesus kamap wanfela full-grown man, and then hem rememberim evribit way wea hem stap withim God long heven bifor.​—John 8:23; 17:⁠5.

Samting wea Mekem Hem Nambawan

From hem barava followim gud Father bilong hem long heven, Jesus hem nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man. Olsem wanfela faithful Son, Jesus hem barava followim Father bilong hem dastawe hem savvy say long olketa follower bilong hem: “Man wea lukim mi hem lukim Father tu.” (John 14:​9, 10) Long olketa different kaen samting wea happen long earth, hem duim samting olsem Father bilong hem, Olmaeti God bae duim. “Mi nating duim any samting followim tingting bilong miseleva,” Jesus hem say, “but olsem Father hem teachim mi, mi talemaot olketa samting hia.” (John 8:28) So taem iumi studyim laef bilong Jesus Kraest, hem olsem iumi kasem kliafela piksa abaotem fasin bilong God.

Dastawe, nomata aposol John hem say “no any man hem lukim God,” hem savvy still raet hao “God hem love.” (John 1:18; 1 John 4:⁠8) John savvy duim diswan bikos hem savvy long love bilong God thru long samting wea hem lukim long Jesus, wea showim aot Father bilong hem long perfect way. Jesus garem fasin for feel sorry and care, kaen, humble, and pipol no fraet for kam long hem. Olketa wea weak and kasem hevi feel gud taem they stap withim hem, and olketa different kaen pipol​—⁠man, woman, pikinini, olketa wea rich, olketa wea poor, olketa wea garem bigfela paoa, olketa wea duim bigfela sin tu. Olketa wea garem badfela heart nomoa no laekem hem.

Tru nao, Jesus no just teachim olketa follower bilong hem for love-im each other, but hem showim them hao for duim. “Olsem mi love-im iufela, iufela mas love-im each other tu.” (John 13:34) Wanfela aposol bilong hem say for savvy long “love bilong Kraest” hem “barava winim savvy.” (Ephesians 3:19) Yes, love wea Kraest showim aot hem barava winim any kaen savvy wea man garem long hed and hem “muvim” otherfela pipol for followim hem. (2 Corinthians 5:14) Dastawe, nambawan example long love bilong Jesus, hem nao samting wea mekem hem nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man. Love bilong hem barava muvim heart bilong planti million pipol long olketa hundred year wea go past and hem affectim laef bilong them long gudfela way.

But, samfela maet say: ‘Lukim olketa badfela samting wea olketa duim long nem bilong Kraest​—⁠olketa Crusade, Inquisition, and olketa war wea staka million wea say they Kristian killim dae each other.’ But tru samting hem, olketa pipol hia giaman nomoa for say they follower bilong Jesus. Olketa teaching and living bilong hem barava judge-im samting wea they duim. Diswan muvim wanfela Hindu man, Mohandas Gandhi, for say: ‘Mi love-im Kraest, but mi hate-im olketa Kristian from they no followim living bilong Kraest.’

Kasem Gudfela Samting Taem Iu Learn Abaotem Hem

Tru tumas, no any other study hem moa important distaem winim datwan abaotem laef and ministry bilong Jesus Kraest. “Barava lukluk long . . . Jesus,” aposol Paul hem say. “Tru nao, tingting gud long [dat] wan.” And God seleva givim disfela komand abaotem Son bilong hem: “Listen long hem.” Diswan nao samting wea disfela buk Nambawan Man Wea Winim Evri Otherfela Man bae helpem iu for duim.​—⁠Hebrews 12:​2, 3; Matthew 17:⁠5.

Disfela buk trae for showim evri samting wea happen long laef bilong Jesus long earth wea insaed long fofela Gospel, withim olketa tok wea hem givim and olketa tok piksa and mirakol bilong hem. Klosap evri samting hem followim order wea they happen. Long end bilong each chapter iu bae lukim olketa scripture from Bible wea chapter hem story abaot. Hem gud sapos iu readim olketa scripture hia and ansarem olketa review kwestin wea stap insaed.

No longtaem go nomoa, wanfela savvyman from University bilong Chicago hem say: “They raetem staka samting abaotem Jesus insaed long twenti year wea go past finis winim wanem they raetem insaed long tu thousand year wea go past.” But important need hem stap for man seleva for lukluk gud long olketa story long Gospel, from olsem The Encyclopædia Britannica hem say: “Planti student distaem busy tumas withim olketa different kaen tingting abaot Jesus and Gospel, and diswan mekem them forgetim way for studyim seleva olketa Gospel, firstfela information hia.”

Bihaen iu barava lukluk gud long olketa story long Gospel withim stretfela tingting, mifela ting bae iu agree hao barava important samting wea happen long history bilong man hem samting wea happen long taem Caesar Augustus bilong Rome hem rul, taem Jesus bilong Nazareth hem born mekem hem savvy givim laef bilong hem for iumi.