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Olketa Disaepol Raoa Taem Dae Bilong Jesus Kam Klosap

Olketa Disaepol Raoa Taem Dae Bilong Jesus Kam Klosap

Chapter 98

Olketa Disaepol Raoa Taem Dae Bilong Jesus Kam Klosap

JESUS and olketa disaepol kam klosap long Jordan River, wea they katkros from distrik bilong Perea for go insaed long Judea. Planti pipol wakabaot withim them for go long Passova bilong 33 C.E., wea bae kamap insaed wan week.

Jesus hem wakabaot go firstaem long olketa disaepol, and they sapraes long way wea hem nating fraet. Tingim fewfela week go past taem Lazarus dae and Jesus hem ready for lusim Perea for go long Judea, Thomas encouragim olketa: “Letem iumi go tu, mekem iumi savvy dae withim hem.” Tingim tu hao bihaen Jesus resurrectim Lazarus, Sanhedrin plan for killim Jesus dae. Dastawe distaem olketa disaepol barava fraet taem they go moa long Judea.

For readyim them for samting wea bae happen, Jesus tekem 12-fela seleva and talem them: “Lukim, iumi go ap long Jerusalem, and olketa bae givim Son bilong man long olketa chief priest and scribe, and they bae judge-im hem for dae and they bae givim hem long olketa man bilong nation, and they bae mek funny long hem and spit long hem and whipim hem and killim hem dae, but threefela day bihaen bae hem laef back.”

Diswan hem mek-three taem insaed long olketa month wea just go past wea Jesus talem olketa disaepol abaotem dae and resurrection bilong hem. And nomata olketa listen long hem, they no meanim. Maet bikos they ting say kingdom bilong Israel bae kamap moa long disfela earth, and they luk forward for enjoyim glory and honor insaed long wanfela kingdom long earth withim Kraest.

Salome, mami bilong aposol James and John, hem wakabaot tu withim sekson wea go long datfela Passova. Jesus hem kolem tufela “Olketa Son Bilong Thunder,” maet bikos long fasin bilong tufela for kros kwiktaem. For lelebet longtaem nao tufela laekem tumas for garem haefela position insaed long Kingdom bilong Kraest, and they talem long mami bilong tufela. So distaem nao mami hem kam long Jesus and tok for tufela, hem nildaon front long hem, and askim hem wanfela samting.

“Wanem nao iu wantim?” Jesus ask.

Hem say: “Talemaot toktok for tufela son bilong mi for sidaon withim iu, wanfela long raet saed bilong iu and wanfela long left saed bilong iu, long kingdom bilong iu.”

From Jesus savvy why nao hem askim diswan, Jesus say long James and John: “Iufela no savvy wanem nao iufela askim. Waswe, iufela savvy drinkim kap wea mi ready for drinkim?”

“Mifela savvy drinkim,” they say. Nomata Jesus just talem them hao hem bae face-im barava no gud persecution and go-go pipol bae killim hem dae, they no savvy datwan nao meanim “kap” wea hem ready for drinkim.

Nomata olsem, Jesus talem them: “Iufela bae drinkim kap bilong mi, but way for sidaon long raet saed and left saed bilong mi hem no samting bilong mi for givim, but hem bilong olketa wea Father readyim ples for olketa.”

Go-go nara tenfela aposol herem samting wea James and John askim, and they feel kros. Maet James and John nao startim raoa wea they garem bifor abaotem hu nao hem nambawan. Samting wea they just askim show aot they no followim evribit kaonsel wea Jesus givim long disfela samting. Sorry tumas, feeling for garem haefela position hem still strong long tufela.

So for deal withim disfela raoa and no gud feeling wea kamaot from datwan, Jesus kolem tugeta 12-fela hia. Long loving way hem kaonselem them olsem: “Iufela savvy hao olketa ruler and bigman bilong olketa nation they bossim otherfela pipol, and olketa bigman garem paoa ovarem them. Diswan hem samting wea iufela mas no duim; but man wea want for kamap big midlwan long iufela mas kamap minister bilong iufela, and man wea want for kam first long iufela mas kamap slave bilong iufela.”

Jesus showim aot example wea olketa mas followim, taem hem say: “Son bilong man hem kam, no for olketa work for hem, but for hem nao work and givim soul bilong hem olsem wanfela ransom for baem back planti pipol.” Jesus hem no work for otherfela pipol nomoa but bae hem dae for olketa man tu! Olketa disaepol needim datfela sem kaen fasin bilong Kraest for want for servim otherfela pipol and for kamap small wan winim way for garem haefela position. Matthew 20:​17-28; Mark 3:17; 9:​33-37; 10:​32-45; Luke 18:​31-34; John 11:⁠16.

▪ Why nao olketa disaepol barava fraet?

▪ Hao nao Jesus readyim olketa disaepol bilong hem for samting wea bae happen?

▪ Wanem nao Salome hem askim long Jesus, and hao nao diswan affectim olketa otherfela aposol?

▪ Hao nao Jesus deal withim datfela problem midlwan long olketa aposol bilong hem?