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Readyim Olketa Aposol for Taem Hem Bae Lusim Them

Readyim Olketa Aposol for Taem Hem Bae Lusim Them

Chapter 116

Readyim Olketa Aposol for Taem Hem Bae Lusim Them

MEMORIAL kaikai hem finis nao, but Jesus and olketa aposol still stap yet long datfela room on top. Nomata Jesus klosap for go, hem garem planti samting yet for talem. “No letem heart bilong iufela worry,” hem comfortim them. “Showim aot faith long God.” But hem say moa: “Showim aot faith long mi tu.”

“Insaed long haos bilong Father bilong mi planti ples they stap,” Jesus hem say. “Mi go for readyim wanfela ples for iufela . . . mekem ples wea mi stap iufela tu bae stap. And ples wea mi go iufela savvy hao for kasem.” Olketa aposol no meanim hao Jesus hem tok abaotem way wea hem bae go long heven, so Thomas askim hem: “Lord, mifela no savvy long ples wea iu go long hem. Hao nao bae mifela savvy hao for kasem?”

“Mi nao way and truth and laef,” Jesus hem say. Yes, only sapos man acceptim hem and followim living bilong hem, then hem savvy go insaed long haos bilong Father long heven, bikos Jesus hem say: “No anywan savvy kam long Father but only thru long mi.”

“Lord, showim Father long mifela,” Philip hem ask, “and hem inaf for mifela nao.” Philip wantim Jesus for provide-im wanfela way for olketa lukim God long eye bilong them, olsem long taem bifor wea Moses, Elijah, and Isaiah lukim olketa vision. But, for tok stret, olketa aposol garem samting wea moabeta winim olketa vision hia, olsem Jesus hem say: “Waswe, mi stap withim iufela for longfela taem finis, but iu Philip, iu no savvy long mi yet? Man wea lukim mi hem lukim Father tu.”

Jesus showim aot long perfect way fasin bilong Father bilong hem, so for olketa wea stap withim hem and lukluk long hem, hem olsem they really lukim Father. But, Father hem moa hae winim Son, olsem Jesus hem talem: “Olketa samting wea mi talem long iufela they no samting bilong miseleva.” Jesus hem givim evri praise long Father bilong hem long heven for olketa teaching bilong hem.

Hem barava encouragim olketa aposol for herem Jesus say long olketa: “Man wea showim aot faith long mi, hem bae duim tu olketa work wea mi duim; and hem bae duim olketa work wea moa big”! Jesus no meanim olketa follower bilong hem bae showim aot olketa bigfela paoa winim hem. No moa, but hem meanim they bae duim ministry for longfela taem winim hem, long planti ples moa, and long planti pipol moa.

Jesus bae no lusim olketa disaepol bilong hem bihaen hem go. “Any samting wea iufela askim long nem bilong mi,” hem promis, “mi bae duim.” Then hem say moa: “Mi bae askim Father and hem bae givim narafela helper for stap withim iufela olawe, disfela spirit bilong truth.” Bihaen, taem hem go ap long heven, Jesus pourim aot holy spirit long olketa disaepol bilong hem, datfela helper.

Klosap nao Jesus bae go, from hem say: “Lelebet taem moa and world bae no lukim mi moa.” Jesus bae kamap wanfela spirit wea no any man savvy lukim. But Jesus promisim moa olketa faithful aposol bilong hem: “Iufela bae lukim mi, bikos mi laef and iufela bae laef.” Yes, Jesus bae showim hemseleva olsem man bihaen hem resurrect and tu hem bae resurrectim them for laef withim hem long heven olsem olketa spirit.

Then Jesus talem disfela simple rul: “Man wea herem olketa komandment bilong mi and obeyim them, hem nao man wea love-im mi. And man wea love-im mi, Father bilong mi tu bae love-im hem, and mi bae love-im hem and showim miseleva klia long hem.”

Then aposol Judas, dat wan wea they kolem Thaddaeus tu, hem ask: “Lord, wanem nao happen wea mekem iu want for showim iuseleva klia long mifela and no long world?”

“Sapos anywan love-im mi,” Jesus say, “hem bae obeyim toktok bilong mi, and Father bilong mi bae love-im hem . . . Man wea no love-im mi no obeyim olketa toktok bilong mi.” Long different way from olketa follower bilong hem wea obey, world no want for luksavvy long olketa teaching bilong Kraest. So hem no showim hemseleva long them.

Insaed long ministry bilong hem long earth, Jesus teachim olketa aposol bilong hem planti samting. Hao nao bae they rememberim evri samting hia, from, nomata kam kasem datfela taem, they no meanim planti samting wea hem talem? Jesus promis olsem: “Datfela helper, holy spirit, wea Father bae sendem kam long nem bilong mi, bae teachim iufela evri samting and mekem iufela rememberim evri samting wea mi talem long iufela.”

Jesus comfortim them moa taem hem say: “Mi leavim iufela long peace, mi givim iufela peace. . . . No letem heart bilong iufela worry.” Hem tru Jesus hem ready for go, but hem say: “Sapos iufela love-im mi, iufela bae hapi for mi go long Father, bikos Father hem moa big winim mi.”

Jesus garem lelebet taem nomoa for stap withim them. “Mi no savvy tok moa withim iufela,” hem say, “from ruler bilong disfela world hem kam. And hem no garem any paoa ovarem mi.” Satan, dat wan wea go insaed long Judas and kasholem hem, hem nao ruler bilong world. But Jesus no garem any weak point bilong sin for mekem Satan savvy iusim for mekem hem tan awe from way for servim God.

Olketa Barava Fren Gud Tugeta

Bihaen long memorial kaikai, Jesus go ahed for encouragim olketa aposol bilong hem and barava story gud withim olketa. Maet hem winim midl naet finis. So Jesus say: “Get ap, iumi go from hia.” But, bifor they go, Jesus, from hem barava love-im olketa, hem go ahed for story and talem wanfela tok piksa wea muvim them.

“Mi nao trufela grape tree, and Father bilong mi nao man wea mekem grow,” hem say. Nambawan Man Wea Mekem Grow, Jehovah God, hem plantim disfela tok piksa grape tree taem hem anointim Jesus withim holy spirit taem hem baptaes long 29 C.E. But Jesus go ahed for show aot hao disfela grape tree piksarem moa samting, no just hem nomoa, and say: “Evri branch bilong mi wea no garem fruit hem bae katem aot, and evriwan wea garem fruit hem bae klinim, mekem hem garem moa fruit. . . . Olsem branch hem no savvy garem fruit seleva sapos hem no stap long grape tree, long sem way iufela tu olsem, sapos iufela no garem wan mind withim mi. Mi nao grape tree, iufela nao olketa branch.”

Long Pentecost, 51 day bihaen, olketa aposol and samfela moa they kamap olketa branch bilong grape tree taem holy spirit hem kam on top long olketa. Go-go, 144,000 pipol nao bae kamap olketa branch bilong tok piksa grape tree. They join withim main part bilong grape tree, Jesus Kraest, for kamap tok piksa grape tree wea garem olketa fruit bilong Kingdom bilong God.

Jesus talem key bilong way for garem fruit: “Man wea garem wan mind withim mi, and mi wan mind withim hem, bae hem garem planti fruit; bikos sapos mi no stap iufela no savvy duim any samting.” But, sapos man fail for garem fruit; Jesus hem say, “olketa bae torowem olsem branch wea dae; and olketa man bae hipim ap olketa branch hia and torowem insaed long fire and burnim them.” Long narasaed, Jesus promis olsem: “Sapos iufela garem wan mind withim mi and olketa toktok bilong mi stap insaed long iufela, askim any samting iufela wantim and iufela bae kasem.”

Then, Jesus say moa long olketa aposol: “Father bilong mi hem kasem glory from diswan, hem nao way wea iufela go ahed for garem planti fruit and prove-im iufela olketa disaepol bilong mi.” Fruit wea God wantim from olketa branch hem way wea they showim aot olketa fasin bilong Kraest, main wan nao love. And tu, from Kraest hem talemaot Kingdom bilong God, fruit wea hem wantim tu hem work for mekem disaepol olsem hem duim.

“Stap insaed long love bilong mi,” Jesus encouragim them. Hao nao olketa aposol bilong hem savvy duim olsem? “Sapos iufela obeyim olketa komandment bilong mi,” hem say, “iufela bae stap insaed long love bilong mi.” Jesus hem go ahed for say moa: “Diswan nao hem komandment bilong mi, for iufela mas love-im each other olsem mi love-im iufela. No anywan hem garem love wea winim diswan, wea hem willing for lusim laef bilong hem for olketa fren bilong hem.”

Fewfela hour nomoa stap then Jesus bae showim aot disfela bigfela love taem hem givim laef bilong hem for olketa aposol bilong hem, and for evri otherfela pipol wea showim aot faith long hem. Example bilong hem should muvim olketa follower bilong hem for garem sem kaen love for sakrifaesim olketa seleva for each other. Disfela love hem olsem wanfela mark bilong them, from Jesus talem finis: “From disfela samting evriwan bae savvy iufela nao olketa disaepol bilong mi, sapos iufela garem love midlwan long iufela seleva.”

Jesus showim klia hu nao olketa fren bilong hem taem hem say: “Iufela olketa fren bilong mi sapos iufela duim samting wea mi komandim iufela. Mi no kolem iufela slave moa, from wanfela slave no savvy long samting wea masta bilong hem duim. But mi kolem iufela fren, from evri samting wea mi herem from Father bilong mi, mi talem long iufela.”

Hem barava nambawan way for fren​—⁠for kamap klos fren bilong Jesus! But for go ahed for fren olsem, olketa follower bilong hem mas “go ahed for garem fruit.” Sapos they duim diswan, Jesus hem say, “nomata wanem samting iufela askim long Father insaed long nem bilong mi, hem [bae] givim long iufela.” Tru nao, datwan hem nambawan reward for garem Kingdom fruit! Bihaen hem encouragim moa olketa aposol for “love-im each other,” Jesus say world bae hate-im them. But, hem comfortim them: “Sapos world hate-im iufela, iufela savvy world hem hate-im mi firstaem bifor hem hate-im iufela.” Then Jesus talemaot why nao world hate-im olketa follower bilong hem taem hem say: “From iufela no part bilong disfela world, but mi choosim iufela aot from disfela world, from diswan nao world hem hate-im iufela.”

Then Jesus meanim moa why world hate-im them, taem hem say: “Olketa bae duim evri samting againstim iufela from nem bilong mi, from olketa no savvy long hem [Jehovah God] wea sendem mi kam.” Olketa mirakol bilong Jesus judge-im olketa wea hate-im hem, from hem say: “Sapos mi no duim midlwan long them olketa work wea no anywan moa hem duim, they bae no garem sin; but distaem they lukim and hate-im mi and Father bilong mi tu.” So, olsem Jesus talem, disfela scripture hem fulfill: “They hate-im mi nomata mi no duim any rong.”

Olsem hem duim firstaem, Jesus comfortim them moa taem hem promis for sendem helper, holy spirit, wea hem strongfela active force bilong God. “Datwan bae givim witness abaotem mi; and iufela tu, mas givim witness.”

Samfela Lastfela Kaonsel Moa

Jesus and olketa aposol they ready nao for leavim datfela room on top. Hem go ahed for say: “Mi talem olketa samting hia long iufela mekem iufela no stumble.” Then hem givim disfela warning: “Olketa man bae raosem iufela from synagogue. Tru nao, taem bae kam wea evriwan wea killim iufela dae bae ting say hem duim wanfela holy service long God.”

Olketa aposol they fraet tumas taem hem talem disfela warning. Nomata Jesus talem finis hao world bae hate-im them, hem no talem stret hao olketa bae dae. “Mi no talem iufela [diswan] long firstaem,” Jesus hem say, “bikos mi stap withim iufela.” But, hem gud tumas for readyim olketa distaem withim disfela toktok bifor hem go!

“But distaem,” Jesus go ahed for say, “mi ready for go long man wea sendem mi, but no anywan long iufela askim mi, ‘Wea nao iu go?’” Long datfela sem evening, they askim wea nao hem bae go, but distaem they sek for gud long samting wea hem talem so they no askim any samting moa abaotem diswan. So Jesus hem say: “From mi talem olketa samting hia long iufela, heart bilong iufela fulap withim sorry.” Olketa aposol they sorry no from they savvy they bae kasem no gud persecution and dae but bikos Masta bilong them bae lusim them.

So Jesus hem say: “Hem for helpem iufela nao bae mi go. From sapos mi no go, datfela helper bae no kam long iufela; but sapos mi go, bae mi sendem kam long iufela.” Olsem wanfela man, Jesus savvy stap long wanfela ples nomoa, but taem hem stap long heven, hem savvy sendem helper, holy spirit bilong God, long olketa follower bilong hem nomata wanem ples long earth they stap. So way wea Jesus go bae helpem them.

Jesus say holy spirit bae “showim aot long world kliafela proof abaotem sin and abaotem raeteous fasin and abaotem judgment.” Sin bilong world, way wea hem fail for showim aot faith long Son bilong God, bae show aot klia. And tu, kliafela proof bilong raeteous fasin bilong Jesus bae show aot taem hem go ap long Father bilong hem. And way wea Satan and badfela world bilong hem fail for brekem faithful fasin bilong Jesus hem kliafela proof hao ruler bilong disfela world hem kasem bigfela judgment.

“Mi garem planti samting yet for talem long iufela,” Jesus hem say, “but iufela no fit for herem distaem.” Dastawe Jesus promis hao taem hem pourim aot holy spirit, wea hem active force bilong God, diswan bae leadim them for meanim olketa samting long way wea they fit for meanim.

Olketa aposol barava fail for meanim hao Jesus bae dae and then hem bae showim hemseleva long them bihaen hem resurrect. So they askim each other: “Wanem nao diswan meanim for iumi, ‘Lelebet taem moa iufela bae no lukim mi, and, then, lelebet taem moa iufela bae lukim mi,’ and, ‘bikos mi bae go long Father’?”

Jesus savvy they want for askim kwestin long hem, so hem say: “Tru nao mi talem iufela, Iufela bae krae and singaot, but world bae hapi; iufela bae sorry tumas, but sorry bilong iufela bae kamap hapi.” Long aftanun bilong datfela day, taem olketa killim dae Jesus, olketa bigman bilong religion they hapi, but olketa disaepol they sorry. But, sorry bilong them kamap hapi taem Jesus hem resurrect! And hapi bilong them go ahed taem hem strongim them long Pentecost for kamap olketa witness bilong hem taem hem pourim aot holy spirit bilong God long them!

Jesus markem samting wea bae kasem olketa aposol withim taem wea wanfela woman hem feel soa for bornim pikinini, taem hem say: “Wanfela woman, taem hem bornim pikinini, hem sorry, bikos taem bilong hem kam nao.” But Jesus say woman hia no rememberim hardfela taem wea hem kasem bihaen pikinini hem born, and hem encouragim olketa aposol taem hem say: “Iufela tu, feel sorry distaem; but mi bae lukim iufela moa [taem mi resurrect] and heart bilong iufela bae hapi, and no anywan bae tekem awe hapi bilong iufela.”

Kam kasem disfela taem, olketa aposol nating askim any samting long nem bilong Jesus. But distaem hem say: “Sapos iufela askim Father for any samting, hem bae givim long iufela insaed long nem bilong mi. . . . From Father seleva hem love-im iufela, bikos iufela love-im mi and iufela believe mi kam olsem man wea stand for Father. Mi kam from Father and kam insaed long world. And tu, mi bae lusim world and go long Father.”

Olketa toktok bilong Jesus barava encouragim olketa aposol. “From diswan mifela believe iu kam from God,” they say. “Waswe, iufela believe distaem?” Jesus askim them. “Lukim! Hour hem kam, tru nao, hem kam finis, wea iufela evriwan bae ranawe go long haos bilong iufela seleva and iufela bae leavim mi for stap seleva.” Hem samting wea hard for believim, but hem nao samting wea happen long datfela naet!

“Mi talem olketa samting hia long iufela mekem iufela savvy kasem peace thru long mi.” Then Jesus talem lastfela samting: “Long world iufela kasem trabel, but stand strong! Mi winim world finis.” Jesus hem winim world taem hem faithful for duim will bilong God nomata Satan and world bilong hem duim any kaen samting for brekem faithful fasin bilong Jesus.

Lastfela Prea Long Room On Top

From bigfela love wea hem garem for olketa aposol bilong hem, Jesus hem readyim them from klosap nao hem bae lusim them. So, bihaen hem givim them kaonsel and comfort, hem luk go ap long heven and prea long Father bilong hem: “Givim glory long son bilong iu, mekem son savvy givim glory long iu, olsem iu givim hem paoa ovarem evri man, mekem full namba bilong olketa wea iu givim long hem, they kasem laef olawe from hem.”

Jesus hem story abaotem wanfela nambawan theme​—⁠laef olawe! From hem kasem “paoa ovarem evri man,” Jesus savvy iusim olketa gudfela samting bilong ransom sakrifaes bilong hem for olketa man wea go-go for dae. But, hem givim “laef olawe” long olketa wea Father hem acceptim nomoa. Taem hem go ahed for story abaotem disfela theme bilong laef olawe, Jesus go ahed for prea:

“Diswan nao meanim laef olawe, for olketa mas kasem savvy long iu, only trufela God, and long dat wan wea iu sendem kam, Jesus Kraest.” Tru nao, for kasem laef hem depend long way wea iumi kasem savvy abaotem God and Son bilong hem. But man needim moa samting winim way for savvy nomoa.

Man mas barava savvy gud long tufela, mekem grow way for fren gud withim them. Man mas garem sem kaen feeling and tingting olsem tufela. And winim evri samting, man mas trae for followim olketa nambawan fasin bilong tufela taem hem stap withim otherfela pipol.

Then Jesus prea moa: “Mi mekem iu kasem glory long earth, from mi finisim work wea iu givim long mi for duim.” From hem fulfillim assignment bilong hem kam kasem datfela taem and hem sure hem bae win for duim olketa work long future, hem ask: “Father, givim mi glory wea mi garem taem mi stap withim iu bifor world hem start.” Yes, distaem hem ask for kasem back glory wea hem garem long heven bifor, thru long wanfela resurrection.

Taem hem story abaotem main work bilong hem long earth, Jesus say: “Mi showim aot nem bilong iu long olketa man wea iu givim long mi from disfela world. Olketa bilong iu, and iu givim olketa long mi, and olketa obeyim word bilong iu.” Jesus iusim nem bilong God, Jehovah, insaed long ministry bilong hem and hem showim aot stretfela way for talem datfela nem, but hem duim moa samting winim way for showim aot nem bilong God nomoa long olketa aposol bilong God. Hem mekem grow savvy bilong them and way for ting hae long Jehovah, fasin bilong hem, and olketa purpose bilong hem.

Taem hem givim praise long Jehovah olsem Man Wea Moa Hae, wea hem serve under long hem, Jesus say long humble way: “Olketa toktok wea iu givim long mi, mi givim long them finis, and they herem finis and they barava savvy mi nao kam olsem man wea stand for iu, and they believe iu nao sendem mi kam.”

Taem hem talemaot hao olketa follower bilong hem they different from otherfela pipol, Jesus prea moa: “Mi askim samting, no for world, but for olketa wea iu givim long mi . . . Taem mi stap withim them mi luk aftarem them . . . , and mi keepim them, and no anywan long them hem finis but only son bilong way for finis evribit,” hem nao Judas Iscariot. Long datfela taem, Judas hem go-go for duim no gud samting for givim go Jesus long olketa enemy. So Judas, nomata hem no savvy, hem fulfillim samting wea olketa Scripture talem.

“World hem hate-im olketa,” Jesus go ahed for prea. “Mi askim iu, no for tekem olketa from world, but for luk aftarem olketa from badfela man. Olketa no part bilong world, olsem mi tu no part bilong world.” Olketa follower bilong Jesus they stap insaed long disfela world, disfela world bilong olketa man wea Satan hem rulim, but they different and mas stap different evritaem from world and badfela fasin bilong hem.

“Mekem olketa kamap holy thru long truth,” Jesus hem go ahed for say, “word bilong iu nao truth.” Long hia Jesus kolem olketa Hebrew Scripture, wea hem savvy iusim evritaem insaed long toktok bilong hem, “truth.” But samting wea hem teachim olketa disaepol bilong hem and samting wea they raetem bihaen insaed long olketa Kristian Greek Scripture hem “truth” tu. Disfela truth savvy mekem man kamap holy, change-im laef bilong hem evribit, and mekem hem stap different from world.

Then Jesus prea moa “no for olketa hia nomoa, but for olketa wea putim faith long [hem] long samting wea they talem.” So Jesus prea for olketa wea bae kamap anointed follower bilong hem and olketa otherfela disaepol wea bae hipap insaed long datfela “wanfela sekson.” Wanem nao hem askim for olketa hia?

“Mekem olketa kamap wan, long sem way wea iu, Father, iu garem wan mind withim mi and mi garem wan mind withim iu, . . . mekem olketa kamap wan olsem iumi tufela wan.” Jesus and Father bilong hem they no wanfela person long really way, but they garem sem kaen tingting abaotem evri samting. Jesus prea for olketa follower bilong hem tu for garem disfela sem wan mind mekem “world bae savvy iu nao sendem mi kam and iu love-im them long sem way wea iu love-im mi.”

Jesus hem askim Father bilong hem long heven for olketa wea bae kamap anointed follower bilong hem. Wanem nao hem askim? “Long ples wea mi stap, olketa tu bae stap withim mi, mekem olketa lukim glory bilong mi wea iu givim long mi, bikos iu love-im mi bifor world hem start,” wea meanim, bifor Adam and Eve they bornim pikinini. For longfela taem bifor datwan, God love-im only Son bilong hem, wea kamap Jesus Kraest.

Taem hem finisim prea bilong hem, Jesus say moa: “Mi showim nem bilong iu long olketa and mi bae showim moa, for mekem love wea iu show aot long mi mas stap long olketa.” For olketa aposol, way for learnim nem bilong God hem meanim way wea olketa seleva mas savvy long love bilong God.John 14:​1–17:26; 13:⁠27, 35, 36; 10:16; Luke 22:​3, 4; Exodus 24:10; 1 Kings 19:​9-13; Isaiah 6:​1-5; Galatians 6:16; Psalm 35:19; 69:⁠4; Proverbs 8:​22, 30.

▪ Jesus ready for go wea, and wanem nao ansa Thomas kasem abaotem way for go long there?

▪ From samting wea hem askim, wanem nao Philip laekem Jesus for provide-im?

▪ Why nao man wea lukim Jesus hem lukim Father tu?

▪ Hao nao olketa follower bilong Jesus bae duim olketa work wea moa big winim hem?

▪ Long wanem way nao Satan no garem paoa ovarem Jesus?

▪ Wanem taem nao Jehovah hem plantim tok piksa grape tree? Long wanem taem and hao nao samfela moa they kamap part bilong datfela grape tree?

▪ Go-go, haomas branch nao disfela tok piksa grape tree bae garem?

▪ Wanem kaen fruit nao God wantim olketa branch for garem?

▪ Hao nao iumi savvy kamap olketa fren bilong Jesus?

▪ Why nao world hate-im olketa follower bilong Jesus?

▪ Wanem warning wea Jesus talem hem mekem olketa aposol bilong hem worry?

▪ Why nao olketa aposol no askim hem any moa kwestin abaotem ples wea bae hem go long hem?

▪ Wanem nao olketa aposol barava fail for meanim?

▪ Wanem tok piksa nao Jesus iusim for showim aot hao olketa aposol bae kasem sorry wea bae kamap hapi?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus say olketa aposol bae klosap for duim?

▪ Hao nao Jesus winim world?

▪ Long wanem way nao Jesus hem kasem “paoa ovarem evri man”?

▪ Wanem nao hem meanim for kasem savvy abaotem God and Son bilong hem?

▪ Long wanem way nao Jesus showim aot klia nem bilong God?

▪ Wanem nao “truth,” and hao nao hem mekem wanfela Kristian kamap “holy”?

▪ Hao nao God, Son bilong hem, and evri trufela worshiper they wan?

▪ Wanem taem nao “world hem start”?