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Olketa Farisi No Want for Believe

Olketa Farisi No Want for Believe

Chapter 71

Olketa Farisi No Want for Believe

DADI and mami bilong man wea blind bifor they fraet tumas taem olketa Farisi kolem them. They savvy sekson hia decide finis for aotem anywan wea show aot faith long Jesus, from synagogue. Diskaen way for stopem man for kampani withim otherfela pipol hem hard samting, and hem moa tru for poor famili. So dadi and mami hia mas careful.

“Waswe, dis wan nao son bilong iufela wea iufela say hem born withim blind eye?” olketa Farisi ask. “So hao nao distaem hem savvy lukluk?”

“Mifela savvy diswan hem son bilong mifela and hem born withim blind eye,” dadi and mami they say. “But mifela no savvy hao nao hem savvy lukluk, or mifela no savvy hu nao openem eye bilong hem.” Maet son bilong them talem them finis evri samting wea happen, but they careful and say: “Askim hem. Hem big finis. Hem mas toktok for hemseleva.”

Then olketa Farisi kolem moa datfela man. Distaem they trae for mekem hem fraet taem they say they faendem rong wea Jesus duim. “Givim glory long God,” they say. “Mifela savvy disfela man hem wanfela sinner.”

Datfela man wea blind bifor no denyim samting wea they talem, but hem say: “Mi no savvy sapos hem wanfela sinner or no moa. But, wanfela samting wea mi savvy nao, mi blind bifor, but distaem mi savvy lukluk.”

From they trae for faendem rong long samting wea hem talem, olketa Farisi ask moa: “Wanem nao hem duim long iu? Hao nao hem openem eye bilong iu?”

“Mi talem iufela finis,” datfela man say, “but iufela no listen. Why nao iufela want for herem moa?” Then hem mek funny long them taem hem say: “Waswe, iufela laek for kamap olketa disaepol bilong hem tu?”

Disfela ansa mekem olketa Farisi kros for gud. “Iu wanfela disaepol bilong datfela man,” they say long hem, “but mifela olketa disaepol bilong Moses. Mifela savvy God hem toktok long Moses; but disfela man, mifela no savvy wea nao hem kam from.”

Datfela poor man hem sapraes tumas and say: “Diswan mekem mi sapraes, from iufela no savvy ples wea hem kam from, and hem nao openem eye bilong mi.” Wanem nao hem meanim? Hem talem toktok wea evriwan savvy gud long hem: “Iumi savvy God no listen long olketa man wea duim sin, but sapos anywan hem garem fasin for fraet long God and duim will bilong hem, hem listen long datfela man. Start kam from bifor, iumi no herem anywan wea openem eye bilong man wea blind taem hem born.” So, disfela samting hem klia tumas: “Sapos disfela man hem no kam from God, hem kanduit for duim any samting olsem.”

Olketa Farisi no garem ansa for stret and kliafela toktok hia. From they no want for luksavvy long tru samting, they tok spoelem hem: “Iu man for sin olawe start kam from taem iu born, and hao nao iu trae for teachim mifela?” Then they raosem man hia and maet aotem hem from synagogue tu.

Taem Jesus herem diswan, hem faendem datfela man and say: “Waswe, iu showim aot faith long Son bilong man?”

Datfela poor man wea blind bifor hem ask olsem: “Hu nao hem, masta, mekem mi savvy showim aot faith long hem?”

“Man wea story withim iu hem nao dat wan,” Jesus say.

Stret awe datfela man bow daon front long Jesus and say: “Mi showim aot faith long hem, Lord.”

Then Jesus say: “Mi kam long disfela world for judge olsem: mekem olketa wea no savvy lukluk bae lukluk and olketa wea savvy lukluk bae kamap blind.”

Then olketa Farisi wea herem they say olsem: “Waswe, mifela tu blind?” Sapos they willing for say they blind long mind, maet they no kasem blame for againstim Jesus. Olsem Jesus talem them: “Sapos iufela blind, iufela bae no garem sin.” But, they bighed for say they no blind and they no needim any spiritual laet. So Jesus say: “Distaem iufela say, ‘Mifela savvy lukluk.’ So iufela garem sin.” John 9:​19-41.

▪ Why nao dadi and mami bilong poor man wea blind bifor they fraet taem olketa Farisi kolem them, and hao nao they barava careful taem they ansa?

▪ Hao nao olketa Farisi trae for mekem man wea blind bifor for fraet?

▪ Wanem nao stret and kliafela toktok bilong datfela man wea mekem olketa Farisi kros for gud?

▪ Why nao olketa Farisi no garem excuse for way wea they againstim Jesus?