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Praod Pipol and Humble Pipol

Praod Pipol and Humble Pipol

Chapter 39

Praod Pipol and Humble Pipol

BIHAEN hem story abaotem olketa gudfela fasin bilong John the Baptizer, Jesus story abaotem olketa praod pipol wea stap raonem hem. “Disfela genereson,” hem say, “hem olsem olketa smallfela pikinini wea sidaon long maket and wea singaot long fren bilong them, ‘Mifela blowim bambu for iufela, but iufela nating dance; mifela krae big, but iufela nating hitim iufela seleva for show aot sorry.’”

Wanem nao Jesus hem meanim? Hem say: “John hem kam and hem no savvy kaikai or drink, but pipol say, ‘Hem garem wanfela demon’; Son bilong man hem kam and hem kaikai and drink, but pipol say, ‘Lukim! Wanfela man for kaikai tumas and drinkim tumas wine, hem fren bilong olketa wea tekem tax and olketa sinner.’”

Pipol hia they no satisfy. Olketa no savvy hapi long any samting. John hem garem simple living olsem wanfela Nazarite wea followim samfela tambu, for fitim disfela toktok bilong angel, “hem mas no drinkim any wine and strongfela drink.” But olketa pipol say hem garem demon. Long nara saed, Jesus hem garem living olsem evri other man wea no followim any tambu, but olketa say hem ova tumas long fasin bilong hem.

Hem hard tumas for mekem pipol hia hapi! They olsem olketa pikinini wea play tugeta, samfela no want for dance taem otherfela pikinini blowim bambu or for showim aot sorry taem olketa fren bilong them krae big. Nomata olsem, Jesus hem say: “Samting wea prove-im wisdom hem raeteous hem olketa work bilong hem.” Yes, proof bilong hem​—⁠olketa work⁠—​showim aot klia hao samting wea olketa talem againstim John and Jesus they giaman.

Then Jesus tok againstim threefela taon bilong Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum, wea hem duim planti strongfela mirakol. Sapos hem duim olketa mirakol hia long taon bilong Tyre and Sidon long Phoenicia, Jesus hem say, they bae repent and wearim kaleko bilong sorry and sidaon long ashes. Jesus hem judge-im Capernaum, ples wea hem stap taem hem duim ministry bilong hem, taem hem say: “Hem bae moa easy for land bilong Sodom long Judgment Day winim iufela.”

Then Jesus praisim Father bilong hem long heven long pablik. Samting wea muvim hem for duim diswan hem bikos God haedem olketa spiritual truth from pipol wea wise and kleva but hem showim aot olketa nambawan samting hia long olketa humble pipol, olketa wea olsem baby.

Then lastfela samting, Jesus givim disfela nambawan invitation: “Kam long mi, iufela evriwan wea work hard tumas and karem bigfela hevi, and mi nao bae strongim iufela. Karem yoke bilong mi and learnim samting from mi, from mi garem kwaet fasin and mi humble long heart, and iufela bae faendem samting for strongim soul bilong iufela. From yoke bilong mi hem kaenfela and load bilong mi hem no hevi.”

Hao nao Jesus strongim pipol? Hem duim diswan taem hem mekem them kamap free from way for slave long olketa kastom wea olketa bigman bilong religion putim long pipol. For example, olketa rul for keepim Sabbath. Hem helpem tu olketa wea kasem bigfela hevi under long gavman and olketa wea feelim hao sin bilong them hem hevi tumas from conscience bilong them killim them. Hem showim aot long olketa hia, hao they savvy kasem way for forgivim sin bilong them and hao they savvy enjoyim gudfela way for fren withim God.

Kaenfela yoke wea Jesus offerim hem way for dedicate evribit long God, for servim Father bilong iumi long heven wea garem fasin for feel sorry and mercy. And load wea no hevi wea Jesus offerim long olketa wea kam long hem, hem nao for obeyim olketa samting wea God talem for kasem laef, wea they olketa komandment bilong Hem insaed long Bible. And for obeyim olketa hia hem no hevi samting. Matthew 11:​16-30; Luke 1:15; 7:​31-35; 1 John 5:3.

▪ Hao nao praod pipol wea stap long taem bilong Jesus they olsem olketa pikinini?

▪ Wanem nao muvim Jesus for praisim Father bilong hem long heven?

▪ Wanem nao olketa samting wea putim bigfela hevi long olketa pipol, and wanem kaen help nao Jesus offerim?