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Olketa Tok Piksa Abaotem Grape Plantation

Olketa Tok Piksa Abaotem Grape Plantation

Chapter 106

Olketa Tok Piksa Abaotem Grape Plantation

JESUS hem long temple. Hem just satem mouth bilong olketa bigman bilong religion wea want for savvy wea nao hem kasem paoa for duim olketa samting. Bifor they talem any samting, Jesus ask: “Wanem nao tingting bilong iufela?” And then hem talem tok piksa for showim they wanem kaen pipol.

“Wanfela man garem tufela pikinini,” Jesus say. “Hem go long first wan and say, ‘Pikinini, iu go work long grape plantation tuday.’ Dis wan hem say, ‘Bae mi go, masta,’ but hem nating go. Then datfela man go long mek-tu pikinini and talem sem samting. Then pikinini hem say, ‘Bae mi no go.’ Bihaen, hem feel sorry and hem go. Hu long tufela nao duim will bilong father bilong hem?” Jesus hem ask.

“Mek-tu pikinini,” they ansa.

Jesus say: “Tru nao mi talem iufela, olketa man for tekem tax and olketa jury bae go firstaem long iufela insaed long kingdom bilong God.” Firstaem, olketa man for tekem tax and jury no want for servim God. But olsem mek-tu pikinini, they repent and servim hem. Long narasaed, olketa bigman bilong religion, olsem first pikinini, say they servim God, but Jesus say: “John [the Baptizer] kam long iufela long way bilong raeteous fasin, but iufela no believim hem. But olketa man for tekem tax and olketa jury believe long hem, and iufela, nomata iufela lukim diswan, iufela nating feel sorry bihaen and believe long hem.”

Then Jesus showim aot olketa bigman bilong religion they fail, no from they no servim God, but they really badfela man. “Wanfela man hem stap, wea ownim haos,” Jesus say, “hem plantim wanfela grape plantation and hem putim fence raonem and hem digim wanfela winepress long hem and buildim wanfela taoa, and hem givim for olketa man for luk aftarem, and hem go long farawe ples. Taem olketa grape tree garem fruit, hem sendem olketa slave bilong hem long olketa man for luk aftarem for harvestim fruit bilong hem. But, olketa man for luk aftarem they tekem olketa slave bilong hem, and wanfela they whipim, narawan they killim dae, and narawan they sutim long stone. Then bihaen, hem sendem aot samfela moa slave, winim firstaem, but they duim sem samting long olketa tu.”

“Olketa slave” nao they olketa profet wea man wea hem “ownim haos,” Jehovah God, sendem go long “olketa man for luk aftarem” “grape plantation” bilong hem. Olketa man for luk aftarem nao olketa bigman wea stand for nation bilong Israel, wea Bible say hem “grape plantation” bilong God.

From “olketa man for luk aftarem” they spoelem and killim dae “olketa slave,” Jesus hem say: “Bihaen moa [man wea ownim grape plantation] hem sendem son bilong hem long them, and say, ‘Bae olketa respectim son bilong mi.’ Taem olketa man for luk aftarem they lukim son, they say long olketa seleva, ‘Dis wan nao son wea bae kasem evri samting; kam, iumi killim hem dae and kasem evri samting bilong hem!’ So olketa tekem hem and torowem hem go aotsaed long grape plantation and killim hem dae.”

Then Jesus askim olketa bigman bilong religion: “Taem man wea ownim grape plantation hem kam, wanem nao bae hem duim long olketa man for luk aftarem?”

“Bikos they badfela,” olketa say, “bae hem finisim them evribit and letem otherfela pipol for luk aftarem datfela grape plantation, wea bae givim hem olketa fruit taem they ready.”

They no savvy but they talem judgment againstim themseleva nao, from they tu olketa Israelite “man for luk aftarem” nation bilong Jehovah, “grape plantation” bilong Israel. Fruit wea Jehovah wantim from them hem for garem faith long Son bilong hem, trufela Messiah. From they fail for garem fruit hia, Jesus warnim them: “Waswe, iufela no readim samting insaed long Bible [long Psalm 118:​22, 23] wea hem say, ‘Stone wea olketa for buildim haos they rejectim, hem nao kamap main stone long corner. Jehovah nao duim diswan, and hem nambawan long eye bilong iumi’? Dastawe mi talem iufela, Hem bae tekem kingdom bilong God from iufela and givim long wanfela nation wea karem fruit bilong hem. And tu, man wea fall daon on top long datfela stone bae hem pisis. And sapos datfela stone fall daon on top long anywan, bae hem smasem hem evribit.”

Olketa scribe and chief priest luksavvy Jesus tok abaotem them, and want for killim hem dae, datfela “son wea bae kasem evri samting.” So God bae aotem privilege for kamap olketa ruler insaed Kingdom bilong hem from them olsem wanfela nation, and wanfela niu nation bilong ‘olketa man for luk aftarem grape plantation’ bae kamap, wanfela wea bae garem gudfela fruit.

Bikos olketa bigman bilong religion fraetem pipol wea ting long Jesus olsem profet, they no trae for killim hem dae distaem. Matthew 21:​28-46; Mark 12:​1-12; Luke 20:​9-19; Isaiah 5:​1-7.

▪ Hu nao tufela pikinini insaed firstfela tok piksa bilong Jesus they piksarem?

▪ Long mek-tu tok piksa, hu nao “man wea ownim haos,” datfela “grape plantation,” “olketa man for luk aftarem,” “olketa slave,” and “son wea bae kasem evri samting” piksarem?

▪ Wanem nao bae happen long ‘olketa man for luk aftarem grape plantation,’ and hu nao bae change-im olketa?