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Pikinini Bilong Promis

Pikinini Bilong Promis

Chapter 6

Pikinini Bilong Promis

JOSEPH and Mary no go back long Nazareth, but threefela stap long Bethlehem. And taem Jesus hem eit-day-old, they circumcise-im hem, olsem Law bilong God for Moses hem komandim. Hem kastom tu for givim nem long pikinini long mek-eit day. So they kolem pikinini bilong them Jesus, olsem angel Gabriel hem talem firstaem.

Winim wanfela month go past, and Jesus hem 40-day-old. Wea nao dadi and mami bilong hem tekem hem? Long temple long Jerusalem, wea hem no farawe tumas from ples wea they stap. Olsem Law bilong God for Moses talem, 40 day bihaen mami hem bornim wanfela baby boy, hem mas go for givim wanfela offering long temple for mekem hemseleva klin.

Datwan nao samting wea Mary duim. Hem bringim tufela smallfela bird olsem offering bilong hem. Diswan showim aot lelebet samting abaotem living bilong Joseph and Mary long saed bilong shilling. Law bilong Moses say they mas offerim wanfela youngfela sheepsheep, wea hem kostim moa shilling winim olketa bird. But sapos mami hem no savvy peim diswan, hem savvy offerim tufela kurukuru.

Insaed long temple wanfela olo man hem karem Jesus. Nem bilong hem Simeon. God talem hem bae hem no dae go kasem taem hem lukim Kraest, or Messiah wea Jehovah promisim. Taem Simeon kam long temple long disfela day, holy spirit leadim hem go long pikinini wea Joseph and Mary karem.

Taem Simeon hem holem Jesus, hem say thankiu long God and say: “Distaem nao, Sovereign Lord, iu letem slave bilong iu go free long peace for fitim samting wea iu talem; bikos eye bilong mi lukim dat wan wea bae sevem pipol wea iu readyim front long olketa pipol, wanfela laet for aotem darkness from olketa nation and wanfela glory for pipol bilong iu Israel.”

Joseph and Mary they sapraes taem they herem diswan. Then Simeon blessim them and talem Mary hao, from son bilong hem kam, “planti pipol long Israel bae fall daon and stand ap moa” and way for sorry, olsem wanfela sharpfela sword, bae sutim soul bilong hem.

Wanfela 84-year-old profet woman hem stap long datfela taem tu, wea nem bilong hem Anna. Hem stap long temple evriday. Long datfela taem tu hem kam klosap long them and start for say thankiu long God and for tok abaotem Jesus long evriwan wea listen.

Evri samting wea happen long temple hia mekem Joseph and Mary hapi for gud! Tru nao, evri samting hia prove-im long them hao disfela pikinini hem barava Promis Wan bilong God. Luke 2:​21-38; Leviticus 12:​1-8.

▪ Long wanem taem nao hem kastom for givim nem long wanfela baby boy long Israel?

▪ Wanem nao wanfela Israelite mami mas duim taem son bilong hem 40 day old? Taem Mary hem followim disfela law, wanem nao show aot abaotem living bilong them long saed bilong shilling?

▪ Hu nao luksavvy long Jesus long datfela taem, and hao nao they showim aot diswan?