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Olketa Leson Abaot Divorce and for Love-im Pikinini

Olketa Leson Abaot Divorce and for Love-im Pikinini

Chapter 95

Olketa Leson Abaot Divorce and for Love-im Pikinini

JESUS and olketa disaepol bilong hem go-go for Jerusalem for attendim Passova bilong 33 C.E. They katkros long Jordan River and followim road wea go thru long distrik bilong Perea. Fewfela week bifor, Jesus hem stap long Perea, but hem go long Judea bikos fren bilong hem Lazarus hem sik. Taem hem long Perea, Jesus story long olketa Farisi abaotem divorce, and distaem they askim hem moa.

Olketa Farisi tu garem different tingting abaot divorce. Moses say man savvy divorce-im woman from “wanfela no gud samting wea hem duim.” Samfela say diswan hem meanim nomoa way wea woman hem duim dirty fasin. But otherfela say “wanfela no gud samting” savvy meanim olketa barava smallfela rong tu. So, for testim Jesus, olketa Farisi ask: “Waswe, hem stret followim law for wanfela man divorce-im waef bilong hem from any samting nomoa?” Olketa savvy any samting wea Jesus talem bae mekem hem raoa withim olketa Farisi wea garem different tingting abaot diswan.

Jesus hem savvy tumas for ansarem datfela kwestin, hem no talem samting followim tingting bilong man, but hem tok abaotem firstfela purpose bilong marit. “Waswe, iufela no readim,” hem ask, “man wea create-im them firstaem hem mekem them man and woman and hem say, ‘Dastawe wanfela man bae lusim dadi and mami bilong hem and stap withim waef bilong hem, and tufela bae kamap wanfela body’? So, they no tufela, but wanfela body. Dastawe, samting wea God hem joinim tugeta no any man mas divaedem.”

Jesus showim aot firstfela purpose bilong God hem for hasband and waef mas stap tugeta, no for divorce. Sapos olsem, olketa Farisi ansa, “why nao Moses hem say for givim wanfela pepa for raosem and divorce-im waef?”

“From badfela heart bilong iufela, dastawe Moses hem mekem way for iufela for divorce-im waef bilong iufela,” Jesus ansa, “but hem no samting wea start kam bifor.” Yes, taem God startim trufela mark bilong marit long gaden bilong Eden, hem no talem any samting wea letem them for divorce.

Jesus go ahed for talem olketa Farisi: “Mi talem iufela, anywan wea divorce-im waef bilong hem, and maritim narafela woman, hem duim adultery, sapos waef bilong hem no duim fornication [from Greek word, por·neiʹa].” So hem show aot por·neiʹa, wea hem barava no gud dirty fasin, hem only samting wea God acceptim for wanfela divorce.

From they luksavvy marit hem samting wea mas stap for olawe wea wanfela samting nomoa savvy mekem man for divorce, olketa disaepol say: “Sapos diswan nao samting wea happen long man and waef bilong hem, hem moabeta for no marit nao.” Dastawe man wea tingting for marit mas barava tingting strong long way wea marit hem samting for olawe!

Then Jesus story abaotem way for single. Hem say samfela boy they born kam olsem eunuch, they no fit for marit bikos body bilong them no grow fitim. Samfela kamap eunuch bikos pipol spoelem them. And, samfela they daonem feeling for marit and for enjoyim sex mekem they savvy givim themseleva evribit for olketa samting bilong Kingdom long heven. “Letem man wea fit for [stap single] go ahed for duim,” Jesus hem say.

Then olketa pipol start for tekem kam olketa youngfela pikinini bilong them long Jesus. But olketa disaepol tok strong long olketa pikinini hia and trae for talem them for go, maet from they no wantim Jesus for garem moa hevi. But Jesus say: “Letem olketa youngfela pikinini kam long mi; no trae for stopem them, from kingdom bilong God hem bilong olketa wea olsem. Tru nao mi talem iufela, Anywan wea no acceptim kingdom bilong God olsem wanfela small pikinini bae kanduit for go insaed.”

Jesus teachim olketa nambawan samting! For kasem Kingdom bilong God, iumi mas followim humble fasin and willing for learn olsem olketa youngfela pikinini. But example bilong Jesus showim aot tu hao hem important for olketa dadi and mami for spendem taem withim pikinini bilong them. Then Jesus showim aot love bilong hem for olketa small pikinini taem hem holem and blessim them. Matthew 19:​1-15; Deuteronomy 24:1; Luke 16:18; Mark 10:​1-16; Luke 18:​15-17.

▪ Wanem nao olketa different tingting wea olketa Farisi garem abaot divorce, and hao nao they testim Jesus?

▪ Hao nao Jesus deal withim way wea olketa Farisi trae for testim hem, and wanem nao hem say hem only samting wea mekem man for divorce?

▪ Why nao olketa disaepol bilong Jesus say hem moabeta for no marit, and wanem nao Jesus say hem gud?

▪ Way wea Jesus deal withim olketa youngfela pikinini hem teachim iumi wanem samting?